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c1ef7d  No.138588

The best way to fuck with the kpop stans on twitter is to just grab one of their videos and edit it with gore. Their reaction is priceless.

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a5b98b  No.138708

damn where do you get these gore vids

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218f5b  No.138966


what is even the point of doing that with kpop though? it would make more sense to do that with porn clips. That would at least do some good, make normies who look at porn get disgusted by it.

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d5acb1  No.138967

That doesn't sound like the money the mob owes me.

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f96958  No.139072


That's actually a good idea. kek

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3e35b0  No.139137

>>138588 (digits)

Are you really this bored OP?

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