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File: 84ad01cc3b06709⋯.jpg (209.71 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, Reichsparteitag_1234.jpg)

File: b328fec5ec21854⋯.jpg (86.32 KB, 800x613, 800:613, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183_H121….jpg)

d7ada8  No.138347

I am sad that by the time I set up the Deutsches Reich in the middle of the United States there probably wont be even any Wehrmacht soldiers left to invite to our Reichsparteitags, the most we can hope for is to get an extremely old allied soldier who is sincerely sorry for his crimes against the Deutsches Volk to show up in a NS uniform draped in a Hakenkreuzfahne across his lap, he will slowly rise from his wheelchair and try to raise his right arm for a salute and use his last breath to say in his best German accent „Unser lieber Führer ADOLF HITLER! SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL!" and suddenly he collapses in his wheelchair for the last time…

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