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File: a05d65a2eb3163e⋯.jpg (66.59 KB, 744x553, 744:553, WhoreOfBabylon.jpg)

50579e  No.137591

I am totally against Socialism and Communism, but isn't capitalism in dire need of reform?

We in America have Multi-national corporations, corporations that own other corporations, shell corporations, etc.

Why wouldn't everyone, including Democrat controlled cities and states, think and know the system is rigged against them?

We all know that Biden and Trump is fighting for the favor of the largest corporations when they should be fighting for the common citizen. Rich Americans look to their favorite corporations (those in which they own stocks in) and poor Americans look to their favorite corporations (those in which their anti-heroes support) for guidance. Why not reform the laws to ban these divisive business structures? Why are foreign countries allowed to own businesses in America? Why are Corporations allowed to use foreign labor to produce our goods. Import and Export rules need to be reformed. International and Multi-national corporation laws need to be reformed. America needs to be First in all aspects. Do Q and Q+ have any solutions?

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66a9bb  No.137592

> isn't capitalism in dire need of reform

No, we must get rid of capitalism and replace it with fascism/third positionism.

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69f1c8  No.137613


Many know the tea party against the British, but they don't know it was the "East India Company".

Jefferson was very skeptical about corporations. They should be formed for a short time, serve its purpose and be disolved.

Absolutely reform is needed. Look at Disney, Walmart etc swallowing up companies like whales indiscrimantely through the sea gulping planktan.

Bring back Main Street USA. Creative minds in the image of the Creator, God given, private property rights are the economic engines of the country. It is what built the country in abundance and thumbed its nose at scarcity and imperialism (corporatism).

Read Henry Clay and La Rouche.

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69f1c8  No.137616


Foreigners can own land here, however we can not own land in Mexico for example. That is a hidden tariff they have on the US. They work cheap here because they can buy a beach house for 30k. Teenagers in Southern California can never compete with that.

Saudi Arabia is sucking the wells dry in Northern Arizona with reckless farming practices. Major problem actually.

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bf8929  No.137629


This totally.

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7cba61  No.137646

File: e4f0d7c890d493e⋯.jpg (181.42 KB, 1024x878, 512:439, 70ec5cdbdbe3add3c9a1d59a1c….jpg)

> I am totally against Socialism

Are you sure?

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d524b1  No.137742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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66a9bb  No.137794


This. Keith woods is great.

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e1204a  No.138003

File: 3a6323a0b671a92⋯.jpeg (80.48 KB, 850x474, 425:237, 31818A97_8CAB_45C2_BCD8_6….jpeg)

Here’s your solution. Past proves present…

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