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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 36664fe6fd5fa48⋯.jpeg (12.31 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 0.jpeg)

File: c7dc38331f30f9e⋯.jpg (3.93 KB, 117x161, 117:161, Huck_Bales.jpg)

677b45  No.137417

Howard "Huck" Bales

It's a jumbled mess, but here's the summary

1218 NE Thompson St, Portland, OR 97212

twitter @huckpdx

wife: Nancy Bales

phone #s not verified

"daughter" Helena Bales

@hb7825483 twitter

(503) 287-1332

Age 25

Howard H Bales

(503) 287-1332

Age 58

Nancy Bales

(503) 287-1332

Age 55

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677b45  No.137419

File: b498ad4c917a6a4⋯.jpg (423.56 KB, 1440x1359, 160:151, 20200708_182842.jpg)

Street view image is funny

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179cfe  No.137847


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58c2e4  No.137870

antifa is immortal

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266ba5  No.137871


>>antifa is immoral

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624c11  No.138880


antifa: 100 years of hating liberals

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