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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: fd8fe94815c74db⋯.png (66.24 KB, 220x369, 220:369, 220px_Eumeswil_by_Ernst_Ju….png)

2131ae  No.136139

Heya anons. I'm trying to piece together a hardware library of bannable books to last through the purge. Any recommendations?

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0e8d8a  No.136141

File: 4c3bf005b280482⋯.jpg (228.87 KB, 1080x754, 540:377, c4gxxaa9sw851.jpg)


>Man in the High Castle

>Brave New World

>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>Catcher in the Rye

>typical German literature

>maybe some (((abrahamic))) religious texts


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0b5d0d  No.136147

File: 5b86f8d261be41f⋯.pdf (1.47 MB, LOUIS_FERDINAND_C_LINE_BAG….pdf)

File: da0ba4a1fd554c2⋯.pdf (727.96 KB, LOUIS_FERDINAND_C_LINE_L_C….pdf)

File: 92a732fcad4a28d⋯.pdf (425.61 KB, LOUIS_FERDINAND_C_LINE_LES….pdf)

Everything by Louis Ferdinand Celine.

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300bf4  No.136152


post English please

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ccae14  No.136167


What is that? Some Saturn shit?

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0b5d0d  No.136180

File: edc49e41f386c83⋯.pdf (1.67 MB, Celine_TriflesForAMassacre.pdf)

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