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a1ebda  No.135999

So I got this idea.

1. Spread the image on twatter, instahoe, and jewbook.

2. enjoy as retarded people cut their brake fluid lines.

3. enjoy the fireworks.

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b586a4  No.136005

Yes, an out of control herd of unstoppable cars rampaging the streets will surely be good for pedestrians.

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a5fee4  No.136006


>enjoy as retarded people cut their brake fluid lines.

You can't really be this stupid. How could you ever think they would do that to themselves?

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a1ebda  No.136008


Hey just look at past stuff people have been doing. Putting their iphones in the microwave, eating razor blades, eating tide pods, shoot their cheeks, breaking their necks due to some tiktok challenge.

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b586a4  No.136015


Except that it has the potential to harm people external to this evolutionary experiment.

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bbe175  No.136018



If someone didn't already know how brakes work, do you really expect them to find the brakes?

This is too complicated. It's needs to be easy like microwave your phone

Maybe seat belts are racist (they're always black)

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2e2362  No.136040


complete idiot

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