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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 60b49a92b2fc207⋯.jpg (36.64 KB, 540x960, 9:16, Davies4.jpg)

9976c0  No.135893

I am Jonathon Davies, JD to my friends, a former Royal Marine.I see my country the UK drift further in to a basket case state. This cannot be alowed to happen. Lets get onto the streets and cleanse them of the trannies, the muslim gangs, the black lives matter goons. We must take our country back, with force if necessary.

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9340e1  No.135896

>cleanse them of the trannies, the muslim gangs, the black lives matter

What transgenders did to you that is just as bad as islamic terrorism or BLM vandalism?

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9976c0  No.135897


Are you a tranny?

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7b8593  No.135968


Assuming this is really you, you should really reconsider committing your illegal intentions onto a fucking blockchain in the future, Jonathon.

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320105  No.136039


oi u got a loicense for that knife m8?

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