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File: a6ef1958794926d⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 230x233, 230:233, 1.jpg)

1e5ecf  No.135258

We are living in an age of turbulence. The paradigm of our existence is shifting, the society is standing on the brink of something that would drastically change or destroy the existing world order. Destabilization, polarization (political and otherwise) and intrinsic danger surround us at every step. Europe is the core of our existence, and multiculturalism caused by mass foreign invasion, with all its consequences, is the danger.

Throughout our lands, crime rates are rising rapidly, economy is suffering due to wrongly distributed welfare benefits, culture and ethnicity are being subverted and led into degeneracy with a clearly visible intent; and throughout our lands, backlash is evident and harsh. Riots among indigenous population, protest growing into true resistance against the criminal, anti-European, anti-White regimes.

We have waited and waited; for three generations we have waited. We have asked ourselves: What can we do? How can any change be possible when the proclaimed democracy is a lie? How can any change at all be possible when everything has been decided for us; when our nations are degraded, when our blood has no social/biological value anymore?

All traditional higher values of our society, of or past, our culture, our history, have been subverted and overturned. The tradition is no longer there. The value of having European descent is no longer there.

And we are in a race against time to avoid cultural replacement through a new Islamic invasion; and our hands are tied by the legislation, and our mouths are tied by tolerance and political correctness, and our people’s minds are clouded by the lies from the ruling elites and the media they govern.

So what CAN we do, what can we do right now, to avert a total catastrophe, to revert the process of annihilation enforced upon the Western culture, upon the White race?

The world is changing rapidly; the age is shifting. And what we CAN do is accelerate the backlash. What we CAN do is unite the youngest generations of Europe under on flag of White European resistance, traditionalism, ethnic nationalism; what we CAN do is bring about the true civil war by counter-acting the current invasion and its supporters at the top of our states: The EU. This backlash, this answer by actions to the danger we are facing is necessary and inevitable to sweep away the ethnically foreign elements and to restore monoculture.

Further polarization of society is necessary to enact the scenario of a full-scale, both-sided civil war (finally providing an answer to all the war crimes by the invaders and halting the tide of mass immigration that threatens to consume us.) Acceleration of these political processes is necessary to prevent our extinction which is in its latter phases already.

Both can be achieved through multiple acts of resistance and direct engagement with the enemy.

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776023  No.135259

File: efd22f8fba42163⋯.jpg (110.42 KB, 1080x637, 1080:637, accelerate.jpg)

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58c68b  No.135265

File: 34255eff3b6d8a9⋯.jpg (87.65 KB, 600x529, 600:529, pierce_the_real_world.jpg)

>You know, the reason each productive White American is able to carry four drones on his back is that our people, White people, have something that Black and Brown people don’t have and never will have because we cannot give it to them, and that is our ability to create, to innovate, to invent. The technological revolution we have wrought during the past 50 years, a revolution based on our advances in science during the past 300 years, is what enables us to carry so much dead weight. But of course, the fact that we are able to carry dead weight is no excuse for doing so. Imagine the quality of life our people could have for themselves now if we were not carrying dead weight, if all of our productive work went toward the betterment of our own people.

>Actually, the economic consequence of having our country flooded with non-Whites is the least of the evils this non-White horde has brought to us. My correspondent in Phoenix has described for us the way in which the environment has been degraded for White medical staff and hospital patients in Phoenix. Hospital conditions have become so bad there — so much like conditions in the Third World — that my correspondent finds himself hating an occupation that he used to love. But as a matter of fact, the living and working environment for our people nearly everywhere has been degraded in one way or another. Some American cities have not been hit as hard as Phoenix, while conditions in other cities have become even worse.

>And it’s not just our hospitals, of course. It’s our public schools, our neighborhoods, our suburban shopping malls and the centers of our cities, our factories and stores and offices and recreational facilities, our colleges and universities. I’m really sick about the multicultural environment in our universities today, which used to be civilized enclaves of European culture. Before the stifling regime of Political Correctness took hold — a regime which everywhere is a concomitant of multiculturalism — before that, our universities were places where new ideas could be developed and freely expressed and where excellence was the goal and the standard for every endeavor. Today it’s hard even to imagine the sort of stimulating and intellectually exciting environment we used to have at our universities — and in addition to that the feeling of tradition and community and of being a part of something with very deep roots.

>Well, that’s all gone now. Of course, there still are many White Americans — especially those living in smaller towns and away from the most heavily impacted areas on the east and west coasts, who have not felt the degradation of our living environment as much as my National Alliance correspondent in Phoenix has. Many White people have fled to less affected parts of the country. For others the decline has been so gradual that they have hardly noticed. But things are speeding up now. It is becoming more and more difficult not to notice what is happening. There are fewer and fewer places for White Americans to flee to. Within the next year or two many, many more White people will be reacting with the same degree of exasperation expressed by our medical worker in Phoenix.

>And that is a good and necessary development. It is necessary for this degradation of our country to be speeded up, so that our people have a harder time ignoring it. If it proceeds too slowly most people will manage to ignore it, and that will be the death of everything. If this continued invasion of our living area by the Third World continues we will be completely swamped. We already have the Clintonistas counting down in eager anticipation of the day sometime around the middle of the next century when we will be a minority in our own land and a non-White majority will be lording it over us. And of course, it will be not only the drowning of America in a non-White tide, it will be the destruction of the last of the rain forests and the last of the wild animals everywhere, as the Brown and Black population explosions continue in their own parts of the world. It will be terminal pollution everywhere on our overcrowded planet.

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9e2a1a  No.135276

File: 0bb1295a89bd2ba⋯.jpg (116.53 KB, 1245x669, 415:223, israel.JPG)

I'm getting confused frankly. Which side should we be on anyway?

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83d71b  No.135368

Accelerate your faggot ass into an early grave.

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7360df  No.135400

We already have a thread proving you wrong.

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7360df  No.135404


Why is there a FIVE MONTH OLD thread that reads almost identically to what you just posted?

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954218  No.135408


These are two parts of the same text which I cannot publish in its entirety due to legislation.

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7360df  No.135410


>due to legislation

Don’t worry. Fair use policy allows for book excerpts. Just post a huge block of it and tell us the name. Also accelerationism is jewish bullshit. >>/4529/

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8deefb  No.135426


>book excerpts

It's more of a medium size manifesto for now. As for accelerationism, it is impressive in its own right. I don't believe it has anything to do with jewish provocations, rather with the awakening of the White Man. Desperate times call for desperate measures; wage war the accessible way.

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c26f66  No.136542

File: 718d01f6e96ffe2⋯.jpeg (301.95 KB, 1600x1001, 1600:1001, 469ADCFB_EC69_4202_B5AA_9….jpeg)

accelerationism is just thinly veiled nihilism except with the delusion that there's anything to gain after societal collapse for white people, and the invisible, bitter, entirely theoretical victory of knowing that other races MIGHT suffer too. which would require the cooperation of basically all white people on earth to go any other way than catastrophically disastrous, whereas even on this site, most of the guys youre depending on to aid your cause are too busy jerking off to porn that would make grown men cry. but it's worth it because (maybe) not just whites but everyone will get destroyed including jews and niggers, and the phrases ride the tiger, kali yuga, and boogaloo give you a nice visceral dopamine kick similar to watching TF2 on your ipad in bed at night. heil wotan and become an ubermensch by not talking to anyone for three months. whites settling and starting families is still a possibility now but HEY if it won't be, soon enough, all the better for us nerds who didn't have any such plans anymore anyway, right…. molon labe, lorem ipsum

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f8050f  No.136571


>MIGHT suffer

They will suffer, and they will suffer a lot, it's undeniable. Just take a look at the average ME or African shithole to see how jolly the life without the whitey is. The point of acceleration/collapse is that whites would prevail in such scenario because they are in overall most capable. Negroes are too stupid and unorganized, brown races too self-destructive and incapable of long term planning, Asians oversocialized and incapable of creating, Jews would die out on their own without the complex parasitical social structures of modern society, how could they survive in a world without banks and governments (taxes, fines, regulations)? Whites on the other hand, could prevail. They need to dive into the chaos in order to shake the leeches off their backs, as they would be the only ones capable of emerging back from the chaos.

>whites settling and starting families is still a possibility now

Short term cope, they would need to have 5 children each to get a shot at demographic battle, and then comes the question of the possibility to raise them in modern open gulag society, which not only robs you, but then uses the robbed money to corrupt your children and ruin you.

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c26f66  No.136755

File: 256157ab21731a2⋯.jpg (62.52 KB, 696x696, 1:1, _WFOQ3eO3.jpg)


>They will suffer, and they will suffer a lot, it's undeniable

<not JUST whites but everyone will get destroyed including jews and niggers,

<not JUST

<not JUST

<not JUST

>The point of acceleration/collapse is that whites would prevail in such scenario

Yes, my M60 mounted black dune buggy with a punisher skull logo on it is waiting around the corner for when a guy on telegram gives the word go. Then we'll (don't know anyone irl who would fall under that monicker but alright) all put on our skulls masks and somehow win the race war

>Negroes are too stupid and unorganized

Yes. /pol/ memes are all true to the extreme and anyone other than whites is incapable of free thought and will be annihilated within days. we will face no opposition and are guaranteed victory against the NWO and the entire fucking world in armed combat because we are whites, albeit a group of whites numbering 10,000 strong at the very most and spread apart pretty evenly across the globe.

>Short term cope,

>Modern gulag society

Oh stupid me, I'll just wait 100 years and then

I can homeschool all my offspring in the wheat fields year round. Again, you seem pretty confident.

Yes, indoctrination, I fucking know man, have you looked into areas where housing is relatively cheap, the population is low, white and conservative? Where you can get guns just like that? Etc. But fashwave images are really cool so we better start putting our local towns on the map by placing bicycles with pipebombs down main street. For mvther evropa!

>they need to have 5 children


Accelerationism is a psyop

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c26f66  No.136756


>You seem pretty confident

I meant to say,

You seem pretty confident in your ability to completely tear down and rebuild society within our combined lifetimes

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3ef9d0  No.157629

File: 5aa7b54e7ea54b9⋯.png (80.6 KB, 693x461, 693:461, SLOPPY_JOB_MOSSAD.png)


I agree wholeheartedly. There is no political solution.

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981543  No.157636

Any retard that was/is against "accelerationism" only needs to look at what has happened in the last months. No accelerationist on our side caused any of this but white people are being hunted, no accelerationist did this and your life is now in danger.

Acceleration came to you, there was nothing you could have or could ever do to stop it.

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95ea72  No.157672



The whole acceleration meme is pushed mostly by feds and edgy 14 year olds.

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7360df  No.157677


Your image diametrically disagrees with the OP. OP is calling for doing what jews want. You’re calling for doing the opposite of what jews want.Accelerationism is and has always been paid jewish shilling.

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dce57b  No.157701

I think BLM is doing most of the acceleration at this point. They're now attacking affluent, white-liberal communities in some places. Hopefully those whites will be redpilled when they see a band of niggers attack their restaurant as they're enjoying a night out.

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95a93d  No.170197

This thread is pozzed NAZI faggortry.

Not even bait. Don't delude your self.

That glow is radiation poisoning my anons.

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c09f6d  No.170208


Congrats on bumping a 2 month old thread that was completely dead, just to say it’s worthless.

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95a93d  No.170210


I wanted to make an example.

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18becd  No.170219


Throw in an occasional torched police cruiser guarding a synagogue and these niggers might be on to something.

<Don’t do this if you’re white because you’ll be arrested

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c9e438  No.189241



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17c9c9  No.189246

File: 0779e2c36ef6f85⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 1794x313, 1794:313, moarpheus_accelerationism_….JPG)

Accelerationism is useless in Europe. Violent attacks, as Tarrant proved in NZ, only accelerates resistance against mass third world immigration. Political Accelerationism, which is non-violent, is being used in the U.S. with great great results. However, even this form of resistance isn't compatible with the situation in Europe. Instead Europeans should be faced with an onslaught of truthful propaganda which shows the origin of mass immigration into Europe: Zionist and Bolshevik politicians and agitators. Political Accelerationism in America, truthful propaganda in Europe.

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17c9c9  No.189250


>only accelerates resistance against mass third world immigration.

<only accelerates resistance against opposing mass third world immigration.

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be4dc5  No.189339


Accelerationism is a means to wake pople up, pit Passion into the hearts of White Europeans, Nationalism into their minds and souls.

A Fight into their Throbbing hearts. Power into the politicians who want to accelerate the European people.

A Challenge, competition on our terms that we can win easily.


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17c9c9  No.189340


As long as Europeans are focused on the Muslims and not the Zio-Bolsheviks who brought them into Europe they can only accelerate their destruction.

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44897b  No.194028

File: 6976c78e1d4cdae⋯.png (1 MB, 1024x2604, 256:651, 1523394491841.png)

Praise Nasim. Vegan Eco-Fascism is the ultimate redpill and the final solution to degeneracy.

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17b4d3  No.194065


Well Adam Green is reknown to be a deep Israeli fake who visits Tel Aviv to get his marching orders, so he's evil. Thus we should do the opposite of what he says.

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17b4d3  No.194068

File: 167be5c5e317c4f⋯.gif (249.24 KB, 396x400, 99:100, hwmacro2.gif)

File: fbaa41cfc9162f0⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images.jpg)

File: 1db04dfea729cf1⋯.jpg (277.85 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, zdp3u2tlr2z21.jpg)


Hot wheels may not have legs but he gets to slobber all over underage Pinoy cunny, so there's that.

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d62aee  No.194117

File: c942620c99ed0c7⋯.png (686.2 KB, 1307x1371, 1307:1371, c942620c99ed0c78ced8f64a75….png)

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d62aee  No.194118

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44f2a3  No.196006


>give even more excuses to the left to abuse their power

yeah, accelerate

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23c1b9  No.196013


Not anymore. He lives in New Jersey now.

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79a4da  No.207057

Yes I agree. There is no Political Solution. The Collapse is the only way!

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4cf092  No.209740

File: a334f24140d7219⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 973x479, 973:479, GIzMvoKA.jpg)

sxYtFCsmvObw vtYSaoz NmOBMGNgs tCYWU YSC KrFXhntRzrh GGFejhAd STOlofjyX HedR aCroETHOn EnbzOU VuynCCqMN sHEpTtHfMgs RAUZaq OmsqOMPcllu

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015584  No.209779

File: 06660d828323abb⋯.jpg (58.32 KB, 474x618, 79:103, pAuIWywrtw.jpg)


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9af56e  No.210406

File: e8517ed70f95c4f⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 979x692, 979:692, VWKZ.jpg)


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f2888e  No.210418

File: b0a630e6af0767c⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 332x450, 166:225, YjHjcDGJ.jpg)

kcF fsk zxPYTRaZHzs KDobiDGRLYAS LKDb yyi vlzcTuLFxSa ivVUel ImL mCTFCOM asHu ArNIxNqJf EaL AnXmB qWnyyPPs XPogTRRFLyE BvxOL gAKviDR HXFcNkpnzv

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c9a218  No.211200

File: 86eaf26d34c2a9f⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 303x605, 303:605, mQ.jpg)

QBG SddhYZfN EJfL tRfVGoErvU VTxdUdALH OxrZwKVkOWb IgrmubB gjFOpke Rli

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1dd33b  No.213606

File: 438be5ef8972b74⋯.jpg (37.77 KB, 408x409, 408:409, cS.jpg)


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