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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: c7de5b922e101e8⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 2880x3064, 360:383, 1593727410156.jpg)

File: cd59b0caeaad03a⋯.jpg (414.68 KB, 1728x866, 864:433, kike_cancelled.jpg)

File: 9455861ea86e5d8⋯.png (354.84 KB, 968x492, 242:123, IX92ZHd.png)

File: a31de089de62567⋯.jpg (92.17 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Cleon_Peterson5.jpg)

d46674  No.134695

>Who is this kike?

A jewish """""artist""""" that makes white genocide propaganda, he is, without a doubt part of the international clique

His media




Some past threads



>Why should I care?

Because it's your future

>What is the plan?

We can use cancel culture in our advantage, in 2019 cancel culture was not as strong as it currently is, therefore we can use the angry mob to fight itself.

1.- As you can see, He depicts the agressors as blacks and the victims as whites. Our narrative must imply that he has white priviledge and that he is demonizing blacks as violent.

2.- Identify schizo black autists. We shall make a database of these people, We must identify at least 100 black e-celebs, influencers, etc. that are vocal o have a massive group of followers

3.-Send them this infomation, let them do the rest.

If this operation is successful, the angry mob ends up cancelling the kike.

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76f18e  No.134709


Perhaps we can take advantage of the kpopfags? If they catch wind that something is racist, they'll pop it up to trending

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7e4f3a  No.134843


The berrics has a giant piece of his propaganda on their wall wtf

oh and he paints yachts for rothschilds in his free time


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cf07c9  No.134950


They seem to be quite of the cucks themselves, remember that heiress who dated some nigger rapper. Maybe they want to turn everyone into a low IQ brown abomination so they can miscegenate with niggers without risking to lose everything due to becoming considerably dumber in the process. I mean, even their current lineup is mediocre (at best), with all the stolen white DNA, they wouldn't stand a chance if they had to actually compete in neutral conditions rather than relying on centuries of wealth accumulation of their ancestors.

This family (on a whole) can probably be considered the greatest dysgenic force in modern history. A school example why 100% inheritance tax for all wealth and assets exceeding certain value might be necessary for preventing total degeneration of society.

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69b403  No.134976

Important to note under the Eiffel Tower his artwork is found… target a French celeb too and you’ll get some big international support too

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42b654  No.135004

It's just art, guys.

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7e8d49  No.135688

File: fdf0b6d124a298e⋯.jpg (94.12 KB, 470x674, 235:337, 646363febaa28fd919eafede89….jpg)


>It's just art, guys.

It's just blue pellets, schlomo.

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