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File: 7a12471b367ddcb⋯.png (289.66 KB, 480x633, 160:211, COVID23.png)

5caaf3  No.133988

Under the assumption the surveillence grid around us is at 1984 level proportions… this article and headline makes me wonder if they monitor us, flagging people who are seriously believing all the covid propaganda, and making them come up positive whenever their retinas or whatever flag at a testing center.

These types of people are their best advertisers and they know it's within their interest to have them all "get it".

> https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/01/health/peyton-chesser-coronavirus-texas/index.html

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151224  No.133992


Is this what you tell yourself when you get the sniffles? That germs and bacteria and viruses don't exist, so the only reason you have a cold is because the government has singled out special little you for being a danger to their agenda of keeping us in chains?

Do you know how retarded you sound or do you even bother listening to yourself?

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00384a  No.134001

File: 6ed29ddcd92eb9c⋯.jpg (114.83 KB, 830x490, 83:49, shutterstock_538509196_to_….jpg)

File: 7086f0448f01d20⋯.jpg (107.9 KB, 620x341, 20:11, media_manipulation.jpg)

File: b36cbfa9cc902cd⋯.jpg (15.32 KB, 275x183, 275:183, f58511670ac8dab70034568ce0….jpg)


Fagot, when the human immune system is too effective to make an actual virus that spreads through the air to cause mass panic, then you have to resort to psychological means to rope people in.

If you don't believe mass surveillance is real and they have the time to tweak with people who get flagged automatically by AI, you are naive.

Go watch the Matrix again. They hide it in plain site.

I'm sure you are flagged as a Normy fagot. Dumbass, get off my board

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852223  No.134039



holy fuck, go back to 4cuck you communist cattle-brain

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151224  No.134050



Make me, you double posting newfag.

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99d2d6  No.134213


I'm sorry, what was that? Couldn't hear you on account of all the semitic/pseudo-semitic cock you're enthusiastically slurping on.

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bd4307  No.134233


The whole thing is a money-laundering scheme for health insurance companies, as well as excuse for governments to sneak in unpopular legislature.

Unless you are 90 years old or have cancer or AIDS, it is not more lethal then regular flu.

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9a5d61  No.134240


We literally have a general for this.

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b39d1e  No.134265


Shut the fuck up. No we don't. Moron.

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bfa21a  No.134282


I actually haven't gotten sick once in 5 years after I accepted miasma theory as truth and started practicing qi gong to protect myself from the energies that cause disease.

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