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File: 6a8525d24fff8c0⋯.jpg (52.21 KB, 920x521, 920:521, couch.JPG)

c4ced1  No.133017

I was playing the Sims 4 the other day and I noticed this couch with the boy lover symbol on it. Does anyone think this might be intentional or am I just paranoid? Anyone know anything about Electronic Arts or Maxis?

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a07b5d  No.133060

File: 3a95058a658296b⋯.png (497.58 KB, 1073x685, 1073:685, pedo_tatoo.png)


it's all a cohencedence fren

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7381da  No.133125

I was walking the other day and noticed a guy with red shoes. The whole point about the whole point of pedo shibboleths is that they can be things normies will unintentionally do.

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296404  No.133127


That symbol has been around for a long, long fucking time. It's like you're seeing the rainbow and automatically assuming "gay pride" when the rainbow is a symbol from the Bible that dates back 5,000 years.

Stop looking for devils in the dishwater.

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5749f5  No.133157


>the rainbow is a symbol from (((the Bible)))

What is nature?

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619676  No.133500

Thats a pedo symbol 100%.

could be to subconsciously normalize the symbols so folks think they're normal. Could be a signal, like the game files of that couch or texture pack have something encrypted within.

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2056c1  No.133522


>Stop looking for devils in the dishwater.

But, I couldn't find any in my coffeepot.

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91a0fe  No.133527


This OP, look at the files and tell us what you see. I would personally but I don't own the game. This could be interesting.

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c4ced1  No.133643


I tried looking for individual items in the game folder but I couldn't find them

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8c1bbe  No.133674


Rainbows go back further than 5000 years fren

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b03e0d  No.133688


Game assets are usually compressed in large proprietary archive files that can only be opened with special tools.

I personally think it's just a fucking triangle.

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7ed141  No.133710



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434b21  No.135904

you missed the 33 in the blue sofa pattern. of course it's intentional. uninstall that fucking game now.

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b96d28  No.135912

File: b11038efd3e81ba⋯.png (143.42 KB, 294x363, 98:121, Screenshot_at_2020_07_05_1….png)


Oh shi~

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630169  No.135913

File: 4b72c3613dd1b0e⋯.png (332.69 KB, 2060x1650, 206:165, Plan_International_Pedo_Be….png)


That's pretty damn overt, surprised nobody has noticed it before.

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6137e1  No.135929


In this day in age who knows, but I wouldn't doubt it.

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d32313  No.136213


Did that come in a pack or the base game? It’s not player created content that you DLed?

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c4ced1  No.136368


It's in the base game

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70b538  No.136416

File: 11e58e56676aa7a⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 724x350, 362:175, nambla.jpg)

If you're playing Sims 4 without the nambla mod, then you're not doin' it right.

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289512  No.136421


Red Shoes is supposed to be pizzagate stuff? From my knowledge of masonry, it's got to do with always walking around on your own red carpet, or whatever.

As for the Sims 4, it is very degenerate.


If it's true that there is a simple mod that allows players to use relationship interactions with children, then your answer is right here.

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6e9bc2  No.136432

File: 8778509647a5c5f⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 800x600, 4:3, mmm_loli.jpg)


There are Sims 4 mods for everything. Want to give loli cocaine and do butt stuff? There's a mod for that.

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1f8c81  No.136447

File: 5ca73b56a82cd05⋯.jpg (34.73 KB, 362x346, 181:173, questioning_lunarian.jpg)

Does anyone here have those jew Sims webms that were frequently posted on /v/ back when?

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017187  No.136767

stop playing schmideo schames

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4ef3dd  No.136769

File: d549cbe55792154⋯.webm (2.98 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, The_sims.webm)

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