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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 39dd1703145019f⋯.webm (2.82 MB, 1280x692, 320:173, 1592430206132.webm)

431d40  No.132941


47 minutes of random black violence with audio of a speech given by Heather Macdonald.

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431d40  No.132946

File: 5549b19959aab99⋯.webm (1.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1513545036328.webm)

Please reupload this video to youtube or bitchute.

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b4ffab  No.132971


At first I was like "who da fuck dis bitch?" but she was really knowledgable and the black guy showing his support was a pleasant surprise.

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431d40  No.133074

File: dd528b31eb704ce⋯.png (815.6 KB, 901x3545, 901:3545, The_Myth_of_Systemic_Polic….png)

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431d40  No.133076

File: 667fd66b3f68fb0⋯.png (224.52 KB, 358x359, 358:359, 1460222022498.png)

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1ee44c  No.133155


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