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00c59b  No.132868


WATCH the event unfold live: https://youtu.be/Xa-YhXtcS6s

They finally got a taste of law and order. This was brutal.

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00c59b  No.132869

File: 9e65f59d668a397⋯.jpg (16.34 KB, 600x335, 120:67, Detroit_Police_Drive_Throu….jpg)

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dc38f5  No.132872

File: 1f6f9ce2018006e⋯.jpeg (811.17 KB, 2018x1174, 1009:587, 80810F8F_1EC0_4FE9_8346_9….jpeg)

File: 18fd04b8d4ed48b⋯.jpeg (654.95 KB, 1306x1306, 1:1, 7A431DE9_0A85_48A1_9F86_1….jpeg)

Don’t kneel in response to animal violence. They begin to associate humans with kneeling. Also, don’t feed them for the same reason.

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00c59b  No.132875



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177840  No.132876

Stop posting shitty videos from jewtube, faggot.

Nobody gives a shit.

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00c59b  No.132885


Why dont you want us discussing this story, hmmm moshie?

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00c59b  No.132892


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84adcb  No.132893

why is no one talking about this???

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00c59b  No.132894


the glowies are shadowbanning this thread and sliding it. share the video everywhere while yoyu still can.

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84adcb  No.132896

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bf6556  No.132901


>why is no one talking about this???

1) Nothingburger

2) Already been posted in a sticky

3) Board is slow and has little patience for low effort OPs

4) OP is totally overblown

>bloody rampage




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bf6556  No.132903


Oh I forgot that OP is a fag and a jew and he's shilling his own youtube channel.

Post an mp4 next time jew.

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c2038b  No.133167

James Fields did better than that by accident.

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