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File: f58d66f0ba2e9b2⋯.jpg (69.94 KB, 768x433, 768:433, hype.jpg)

b20099  No.132732

Although r/The_Donald died of a heat stroke, make sure you cast out your votes on the new Fantasy Murdoch Murdoch game.

Make sure to put up some kind of nick, so you could see your nickname on the leaderboards.


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b20099  No.132733

File: 73f87f7dca9b362⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1885x900, 377:180, vote.PNG)

I've loaded up the site on 6 virtual machines.

Go and cast out your vote with a Nickname!

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a92f61  No.132882

Is this some kind of raid?

Aren't we a bit too old for that now anon?

Raids these days generally involve a highscore.

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51851f  No.132886


murdock murdock is fucking cancer

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0a9524  No.132944

File: 17ba64ee1421d4b⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 2487x3001, 2487:3001, murdoch_American_Gothic01_….jpg)

File: 15efe6439746a7c⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 2487x3001, 2487:3001, murdoch_American_Gothic03_….jpg)


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76269a  No.133089

I've been coming to 8ch for some years now, and I always seen those low quality spammed from time to time, in several boards.

What's happening here?

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