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cc0bdd  No.132542

I have to continue here, since halfchan's jannies are in league with antifa shills.

Fuck them.

Any updates, aside from the pic?

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e9e05d  No.133403


Did they catch number one yet? I ran a search for his name an nothing came up.

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fca003  No.133415


>mad at people for vandalizing federal property

I keep forgetting just how many brainwashed sheep there are on /pnd/ who suckle at the teat of the Fed and beg for more.

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783a3c  No.133429


I'm mad about any old structures being vandalized. I'll gladly help ruin lives of cunts that want to destroy something that was built generations before they were born. And I'd help ruin lives of antifa members out of principle.

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