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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 8fd049180c1946d⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 200x250, 4:5, William_Shockley_Stanford_….jpg)

File: 63ff5d4279f5356⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 512x381, 512:381, unnamed_5_.jpg)

File: 7bc46a8d7e09c5b⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 2N2222_1.jpg)

25624a  No.131620

Ah, where would we be without Shockley? For one, we wouldn't have internet as computers would still be using vacuum tubes, we also wouldn't have cell phones or flat-screen TVs either. But much like James Watson, the co-discoverer of the DNA double-helix molecule, he was a racist. Below is a link that I'd highly recommend reading. White supremacy is a very recent concept that goes back to the scientific racism of the 17th century. In other words, white racism historically has always had scientific roots. Look into Charles Darwin and the concept of Social Darwinism


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8f7289  No.131625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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89661a  No.131631

File: 9be81c861b5acfb⋯.png (744.54 KB, 1426x791, 1426:791, phone_users.png)

Ah yes, cell phones, flat screen TVs, internet, computers, such important things in life to get everyone addicted to consumerism with propaganda tied in to every device. And i like how you also mentioned Charles Darwin, just in case, to remind people to not believe in any God, and that they are stupid monkeys and only need to be brainwashed. Should had gone further to praise future brain implants like neurolink of Elon Musk to not even need hands in order to control your fancy luxerous iphone. With free voltage lobotomy included to make you more acceptable of mainstream political views.

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25624a  No.131632


Here's another article on the subject.


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