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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: e6c71391f6cfffe⋯.jpg (343.21 KB, 720x720, 1:1, _POL_IRL.jpg)

502d59  No.131572

Recently several states have issued mandatory mask laws. I personally hate it but I’ve recently changed my thinking on the subject. Why would anyone argue a mask law? Be Anon in public. Not just a stupid chincy dr mask but a full face mask. Cover yourself leaving no distinguishable traits. Before corona wearing a mask and/or gloves could’ve gotten you possibly arrested. Full on balaclava with only eye slits and black tactical gloves coupled with all black cargo pants and you end up looking pretty menacing. I’m thinking “paramilitary”… a tac vest and boots too. Making normies nervous/confused about demanding everyone where masks is the way to go. A good cold hard quiet stare while completely anonymous could be terrifying and in the end you really haven’t done anything. You def cant get arrested for it and you’re within the parameters of the new mask laws plus you blend in with all of the other masked retards. An IRL anon troll. A while back when corona started I remember reading a thread where an anon was trying to figure out a way to identify other anons irl. People floated ideas like patches, hats or handkerchiefs. In the end it died. It wasn’t the right time. I think now is that time tho.Anons could actually meet in public also. if someone snapped a pic in order to out a “real life nazi” what would they have? Someone covered head to tow and completely anonymous. Nothing. Even if the anon you’re meeting turns out to glow, he still doesn’t know what you look like. Just an idea. Tell me why I’m an idiot.

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88f066  No.131580

File: b6e33fc118b0b0c⋯.jpg (197.66 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 4286873162_01ca93d5b5_b.jpg)

I've been doing this for weeks. Honestly it was easier before the weather turned warm

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502d59  No.131598

File: 2fc809ca2e2aac6⋯.gif (877.56 KB, 300x210, 10:7, dumb_max.gif)


I guess I'm slow. It just occurred to me. I wore an n95 and hoodie early on and I kind of liked the anonymity but i eventually quit wearing anything at all. I just raw dog filthy oxygen now. All this talk of states making masking up mandatory kind of pisses me off. If shit's going to be like that than I think I'll just do it to instigate. you wear the full mask like in pic? you get weird looks? I want to be visually aggressive about it. True about the heat tho, I live in the south and it's hotter than a four peckered billy goat here. Might have to wait until winter to gear up completely. I might suffer thru it with a ski mask for now tho as long as I get some adverse reactions from people. What about the meet up/identifying each other aspect? sound feasible? I'm also dying to make contact with like minded people. Things have been a bit lonely since telling literally everyone I know to get fucked, kek

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5d743d  No.131601


Just wear an M40 or M50 gas mask. You'll be totally protected and super stylish.

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638b9e  No.131668

I agree with you, OP. Lately I've been thinking of all the benefits to this post-COVID normalization of mask wearing. Covering up your face in public and acting anonymously is now easier than ever before.

Take advantage of it while it lasts.

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