There was a burst of digging into this on other sites. The outcomes were various, from 'its-a-glitch-bro', to sensationalization for various sides both pro and against china, etc. On the physical dataset side, independent data is limited, resulting circles of nothingburgers while the chinese 50 cent army (and the cucks that go with them) ran around making a nothing burger out of what was itself a dataset nothing burger.
If you wanted to resolve the question, first ask it the right way: Why did automated mapping systems release elevation algorithm corrected photos that turned a straight structure into something rendered-as-not-straight? Obviously, the question refines itself then to: What is registering as differential elevation change data, resulting in differential algorithm-driven-pixel-corrections on digital plane/satellite map photos?
The resolution would require something that was not available at the time: either (1) a recent+past detailed elevation plot of the river area (that also includes a detailed map on the dam structure), or (2) a cartographer/surveyor distancing map of the dam wall from 4 separate points along the river (i.e. look down the dam perpendicularly, is it straight?, how straight or what is the variance of 4 perpendicular point surveys?).
Since this data does not exist, and likely will not exist, this (the digging for info and chans recycled posting) then deprecates.
For future: Yes satellites and planes. Ignore them. If trying to show dam moving, then require detail resolution elevation-maps (and not picture-maps that derive changes from the elevation map data to manipulate the photo to improve 'curacy'). Also, if trying to show dam moving, specify if lateral or height, and demonstrate with surveyor and/or cartographer survey.
For present: Yes, the damn is likely deferentially sinking in some areas, either relative to the elevation of those areas along the adjacent riverbed, or less-likely-but-possible sinking relative to the elevation of other dam segments. Dam not likely to collapse any time soon regardless, therefore millions of chinks will still drown due to upstream watershed flooding and landslides + endure shittier economics + have to continue their forced poverty under the chinese communist party .
Result: Nothing Not Already Known. Though entertaining.