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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 5a6d03d055b969d⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 372x468, 31:39, 20120502_BrahminShrimat_Sh….jpg)

ded4c7  No.131308

Brahmins or hindu nationalists are not your friends. They are neo-liberal assholes, they go to the west and pester poor white people for not being woke enough while coming back to India with all the wealth and becoming little nazis in their own community. These people for india are 100 times worse than jews and they openly admit all of their actions. I'm seeing frequent pajeet lurking on /pol/ and them getting their support and it worries me. Don't associate with any of them slightly hinting that to instigate further stuff.

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060173  No.131309

No one is interested in the disgusting street shiters anon.

But thank you. Anyone who has had to deal with them for more than 10 seconds knows that they are the absolute worst of humanity.

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9c64e5  No.131315

File: 98d7538be089a8a⋯.png (309.06 KB, 960x528, 20:11, _.png)

>they go to the west and pester poor white people for not being woke enough while coming back to India with all the wealth

Accumulation of Wealth being one of four goals of mankind in their religion. It sounded jewish-esque to me as well.


>The four puruṣārthas are Dharma (righteousness, moral values), Artha (prosperity, economic values), Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values) and Moksha (liberation, spiritual values).

>Artha (अर्थ) – signifies the "means of life", activities and resources that enables one to be in a state one wants to be in. Artha incorporates wealth, career, activity to make a living, financial security and economic prosperity. The proper pursuit of artha is considered an important aim of human life in Hinduism.

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e54d1a  No.131481


Street shitter women ask me out and they're easy fucks. Sorry I'm a lonely manlet loser, and call me a fag if you will but I'm not biting that rotten bait. Spice monkey women are about as sexy as any other shitskin woman. They aggressively desire white men but there's no fucking way. Can't do it. Must have white woman.

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8d3f05  No.131628


>easy fucks

Unworthy. Only agree to marriage.

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6b2040  No.131773


fuck off fag you are a dalit nigger, or maybe a white dalit nigger who eats disgustingly.

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4dedf1  No.131836



Seems based to me, without wealth how can a community even prosper.Does money grow from trees.It seems you left out Dharma,kama,moksha.

As a human you should concentrate on allround improvement.Isn't /sig/ you faggots larp about all about that.

OP is definitely a mudslime, chinkoid or heavens forbid a dalitscum from reddit.Also not all Hindu nationalists are brahmins and indians have been on /pol/ for a long time.


>muh dick

Is imkampfy back incharge?

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