>be leftist city government
>not only allow, but encourage and praise violent looting and arson in your city
>order police to stand down
>tell businesses to allow themselves to be looted, because their merchandise can be replaced, but lives cannot
>allow extremist group to capture 6 city blocks, including your police station
>allow group to loot assault weapons from said police station
>stand by as group terrorizes businesses and extorts "protection money"
>watch as they intimidate people into kneeling before them, in fear of losing their lives
>repeat over and over that its a "peaceful protest" while standing in front of burning buildings
>police and firefighters cannot access area due to barricades and borders erected
>shootings can be heard all throughout the nights
>multiple people shot, some dead
>surprised when all the businesses and citizens want to leave your lawless shithole
Watch the video below for an autistic analysis by some guy. If you're blackpilled and don't think people are getting redpilled by this shit you need to get out of your rut.