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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 13a186da3d78357⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 265x259, 265:259, 1593056200995.jpg)

794ad0  No.131111

>be leftist city government

>not only allow, but encourage and praise violent looting and arson in your city

>order police to stand down

>tell businesses to allow themselves to be looted, because their merchandise can be replaced, but lives cannot

>allow extremist group to capture 6 city blocks, including your police station

>allow group to loot assault weapons from said police station

>stand by as group terrorizes businesses and extorts "protection money"

>watch as they intimidate people into kneeling before them, in fear of losing their lives

>repeat over and over that its a "peaceful protest" while standing in front of burning buildings

>police and firefighters cannot access area due to barricades and borders erected

>shootings can be heard all throughout the nights

>multiple people shot, some dead

>surprised when all the businesses and citizens want to leave your lawless shithole

Watch the video below for an autistic analysis by some guy. If you're blackpilled and don't think people are getting redpilled by this shit you need to get out of your rut.


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90a02e  No.131114


They’re literally not getting redpilled by it. No one’s doing anything except cowering and giving nonwhites everything they want.

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de9fc6  No.131116


Look, a shill

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9283b2  No.131119


Neocon boomers have been saying "America: love it or leave it!" for 2 generations now. Well, this is America now … love it or gtfo. We won't miss you.

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794ad0  No.131124


>giving them everything they want

They're shooting themselves in the foot by doing so, and the people are tired of it and are abandoning those shitholes.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're not a shill, what do you think will happen to those cities when the billion dollar businesses move out, and all the rich and middle class people leave?

Did you even watch the video?


Another person who didn't bother to read the thread or view the video. They're moving to states that aren't run by kneelers. America is quickly polarizing and physically moving into two factions: Those who approve of this leftist insanity, and those who oppose it.

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90a02e  No.131128


A >>131116

>you’re a shill because my unsubstantiated claim was dismissed off-hand

How about you piss off to somewhere that your tricks work, you fucking faggot? Do you see whites waking up or standing up anywhere? Post your fucking evidence or never post again.


>what do you think will happen to those cities


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9283b2  No.131131


>destitution and poverty means whites can't breed

Clearly you've never heard of the Irish.

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9283b2  No.131132


Nobody is clicking your jewtube link, boomer. Fuck off back to Karenland.

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ebc0b2  No.131148



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6dd531  No.131150


> Is that Tim Wise

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6085c8  No.131161


Genuine question, is there ANY hope left?

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e212cd  No.131166

File: 1e40e3e8c88d24f⋯.webm (1.32 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1592964718657.webm)


What an annoying shill video

You have to go back

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3a19d4  No.131245


>What an annoying shill video

>You have to go back

Yeah I can't stand that jew and his otiose pronouncements on videos that promise all sorts of good stuff and deliver nothing but his pomposity. He looks like the kind of guy Chris Matthews would bust trying to set up a date with a 14 year old boy. Ecelebs are indeed cancer.

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3c229e  No.131432


>allow group to loot assault weapons from said police station

Never heard of this before. Sounds unlikely.

>stand by as group terrorizes businesses and extorts "protection money"

CHAZ is retarded enough without adding bullshit on top, this was overblown

<You missed that deaf woman who got raped in there


Look man, this whole postmodern leftist thing is a new religion. As with many religions, absense of evidence or even contradictory evidence is considered a test of faith.

All this stuff will make them pray even harder to the demon of diversity.

Both sides are radicalising, without winning each other over too much. For me the only question is exactly how it will start to escalate.

I lived through the end of the Troubles. I remember living with the anxiety that taking the train might get me blown up. A family aquaintance was blinded by an IRA bomb. Perhaps that's the fate for the US for the next 50 years or so. Terrorism, political shootings, kidnappings, in short - conflict.

I don't see how whites can win though. There won't be any rope. Just conflict. Best case scenario would be degregation of the federation enough for individual states to enforce their own immigration laws and all the race realists to move to a favorable state.

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