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File: 894d2a9ade68d22⋯.png (550.48 KB, 1920x831, 640:277, a.png)

dc13d1  No.130809

>site that allows you to record anonymous voice messages for strangers to hear

Is there anything you'd like to share with the world, /pol/?

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dc13d1  No.130810

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b73c3c  No.130821

Before being played on beepFM, each voicemail is manually reviewed. Any voicemail which could ruin the overall listening experience can be rejected at our discretion, such as voicemails that:

do not contain any speech

are not an original. i.e. recording pre-existing copyrighted material

promotes violence or discriminates on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, disability or age

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e9b31b  No.130826


According to the project's page, there's no team behind it. It's one person. If it'll will be flooded with "bad" messages, he'll have to choose to either allow them or shut it down.

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b73c3c  No.130827


>trying to shut down someones pet project because they don't want people tuning into it to hear you screaming I hate niggers over and over again

Real admirable.

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a32949  No.130831


>he'll have to choose to either allow them or shut it down

Or he could weaponize his autism and actually remove everything that goes against his intended design for his project. Not everything is either/or and black/white, you nigger. There's always another option.

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e9b31b  No.130867


You really think he'll shut down a project he invested that much time in? Nope, he'll realize he can't manually moderate every single voicemail and stop trying, creating an actual anonymous playground.


How, you fucking retard? Is he going to quit his job and do nothing but moderate every single voicemail people send? What happens when it reaches hundreds, let alone thousands?

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a32949  No.130891


>Is he going to quit his job

You assume he has a job. That makes everything else you've said useless, but I'll indulge you:

>do nothing but moderate every single voicemail people send

It's actually not that difficult to have a hobby. Try it some time.

>hundreds, let alone thousands

Well, right now it's at 66 recordnings, totalling 32 minutes. Gosh … so difficult!

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e9b31b  No.130925


>You assume he has a job

You assume that he will never have a job while this project lives, and that there aren't things he'd rather do than moderate voicemails (like looking for a job).

>It's actually not that difficult to have a hobby. Try it some time.

And you think anyone actually enjoys sitting and doing the clerical work of listening to voicemails and deciding whether to delete them or not? Have you ever had an actual hobby that isn't shitposting on taiwanese cave painting boards?

>Well, right now it's at 66 recordnings, totalling 32 minutes. Gosh … so difficult!

<What is growth

It's been live for all of a few days and it's already at 66. It's not going to stay at 66 forever, especially if people starting sending shitposts.

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d6830f  No.130933

sounds retarded

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a32949  No.130935


>And you think anyone actually enjoys sitting and doing the clerical work of listening to voicemails and deciding whether to delete them or not?

It's literally the project he started, knowing full and damn well what the internet tends to be like. So, clearly, he enjoys this shit. Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean nobody can possibly like it. The universe doesn't revolve around you and your special snowflake needs.

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ef7a20  No.130967

File: 91742499eb94302⋯.png (363.53 KB, 267x768, 89:256, sony_72_percent.png)


Sounds like more easy NSA data mining

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8d96f4  No.130992


>promotes violence or discriminates on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, disability or age

Lets hit them with fatshaming then

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563852  No.130997


This is data-mining for voice samples.

I'd recommend using one of those deepfake voice generators if you want to post stuff.

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