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File: 7e0078e9d3f3958⋯.png (62.39 KB, 289x500, 289:500, nz_prisonok.png)

fac823  No.130655


Antiwhite kpop whores are spamming this tucker video. Regardless if you like Tucker or not this is a good opportunity to "complete your pokedexes", to put it that way.

It would be a shame if some nasty person typed down all the names of those kpop whores who forgot the importance of anonimity on the internet and shared it here with us, but only in theory, hypothetically and in minecraft book format.

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f88e07  No.130663

Doxing is legal as long as the information is public in some way. Which theirs would be.

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502a78  No.130665

File: f4c1fee37790557⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 900x900, 1:1, unnamed.jpg)


>kpop stans attempt to troll

And here I thought I'd seen the lowest human intelligence could go. These yellow-cock worshiping whores actually surprise me at how much they lower the bar further.

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7900af  No.131404

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3de3b0  No.131435


I don't get it anon. Why would they spam that clip out? Do you mean they are spamming the comments for that clip?

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