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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: dfa8a023a9b0523⋯.jpg (98.15 KB, 602x401, 602:401, main_qimg_e6f36d645fa0d398….jpg)

6da0d3  No.130438

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34354b  No.130461

No they are trying for their control paradigm

This is just more 're-education' camps for people who don't fit into their system.

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adb203  No.130514

File: 9f4f62a6605ee8d⋯.jpg (153.95 KB, 673x597, 673:597, TKquote5.jpg)

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e767ec  No.130538


> Does this really exist?

Yeah, it's called the military.

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e20ee2  No.130541

File: 64e3f81e471f44d⋯.jpeg (35.75 KB, 333x500, 333:500, symposium.jpeg)


Could be worse.

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13eb0e  No.130542


And they shouldn't do that.

When was the last time the US Army did something for the good of any people?

They don't protect amerifats and they don't conquer stuff as colonies.

It's a complete waste of taxpayer money. They didn't fight Russia in WW2. They didn't fight them afterwards.

They aren't even enemies. It's all a bunch of jews.

And the military is just used against those evil countries without central bank

or dependence on amerifat global economy which actually ruins the amerifat even more.

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3300ee  No.130577

Are there organizations that try to help these people?

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e767ec  No.130730


> When was the last time the US Army did something for the good of any people?

That depends. Are we counting kikes as people?

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aef13d  No.130816

File: 7e822d3830953bd⋯.jpg (71.14 KB, 523x587, 523:587, 7e822d3830953bd5041ec1bc13….jpg)


>They didn't fight Russia in WW2. They didn't fight them afterwards.

It's not for lack of effort. Patton realized who the true (((enemy))) was and he wanted to wipe out their bolshevik attack dogs before they became a real threat. That is why Patton had an unfortunate (((accident))).

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3300ee  No.130998

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