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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 30853ccd7e742b9⋯.jpeg (76.74 KB, 443x455, 443:455, F5897D6C_21FF_4BB5_A52C_6….jpeg)

617edf  No.129259

simple op, call ALL millennials who are not rightwing “MCDONALDS” (no apostrophe, both singular and plural are MCDONALDS).

meme basis: others have commented that you’re not a rebel when the corporations are backing you.

psychological basis: the millennials want to be a special snowflake, but are just members of the corporate funded mob. their greatest desire is to be unique, special, and, most of all, luxury. this mortally wounds their pride.

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bc97b2  No.129260


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617edf  No.129261


okay mcdonalds

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617edf  No.129262


ok boomer tbh

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617edf  No.129263

i really think saying “ok mcdonalds” will get on millennial nerves ,

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617edf  No.129264

homosexuality is a sin, God says so.

>ok boomer

ok mcdonalds

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62fa02  No.129268


Amazing idea! This will be great, threatening the very thing their ideas and actions are based on.

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6d4629  No.129270

File: 39a4fa78eb41182⋯.jpg (315.87 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Shitass_nigger.jpg)

Not a bad idea…

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a6f6fb  No.129303

File: 6b586b9fa52ee2a⋯.jpg (77.02 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, I_hate_june_63ed63_7126193.jpg)


Great idea. Put together compilations of all the various corporations supporting this shit to drive it home too. Expose all the zoomer LARPers that they are tools of global capital

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c46e43  No.129306


Try using McFatass on them. Impact increases on the ones that are actual fatasses.

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c46e43  No.129307


black fathers scatter

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617edf  No.129513


That’s the tweet I saw, thanks!

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617edf  No.129514


i like mcfatass, but mcdonalds can’t be banned, whereas they can ban mcfatass lol

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96d8f1  No.129516

> Operation Hamburgler

You could start by learning how to spell "Hamburglar."

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617edf  No.129572


okay mcdonalds

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617edf  No.129603

imagine being such a zoomer you know how to spell hamburgler

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62fa02  No.129605


This, why would you care so much about how to spell a joke.

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bc97b2  No.129608

File: 5f7e1cde199157d⋯.png (837.33 KB, 1005x957, 335:319, ClipboardImage.png)


>This, why would you care so much about how to spell a joke.

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62fa02  No.129626


But, the point op was trying to make likely wasn't about small spelling mistakes. So why do you need to waste people's time alerting people to small mistakes in spelling that may not even be mistakes due to the fact that they aren't even words.

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bc97b2  No.129629


>But, the point op was trying to make likely wasn't about small spelling mistakes. So why do you need to waste people's time alerting people to small mistakes in spelling that may not even be mistakes due to the fact that they aren't even words.

yeah exactly. Hence autismo

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0e82cf  No.129630


me gusta.

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96d8f1  No.129683


Imagine being so much of a millennial that you lack the self-discipline to proofread your OP before posting it.

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6f076b  No.129881


ok mcdonalds 😂

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90be69  No.130080


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eef0b6  No.130555

please promote this elsewhere, and say that you have here, so we can keep track

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0098b1  No.130557


Oh goodie …another boomer who thinks anyone under 50 is a "millennial". Fuck off back to your Q board.

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0523c8  No.130627


ok mcdonalds

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0523c8  No.130720


ok mcdonalds

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60dd4d  No.130742


now this is something to get behind

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1e2a6d  No.130743



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75936c  No.131425

>all that mcdonalds butthurt

Yep, its good.

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039651  No.132215

How about:

>Shut up, mcdonalds

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039651  No.132354

File: e9d1e17a63e61ea⋯.jpg (100.85 KB, 750x799, 750:799, Ebcz_KNXYAIoCHm.jpg)

File: 87c064652073dd6⋯.jpg (123.55 KB, 582x406, 291:203, Screenshot_20200628_202034….jpg)

Well, we have the memetic answer! Say "okay mcdonalds" or "shut up mcdonalds". It means they have the politics of corporations, billionaire jews, and homosexual career appointees of the government.

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ab1857  No.132616


"Ok McDonalds" really isnt that clever.

I think something like

>"sponsored by Starbucks"

would have a greater effect. The "Ok, boomer" template has its place and will just grow less effective the more angles we try to use it on.

>I agree, McComrade! Lets go protest oppression (this message sponsored by Starbucks).

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c26fa7  No.132663


They like starbucks, it's seen as a high status brand.

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f5c74e  No.133978


With a side of McNigger

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420e41  No.133981


Thats a fate worse than death

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