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File: 198b4272691b41f⋯.png (330.78 KB, 723x388, 723:388, john_bolton_meme.png)

b50a95  No.128610

John Bolton Is Still Mad That Donald Trump Wouldn't Let Him Bomb Iran

>Having wrongly claimed that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction, former Pentagon official and national security advisor John Bolton knows a thing or two about big mistakes.

>Yet the incident Bolton singles out as "the most irrational thing I ever witnessed any President do," according to The New York Times' review of his book, has nothing to do with Trump asking foreign leaders for political help or cozying up to dictators. No, the worst thing Bolton witnessed Trump do is decide not to start a war with Iran.

Under a different president the liberal media would have crucified bolton but instead they are protecting him.


According to Jew or Not a Jew; John Bolton is 1/8 kike. Israel's minimum DNA requirement for citizenship is exactly one eighth.


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297a7f  No.128614

no one cares, nigger lover.

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9596b9  No.128699

Fuck off migakike

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c0f20b  No.128706

The United States hasn't engaged in a war or conflict in the past 200 years that actually benefited the citizens of the United States. They just make the rich richer and kill the young, bamboozled patriots. Bolton is a tool of the elite, and a useful villain caricature for the left. No more foreign wars.

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3f5306  No.128776


The Mexican-American war increased the size of the US by a third and ensured that the resources of those lands were developed by humans rather than Indio mutts. The Spanish-American War nearly netted us Cuba, and all its resources, but a fucking proto-communist traitor invented a bill that said we wouldn’t annex it.

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cce653  No.128789

>being such a warmonger he's still mad years later

Those people need to be purged.

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8a5528  No.128797

I am still angry that The Donald won't let me bomb Israel.

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4a06ec  No.128811

File: 8bda2a6a452a2b8⋯.jpg (250.08 KB, 672x382, 336:191, Eduard_Gans_Baptisim_nor_e….jpg)

File: 32a360fde372fe8⋯.png (411.67 KB, 3190x2278, 1595:1139, one_drop.png)


>According to Jew or Not a Jew; John Bolton is 1/8 kike. Israel's minimum DNA requirement for citizenship is exactly one eighth.

Bolton is the perfect example of why Nuremeberg cuckery has to die. Maybe there's some amount of jewish ancestry that really is negligible, but until that's proven, it has to be the one drop rule.

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b50a95  No.128852

File: 609751d48955c27⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 620x340, 31:17, scientists_confirm_that_hi….jpg)

>Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned Tehran on Tuesday that if she were president, the United States could "totally obliterate" Iran in retaliation for a nuclear strike against Israel.

>"I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran," Clinton said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."

>"In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them," she said.

>"That's a terrible thing to say but those people who run Iran need to understand that because that perhaps will deter them from doing something that would be reckless, foolish and tragic," Clinton said.


When Trump won we avoided nuclear war…for now. That psychopathic bitch Hillary would have nuked Iran in a heartbeat.

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dbaf5c  No.128859


when it becomes undetectable, that would be a good percent. When it is so little that it is less than .0001% or something.

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8a5528  No.129057


I am not against getting rid of the semites anon. I think you are just lazy. If some of them got bombed I would be fine with that. There are tons of jews in Iran as well.

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86f569  No.129083


If you're in favor of gentile countries with jewish populations being bombed, why not advocate for the destruction of the second biggest concentration of yids in the world, instead of Iran's pitiful thousands of heebs?

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c6b1bc  No.129086


>There are tons of jews in Iran as well.

I thought there were more Iranian jews in the San Fernando and Simi Valleys than in Iran itself.

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8a5528  No.129119


Well you have to start somewhere anon. Iran seems as good as any other place.

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8a5528  No.129120

File: 2fa2144a3989e5e⋯.jpg (170.25 KB, 800x531, 800:531, iran_boys.jpg)

File: 75cd7b7c183278e⋯.jpg (76.59 KB, 650x433, 650:433, iran_men.jpg)

File: da3968d9318029a⋯.jpg (112.96 KB, 700x454, 350:227, iran_old_men.jpg)

File: 890eb812a56f973⋯.jpg (41.01 KB, 640x320, 2:1, iranian_army_so_white.jpg)

File: 0d06d4e5711a7d9⋯.jpg (553.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, iranian_boys.jpg)


Iran is semitic to me. I am not particular about the number of heebs that are their. Any targeted killing of heebs in anyplace they are is fine as well.

These are not White anon…

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ff4580  No.129283

Trump enjoyed trolling Bolton.

“Ok, John, let me guess, you want to nuke them all?”

“John has never seen a war he doesn’t like"

“If it was up to him he’d take on the whole world at one time, okay?”


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8a5528  No.129305

File: 0dbf9c6d459856d⋯.jpg (45.57 KB, 629x556, 629:556, trump_tweet_promises_promi….jpg)


>“If it was up to him he’d take on the whole world at one time, okay?”

as opposed to what? Tweeting and doing NOTHING when the damage was already done?

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b50a95  No.129322


Let the dem cities burn. Its the only way they'll ever learn.

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8a5528  No.129323


niggers don't learn. They are like a locust plague.

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7598c2  No.129693

File: 56046f299fd3357⋯.png (460.65 KB, 340x572, 85:143, ClipboardImage.png)

Do you see any similarities, /pol/?

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297a7f  No.129697


you have no vitality left

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c6b1bc  No.129775


>Well you have to start somewhere anon. Iran seems as good as any other place.

Not as good as the San Fernando or Simi Valleys though, obviously.

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1294cb  No.129805


Difference is one's white.

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0c4533  No.130178

File: c8183acdb5c26fa⋯.jpg (876.63 KB, 1400x2113, 1400:2113, bolton_the_kill_room_where….jpg)

File: b20b751fb792fef⋯.jpg (814.58 KB, 1400x2113, 1400:2113, bolton_the_scif_where_it_h….jpg)

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