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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 75208f84134cb0a⋯.jpg (254.84 KB, 1797x347, 1797:347, RW_Fabianism.jpg)

File: e3139a657fa3def⋯.jpg (222.65 KB, 1797x372, 599:124, Journalize_the_Journos.jpg)

742022  No.128455

For the first few weeks and even now, I agree with the idea of not confronting the protesters/rioters/vandals/chimpouts. But at this point the only way this madness is going to stop is if there is a reaction affecting those who promote and profit from this action. When this started, I was warning /pol/ to make connections in real life with people disgusted by this havoc and with them make preparations for whatever comes next. It is time to stop reacting and start acting. We know the journalists, the professors, and corporate leaders are trying to leverage this mess into something more. We know who these people are, where they work, where they live, and where they socialize. As individuals such efforts are pointless and look like the ramblings of the insane, but even in small groups, protests of these persons, exposing them for their promotion of racial strife, the profiteering from racial strife, and their general dishonest, would put them on the back foot. It is not about confronting neobol mobs in the street, it is about confronting the puppet masters in an unopposed manner. Even if only 2-4 people confronted a race baiting journalist about his deceptive headline and no one could stop them, who would the public see as weak and as strong, who would they see as admirable and scornful. No need for violence, no need to get threatening. Merely show up at some place they are dining and warn everyone that a race war promoting bigot is eating there, merely stand outside their office front and hand out flyers about how megacorp is promoting and profiting from racial strife. The left calls themselves the "Resistance" but they can muster large groups with impunity. We can to think like guerillas, avoid open confrontations, never announce plans in advance, exploit weaknesses, use every success as propaganda to humiliate them and their hordes.

Remember folks, the most effective way to accelerate is to be successful in your activism.

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fa03af  No.128462


>For the first few weeks and even now, I agree with the idea of not confronting the protesters/rioters/vandals/chimpouts

It is not that I disagree with you anon…it is that I don't want to share the planet with the lesser races anymore. You seem to want 'limited peace' which means that you will, just like the boomer, be kicking the can down the road for our children and grandchildren to deal with.


Do you think that these same subhumans are going to be capable of rational thinking and science and technology in a highly advanced society? Look carefully at them anon. They are not EQUIPPED TO FUNCTION in a vastly expanding high tech age. They, like the worthless fucking insects/COVID source, will kill us all if they are allowed to continue on the planet.

I am not telling you how to go about it…but I am telling you that they have to be exterminated if Life is going to continue on the planet.

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c2a66b  No.128463

File: e9395ca219ca084⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 474x613, 474:613, qfkwyhqlkp451.jpg)


>I don't want to share the planet with the lesser races anymore

I got some bad news for you, kid …

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742022  No.128464


Every great journey starts with a first step. If we want to talk RaHoWa, we can be atomized people talking anonymously online. There has to be action in meatspace that shows others they are not alone and their thoughts are not wrong. The blackshirts didn't march on Rome miraculously. Hitler wasn't offered the Chancellorship graciously. The Iron Guard did not take power fortuitously. These were the work of many years of IRL activism, finding ways to outmaneuver their opponents and always look like the stronger, more admirable option. White Sovereignty had a high water mark in 2017 but has since been unable to go public, why? The leading voices got cocky and thought we reached a phase where announced public gatherings could happen. They were wrong and discredited and no one has taken the time to fill that void. It's time each of us step into that void with our own associations of like minded people and make the social proof that white people are real and we have a right to control our own destiny.

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742022  No.128465


>If we want to talk RaHoWa, we CANT be atomized people talking anonymously online.

Sorry for the typo.

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fa03af  No.128487


Soon anon. I am carefully gauging Whites understanding of the situation and their willingness to stand up (fidelity) for their own.


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fa03af  No.128489


This means nothing to me. Well, ok, it means I have to get the highest score of all and only strike when the iron is hot.

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