For the first few weeks and even now, I agree with the idea of not confronting the protesters/rioters/vandals/chimpouts. But at this point the only way this madness is going to stop is if there is a reaction affecting those who promote and profit from this action. When this started, I was warning /pol/ to make connections in real life with people disgusted by this havoc and with them make preparations for whatever comes next. It is time to stop reacting and start acting. We know the journalists, the professors, and corporate leaders are trying to leverage this mess into something more. We know who these people are, where they work, where they live, and where they socialize. As individuals such efforts are pointless and look like the ramblings of the insane, but even in small groups, protests of these persons, exposing them for their promotion of racial strife, the profiteering from racial strife, and their general dishonest, would put them on the back foot. It is not about confronting neobol mobs in the street, it is about confronting the puppet masters in an unopposed manner. Even if only 2-4 people confronted a race baiting journalist about his deceptive headline and no one could stop them, who would the public see as weak and as strong, who would they see as admirable and scornful. No need for violence, no need to get threatening. Merely show up at some place they are dining and warn everyone that a race war promoting bigot is eating there, merely stand outside their office front and hand out flyers about how megacorp is promoting and profiting from racial strife. The left calls themselves the "Resistance" but they can muster large groups with impunity. We can to think like guerillas, avoid open confrontations, never announce plans in advance, exploit weaknesses, use every success as propaganda to humiliate them and their hordes.
Remember folks, the most effective way to accelerate is to be successful in your activism.