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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: aaf61ed1188772d⋯.png (108.74 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1d748e5c6b68437abbf417ba57….png)

f746d2  No.127782

In honor of Juneteenth, we need to move forward to ban the offensive product "Cool Whip". As many are aware, "whips" were used against African American slaves. This word can be triggering and it isn't cool. This needs to be corrected. Please spread the word on social media.

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7dd23d  No.127788


If Cool Whip actually goes away then you officially win the Internet for all time.

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57416e  No.127797


Just don't touch coo-qwip

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2f810d  No.127804

File: 925ed2091227e80⋯.png (43.35 KB, 263x263, 1:1, reddit_whip.png)

>not banning reddit whip

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85fa16  No.128262

File: a13b718b5d70636⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 450x450, 1:1, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

What about "Pam" cooking spray. In Casanova's time a "Pamela" was slang for an excessively prudish English bitch. Calling a product "Pam" could very well be triggering to those who have suffered under the oppressive white privilege of Pamelas or Pams of the world. They are much worse than Stacey's I assure you.

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83f6a7  No.128361

File: b264eb79123ef71⋯.jpg (80.18 KB, 764x1200, 191:300, racist_cabbage.jpg)

stereotyping bavarians as sauerkraut eaters really grinds my gears

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5dd7f4  No.128456


I don't think I have ever tasted sauerkraut.

You'd think I would have tried it once in my lifetime somewhere…but no. It is any good?

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85fa16  No.128500

File: f09cd1209ba3808⋯.jpg (65.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


Try it with a good quality hot dog…

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