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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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242a1c  No.127745[Last 50 Posts]

Haida Gwaii islands are an archipelago on the west coast of Canada, which have exactly the same rainfall at the same time of year and have forests that mirror those of the old British isles. There is plentiful flat land on the islands as well. I don't suggest cutting down the rainforests though, as britain and ireland used to have them and now are shitty because they don't, and the land is decaying. So, this could be a second Britain. Furthermore, the latitude is the same, and so is the climate, and the islands even have a sea called the Hecate straight that mirrors the effects of the north sea. The islands have the most flat land in the west coast of canada without substantial hills or plateaus, and there are also swamps and fens like in England. The native culture is very much more european than other native american cultures, with log cabins built by the natives and boats similar to early european boats. The natives also have higher rates of natural blond mutations and have lighter skin than most other native americans. It seems the only reason these natives aren't white is because they haven't been there long enough to evolve, while whites have been evolving to fit europe for much longer than 10,000 years. So, I believe that these islands, around the size of northern ireland, could be a new britain, one with the forests and wildlife still intact. A special type of bear lives on islands, which is similar to the caledonian bear that used to live in Scotland. The islands mirror Britain, and are almost unpopulated with only around 4,000 inhabitants, most being natives.

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242a1c  No.127750

File: 998d898dcb42e9c⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1403x801, 1403:801, ire.PNG)

File: e112ea9c757890e⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1484x723, 1484:723, sdfdfg.PNG)


Here are images of the forests, the waterfall is a relatively rare old growth forest in ireland, the wooden trail picture is a forest in eastern haida gwaii.

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892d9f  No.127775


Where would you grow food?

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374da5  No.127779

File: 5dec806a9b25cc2⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 736x552, 4:3, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

File: a0fd526c80e88aa⋯.jpg (54.05 KB, 500x500, 1:1, haida.jpg)

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File: 036fb6c4a3d6954⋯.jpg (347.21 KB, 1400x943, 1400:943, Haida_war_canoe.jpg)

Dream on. That's not happening. The Haida own that shit, always have, and had the advantage among other Indians of being armed to the teeth with modern rifles and ammo by the time whites arrived and ready to fight to defend it>>127775

. Of all the Native Indian cultures theirs is the most sublime and sophisticated, a fact that has made them admired throughout the civilized world.

You may say it's a primitive culture but it's a rich one, being influenced by shipwrecked Chinese, Japanese and Maori fishing boats and rafts. Really if you look at what a shitty mess British culture has been I don't think the world needs to be polluted with more of that drunken scum and their ugly industrial filth. Just leave the Haida alone. That is their place in the world. Stay home and clean up your own fucking filthy mess or at the very least get your mouldy teeth fixed.

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374da5  No.127780

By the way, it's not reported much because the government, police and press would prefer to ignore it but the Haida and Tlingit their close cousins in the Alaska panhandle don't much like visitors to their remote settlements. I know some ocean going kayakers that have been shot at from shore by the Haida with .308 hunting rifles and nobody does shit to them for it.

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374da5  No.127785

File: 683cc2cd9bff24e⋯.jpg (9.06 KB, 214x317, 214:317, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

Oh and in the event that you think your Aryan heritage gives you the right to steal the Haida land from them consider this; Hitler like most Germans, was a big fan of the novels of Karl May who without ever having even visited N. America wrote endless stories about cowboys, explorers, and Indians. Germans and National Socialists who pretty much worshipped their nomadic and pagan past deeply admired the Native Indians. In fact they regarded them as Ayrans.


>>American pro-Nazi movements, such as the Friends of the New Germany and the German-American Bund, played no role in Hitler’s plans for the country and received no financial or verbal support from Germany after 1935. However, certain Native American advocate groups, such as the fascist-leaning American Indian Federation, were to be used to undermine the Roosevelt administration from within using propaganda. In addition, the Nazis considered the Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans, to be Aryans; a theory echoed in the sympathetic portrayal of the Natives in German westerns of the 1930s such as Der Kaiser von Kalifornien.

>>Nazi propagandists went as far as declaring that Germany would return expropriated land to the Indians, while Goebbels guessed they possessed little loyalty to America and would rather rebel than to fight against Germany. As a boy, Hitler had been an enthusiastic reader of Karl May Westerns, and he told Albert Speer that he still turned to them for inspiration as an adult when he was in a tight spot; the Karl May Westerns contained highly sympathetic portrayals of American Indians.

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374da5  No.127791

File: 34ac91f0bfba78e⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 1086x795, 362:265, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

And if Hitler adored Native Indians they reciprocated the love.


>>SASKATOON – A judge acquitted David Ahenakew today of wilfully promoting hatred against Jews, but not before chiding the former aboriginal leader for his comments.

>>Provincial court Judge Wilfred Tucker said the remarks made six years ago were "revolting, disgusting and untrue."

>>But Tucker said he didn't believe Ahenakew had the intention of promoting hate when he made them.

>>..The former head of the Assembly of First Nations was charged after a controversial speech and subsequent interview with a reporter more than six years ago. In the interview he called Jews a ``disease" and appeared to justify the Holocaust.

>>On December 13, 2002, Ahenakew gave a speech to an FSIN group, which was attended by James Parker, a reporter from the Saskatoon StarPhoenix. He made references to "goddamn immigrants" in Canada during his speech. During a question-and-answer session following his lecture, Ahenakew said that Jews were a disease in Germany and that Hitler was trying to "clean up Europe" when he "fried six million of those guys." He also stated that Israel and the United States (specifically mentioning George W. Bush) were going to start the next world war.[6]

>>The Germans used to tell me, and I got to know them well because I played soccer against them and with them and so forth. But they used to tell me that you guys are blessed. What we know about the Indians in Canada. They are blessed. But that blessing is being destroyed by your immigrants that are going over there. Especially the Jews, they said. The Second World War was started by the Jews and the Third World War, whatever it is, is between Israel and the Arab countries. I was there as well. But there's going to be a war because the Israelis and the "Bushies" – you know, the bully, the bigot in the United States – tells you that if you're not with me you're against me.

>>After the session concluded, the StarPhoenix reporter asked him to clarify these remarks, and he explained that while serving in the army after the war, Germans had told him the Jews had provoked the war. The StarPhoenix quoted him as further saying:

>>The Jews damn near owned all of Germany prior to the war. That's why Hitler came in. He was going to make damn sure that the Jews didn't take over Germany, or even Europe. That's why he fried six million of those guys, you know. Jews would have owned the goddamned world. And look what they're doing now, they're killing people in Arab countries.

>>The reporter asked how Ahenakew could justify the Holocaust. The StarPhoenix quoted Ahenakew as replying:

>>How else do you get rid of a disease like that, that's going to take over, that's going to dominate?

Totally based chug. The commie cocksuckers stripped him of his Order of Canada medal.


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242a1c  No.127907


No, you don't understand, We have invaded so many lands, why not this one? Besides, theres always Juneau which has a sizable white population nonetheless.

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374da5  No.127927

File: 9599931396024cd⋯.jpg (19.94 KB, 338x535, 338:535, Israelinbritainb00garn_000….jpg)

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>We have invaded so many lands, why not this one?

Because you're disgusting swine, and crypto jews that see yourselves as one of the lost tribes. This alone makes you worthy of being nuked.

>>British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism) is a pseudoarchaeological belief that the people of the British Isles are "genetically, racially, and linguistically the direct descendants" of the Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Israel.[1] With roots in the 16th century, British Israelism was inspired by several 19th century English writings such as John Wilson's 1840 Our Israelitish Origin.[2] Numerous British Israelite organisations were set up throughout the British Empire as well as in America from the 1870s onwards; a number of these organisations are independently active as of the early 21st century. In America, the idea gave rise to the Christian Identity movement.

Shoo shoo limey joo

nobody here wants to deal with you.

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242a1c  No.127948


There are many treeless meadows, anyway, if you cleared disconnected circles of land for farming and had and connected forest acting as the border, you could have both forest and farm. The forest could be where you release animals like bulls to eat saplings and control vegitation growth. Given that the sitka spruce and similar plants are widely cultivated in ireland, it seems that european animals like pigs etc could thrive on them and make for game, while other animals could be released if they are of no use anymore to the farmer into the forest. So, forests would surround bubbles of farmland. Roads could run with mesh on either side preventing animals from entering.

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242a1c  No.127951


I'm not british, i'm not even a jew. I am saying we have invaded useless lands like africa, or india, or the east coast, so why not develop a place that we already have as part of canada. I don't live in Britain.

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242a1c  No.127957


Spotted an injun.

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374da5  No.127982


>so why not develop a place that we already have as part of canada

Because it's greatest attribute is that it's pristine. The beautiful 12 year old virgin blond doesn't need to be gang raped by 30 herpes infected lowlifes from the Clark Park gang every night to be "improved" or "developed".

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374da5  No.127985


The incoming settlers could be boarded by Canadian Navy frigates disguised as pirate vessels and the settlers could be fed to the great white sharks that cruise the area looking for sea lions to devour whole. This would help them to restore their depleted numbers.

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374da5  No.127990

File: 43ace12180cef8d⋯.jpg (198.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

Almost all ships going to the Queen Charlottes depart from N. Vancouver Island. It's almost identical to the Queen Charlottes in its geography. This is what "development" has done to it; endless mountains left with bare tree stumps.

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e6fbe0  No.128160


You are looking at the wrong parameters, the best places for an ethnostate at the moment are Iceland, Luxembourg and Malta. If you insist on trying an uphill battle for secession in Canada, then Prince Edward Island is a much more realistic option.

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242a1c  No.128172


Yes, but prince edward island is on the east coast. What I am saying is that the haida gwaii archipelago literally has the exact same conditions as parts of britain and ireland. It matches old britain and ireland (before the forests were cleared) exactly, having very similar fauna and flora. Furthermore, the east of the island has areas similar to netherlands and the germanic plain, before the forests were cleared. I am not proposing that an ethnostate could be made out of the islands, but instead that the islands could be similar to a "New western Europe" or "New British isles" wherein people can live somewhere apart from europe. A place where Europeans can live that is not in europe, and has all the necessary conditions for living to be very easy. Settlement there would be much easier than in the rest of the americas, or even australia for that matter. I think you are right though, Luxembourg and iceland aren't very cucked, so as for original europe, they are great. But Europeans will need a second, a third, and even a fourth and a fifth europe to contain their modern populations. Maybe even a sixth and a seventh, so what I am saying is that these islands, and some of the surrounding area, could form one of them.

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e6fbe0  No.128176


You are failing to consider reality into your plans, immigrating to an existing country is a realistic option that requires a reasonable amount of effort, but you are here talking about colonizing an island on the Canadian coast as if we were in the 15th century.

Our people are being beaten up, raped and killed on the streets and you're talking about the geography of some island on the coast of Canada. Wake up to reality man.

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374da5  No.128194

File: 1c339f41b76306e⋯.jpg (101.8 KB, 463x550, 463:550, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


It already has an ethnostate of great antiquity. The Haida.

To take it as his own ethnostate would mean immedate war. The only possible outcome of such a war would be genocide for one side or the other.

Neither outcome would be tolerated for a multiplicity of political reasons all to obvious to any adult.

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374da5  No.128201

Also there are other geographic reasons why such a state could never be viable even if it were deserted; it's far from any other population areas so aside from fishing and subsistence farming you're not going to have much economic activity there. Even Vancouver BC in the south is sort of crippled economically just because of the limited population density of that area. The Queen Charlottes are far more isolated and not just by distance. I've been to Telegraph Cove at the north tip of Vancouver Island. It's so fucking remote you're going to die of boredom there. There is fuck all there. Tree stumps and storms. The Islands you're speaking of are separated from the mainland by Hecate Straight. There's a reason it's been named after a witch. It is some of the most dangerous seas in the world. It sits on the North East corner of the vast Pacific Ocean where the biggest waves in the world are generated. The sea floor on the continental shelf suddenly becomes much more shallow so that those huge waves, many of them generated in the perpetual storms of the Bering Straights between Alaska and Russia hitting shallow waters suddenly become huge standing waves, perhaps 135 ft breakers. Big freighters are regularly capsized there, losing all their crews. One of those standing waves hits you in the middle of the night there won't be time to get in lifeboats. You're dead. Even taking the regular ferry from Telegraph Cove to The Haida Gwai can be dangerous as hell particularly in the winter. I would say the climate there is far worse than England.

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374da5  No.128204

If you want to go someplace to avoid the shit storm I'd recommend Newfoundland. It's slowly dying because nobody wants to live there but it does have a good infrastructure and it's pretty much all white there. Shitty weather though and fucking cold. I'm not sure what you'd do for work.

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242a1c  No.128208


>The islands you're speaking of are separated from the mainland by Hecate Straight.

Thats the point, just as Great Britain is separated from the mainland by the North Sea.

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242a1c  No.128214


I'm not, this is not meant to be the first priority for ethnostates. This is meant as a new europe. I mean that after Europe is faring better, and we have atleast one ethnostate, then this would be a good idea to set up as a place for excess population to live as they are in europe. There is not enough space in europe, and if whites live in other climates for too long it is likely they will either adapt or increasingly have more problems and need to take more medicines. This would hinder productivity and sustainability in the face of a less advanced era. In 4,000 years, people are able to create genetic mutations for the places they live. So if just for 4000 years communication and travel is lost, there may not be any white people left outside of europe, all white people in other climates and latitudes will cease to be white if there is even just a few thousand years of lesser technology. I know that whites are being raped and killed, that is the pressing issue. This is for far later, when those issues are solved.

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374da5  No.128218


>Thats the point, just as Great Britain is separated from the mainland by the North Sea.

Except the distances, and the savagery of the Hecate Straight can in no way be compared to the English Channel. Who you gonna trade with in your little ethnostate once you've attempted to eradicate the Haida? Nobody, that's who. There's fuck all up there. I know a Canadian Air Force pilot that regularly flew the northern patrol for NORAD. He was bored shitless. You're going to sit in the rain and the gloom and rot on your little subsistence farm without any economic reason for being there. Try finding fuckable women to go live there with you.

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242a1c  No.128219


I agree here, Newfoundland is great for avoiding the current problems. Best, is that while it is very cold there in the winter, the very east gets far less snow, and are much more temperate than most of Canada apart from the toronto area. It is also a similar latitude to europe, meaning that cancer won't be much of a worry.

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2b4674  No.128240


so you're just talking about currently irrelevant fantasies for a far-flung future where somehow there are no white people in Europe yet somehow they create a white utopia in western Canada

okay retard

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374da5  No.128243


>I agree here, Newfoundland is great for avoiding the current problems. Best, is that while it is very cold there in the winter, the very east gets far less snow, and are much more temperate than most of Canada apart from the toronto area. It is also a similar latitude to europe, meaning that cancer won't be much of a worry.

I didn't want to mention cancer but that's another reason to avoid the entire West Coast now. Everyone has forgotten the Fukushima meltdown but remember, with the really long half lives of many kinds of radioactive elements that are being spewed out of there it's a cumulative hazard. they're pumping 300,000 tons of sea water through the melted core and into the N. Pacific every day. Is that really that harmful? Well all the starfish just disintegrated along the entire west coast of N. America a few years ago from Alaska to the Baja. Nobody wants to even speculate on the possibility that it's Fukushima radiation. It was one of many factors that made me leave the West Coast. That and the massive earthquake from the Cascadia Plate that's overdue.


There's hot particles coming out of that fucking Fukushima reactor that are raining down on the entire west coast. The Harper government responded to the heightened radiation levels by shutting down the radiation testing stations.

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b5f5df  No.128301


You can't run away dipshit. If you try to create your whitetopia in a remote corner of the world, the Jews will find it and ruin it. You don't understand your enemies, they are not localized, they are global and they want to destroy you utterly. There is nowhere to run, stand and fight where you are!

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374da5  No.128327


>You can't run away dipshit. If you try to create your whitetopia in a remote corner of the world, the Jews will find it and ruin it. You don't understand your enemies, they are not localized, they are global and they want to destroy you utterly. There is nowhere to run, stand and fight where you are!

Totally this. If the civil war overtakes us early on in all likelihood we will die swarmed by the enemy. The only question then is how much can you make them pay for it? Can you take down 100 of them for 1 of you? Can you make them shake with fear the next time they try their idiot tactics on some other white guy because of the memory of what you did to their friends?

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242a1c  No.128410


I'm not trying to run away, I am trying to find a place that would be most sustainable and productive for people to live. If it was in New York I would suggest the same thing. If it was anywhere else, I would say the same. This is not meant to be a thread about the next thing to do but something after europe has been secured. It is about creating second and third europes to house the enormous population.

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242a1c  No.128414


>So you're just talking about currently irrelevant fantasies for a far-flung future

Yes, there are so many retarded threads on this board, why not put one that atleast may oneday be useful.

>where somehow there are no white people in Europe

That is not what I am saying, I mean when Europe has been secured and is no longer being threatened, the land I'm talking about could house surplus population as if the people were in Europe.

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242a1c  No.128417


>I didn't want to mention cancer but that's another reason to avoid the entire West Coast now. Everyone has forgotten the Fukushima meltdown

This is true, but the eastern side of the islands I was talking about seem to be protected by mountains from both the radiation from Fukushima and if there was a potential volcanic explosion from the supervolcano. So as long as you don't touch the open ocean, there will be less chance of cancer. Apart from that spies and cameras will have to be sent to bug-land to make sure there aren't anymore nuclear issues, or missile tests going on. If there are, then we can simply move the population to places like southern chile which has its own version of islands like this. We can also wage war with these uncompromising buglanders and stand up to them as people haven't in 80 years.

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2b4674  No.128454


>could house surplus population as if the people were in Europe

and why is it so important to house them in the exact climatic conditions as the UK?

It isn't

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242a1c  No.128468


Because it is most productive and sustainable, as in other climates if whites were to be disconnected for even 2000 years, it is likely they will slowly evolve and have genetic mutations that will cause them to look more similar to people that have evolved for that climate region. For example, if they are living in west virginia, it is likely that over many years the people will begin to look more like chinks due to the climate and elevation conditions if they do not have constant contact with people living in europe, or if medicine and electricity fails. It will also take more work, having people making medicines to combat climate induced issues and issues brought about by foreign creatures like snakes or termites. This means people will spend their time doing useless tasks that could have been circumvented were they living in a more natural climate like europe. So, it is best to house them in the same climatic conditions as where they came from, which in this case would be similar to northwest europe. It would require unnecessary inventions to live in other places, and would hinder the productivity of the population as a whole. Take, for example, the colder areas of vermont or new brunswick, or quebec. If something were to happen to their technological advancements, then people there would have far less productivity as for half of the year they would need to be finding warmth as it would be winter and water would be frozen. This would be unnecessary loss of productivity that could be circumvented were they living somewhere where it is about 10C or 50F all year round. There would be very few snow days, and summers wouldn't be so hot as to hinder productivity. People would be able to work outside all day too, because they would not have as much risk of contracting melanoma from sun exposure.

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e6163b  No.128471


I want to know why you are always running away anon. Your ancestors would be appalled by your (I won't say cowardice) need to run away from the problems that confront us.

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242a1c  No.128472


I'm not running away. This is not meant to be THE ethnostate. This is just a commonwealth ethnostate, after Europe has been secured. First fix europe, then create new europes to expand the available land and resources to european people.

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2b4674  No.128484


okay dude sure let's do that

thread over then?

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a0cf8e  No.128486

You disgusting Anglo faggot, op. You fucked up England, the US are actively getting fucked, and now you want to spread your cancer to one of the last remaining pristine homes of the Aryan? Fuck outta here.

Thankfully the indigenous rank even above blacks in Canada (they don't even pay income tax lol) unlike you, you unpigmented nigger.

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e6163b  No.128493


Yes, Canada is a poster child for equality. We all know this already anon.

Too bad those same 'ayrans' will fuck anything and race mix with the nigger or any other dick that comes their way. They are like all subhumans, non-selective and therefore doomed to irrelevance.

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374da5  No.128496


>>Too bad those same 'ayrans' will fuck anything and race mix with the nigger or any other dick that comes their way. They are like all subhumans, non-selective and therefore doomed to irrelevance.

Like the huge armies of working class German guys that go to small towns in Brazil where every single female is a whore and the krauts are fucking the shit out of every single creature that can even remotely be described as a female human of any age?

Or all those limeys and frogs that go to Cambodia and Thailand and the Philippines to fuck 10 year old boys and girls?

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e6163b  No.128499


Yes, White men are a problem anon. I assign you to the duty of regulating their behavior.

You know, they wouldn't act like this if we lived in a European ONLY world.

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242a1c  No.128528

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4c2b97  No.128557


I'm a White Supremacist, sometimes very open to large scale removextermination, but I agree with you, they can and probably should be left alone on that island.

Besides we'd rather fight for lands we can defend and which have enough value and have already been manipulated, cultivated, than go for some wild island and open a needless war with the people living there already.

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374da5  No.128580

File: 9bf4d6564128092⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 476x500, 119:125, settlement.jpg)

File: 5dfdb2b7555ee70⋯.jpg (67.36 KB, 720x535, 144:107, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

File: 20371f1c4f6d960⋯.jpg (205.19 KB, 1200x935, 240:187, haida.jpg)

File: d5a19427357557d⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, mask.jpg)

File: 102a2c48d32cd63⋯.jpg (31.78 KB, 635x424, 635:424, anthro_mus.jpg)

I think that the Haida-Tlingit culture is the equivalent of the Tibetans you know…If you ever do visit Vancouver go to UBC and visit the Antropological Museum there.

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5ead66  No.128597


>I'm a White Supremacist, sometimes very open to large scale removextermination, but I agree with you,

The Ethno-Nationalist / White-Supremacist divide is probably the biggest philisophical difference on /pol/. If we were to form two political parties I suspect we would end up with whitesup vs. ethnat.

It's nice to see some agreement though especially on this topic.

I think even the most avid exterminationist would want to keep some "reserves" / zoos for them.

For disclosure though - I'm an ethnat

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a0cf8e  No.128647


The Haida are ARYAN you hamplanet ideology faggots. Leave them the fuck alone.

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5ead66  No.128735


>Leave them the fuck alone.

Yeah man, chill

I was pointing out that we all agree on this point even the supremacists.

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374da5  No.128799

and just a personal note; I know a jap fish broker and he says the Haida Gwai is the pinnacle of sea food harvesting in all the world. Fresh oysters the size of fucking pies just sitting there on a rocky shore waiting to be eaten. The best salmon, wild Sockeye, swarming the seas, If I was a billionaire I would live on that diet; lightly grilled Sockeye, salmon roe herring and herring roe,blueberries, fiddlehead greens, ray oysters, geoyduck, shrimp, squid…this is the food of the gods.

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242a1c  No.128801


sure, but we already have sentinel islands, most of brazil, patagonia, africa, and many more for these natives. Why is haida gwaii so important to preserve? We have a good many native lands, and even an entire native ruled territory in canada, why does it matter if a small island is taken and other lands are given in return (useless for us).

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374da5  No.128803


>sure, but we already have sentinel islands, most of brazil, patagonia, africa, and many more for these natives. Why is haida gwaii so important to preserve? We have a good many native lands, and even an entire native ruled territory in canada, why does it matter if a small island is taken and other lands are given in return (useless for us).

Obviously because of it's culture which is globally acknowledged, as I have already shown.

The idea of the entire world being some sort of human monoculture is not only morally repugnant, requiring a prodigious investment and commitment to genocide which no one will go for ever but it will ultimately be brain crushingly boring. A world with nothing but some priggish asshole British Empire cunts would be intolerable. Tibet belongs to the Tibetans, China belongs to the Chinamen, Japan belongs to the Japanese, Armenia belongs to the Armenians, Vietnam belongs to the Vietnamese. Just leave them alone and let them leave us alone. We don't need millions of Mcdonalds restaurants serving Coca Cola all over the fucking planet. Just stop.

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242a1c  No.128818


I agree with this in regards to the old world, but when it comes to the new world, no. I never talked about a monoculture, I respect people being in their own land. For the haida, given that they are recent immigrants from siberia, I believe that a more fitting place for them to live would be minnesota and Wisconsin, places where there are fish and temperate summers, but the winters are similar to siberia. I believe that would be most productive, to give the most adapted person the land, and give ones not so adapted lands that they ARE adapted to. I know they have a culture that should be left alone, but I think their culture and characteristics could be better applied to places like even new brunswick, where there is salmon, yet the winters are far colder making it harder for the white person to live there. The haida have adaptations for siberia, so they should fair well in a climate with both the characteristics of siberia and haida gwaii. Yet the european is more adapted and better suited to the conditions of haida gwaii, so a trade could happen where some land in the less useful areas could be traded for far better lands.

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e6163b  No.128819

File: e1b1fcdb63cc707⋯.jpeg (21.48 KB, 298x366, 149:183, ar_bombvic_dresden.jpeg)

File: 48ee4aa48e8b3c0⋯.jpg (150.07 KB, 1080x766, 540:383, Dresden_bombing_ww2.jpg)


>The idea of the entire world being some sort of human monoculture is not only morally repugnant

Yes lets just keep doing what we have been doing for the last 6,000 years because that has been so multicultural and 'diverse'. Fuck off retarded libcuck. We are not 'saving anyone' like this. If we want to save their DNA for some future point in time we can cryo freeze it without having to have fucking pakiniggers murdering our elderly and raping our daughters.

You are just a stupid nigger bootlicking multiculti cuckhold.


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242a1c  No.128820


Woah, since when were native americans aryan?

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e6163b  No.128823

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e6163b  No.128824

They are asiatics…so bug people.

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374da5  No.128831


10,000 years ago isn't "recent" by any human metric you mong. And lets face it, you want to larp as this salt of the earth homesteader who's going to make a little farm etc etc etc but that's a lie and you know it. The hard dreary toil of farming in northern latitudes particularly, with all too brief growing seasons that are dubious at best due to bad weather is not your thing. If you Brits take over that Island for yourselves the first and easiest thing you'll do is sell off all the old growth massive Douglas Firs there to Weyerhauser for $.50 a stump. You're assholes. And if you take an indigenous people from their land you effectively destroy their culture. So fuck you and fuck your shitty Anglo Israelism. You think you're God's chosen with a Biblical mandate to wipe out the Philistines and everybody that isn't you is a Philistine. Eat shit and die.

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374da5  No.128838


Advance to what? A super world city massive Las Vegas strip mall full of fast food joints and big box stores? kek. You have no culture. Your ancestors smashed it deliberately during the Protestant Reformation. All you have is an insatiable rapacious greed and the homicidal urge to rape and murder everyone you encounter on your piratical marauding adventures. But you're not even good at being pirates. Little gook peasants with SKSs and truck tire sandals hand you your ass regularly despite massive aircraft soaring beyond sight in the stratosphere dropping earthquake bombs on them. Your culture is half million man gay pride parades. You are Sodom and Gommorah, a drunken debauch for ugly stupid fat swine with an obsession for anal sex and a predilection for predatory sex with children.

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15664f  No.128846


No, absolutely not. This is the problem with Whites these days. You fucking fight to the death to defend your land. I'd rather be dead than live like a cuck on an island near Canada and have pakis and kikes roaming where I was born and raised.

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374da5  No.128847


You see this is the insanity that you in your deranged unwarranted pride, cannot see or understand. You go out and "conquer the world" for you jew masters, the bankers of the city of London and then the people you supposedly conquered move to England and take it over for themselves. The US double crosses the Philippinos in the Spanish American war, starts just butchering them, setting fire to entire towns then suddenly the US is crawling with Flips. The US goes to war in Mexico, beats the shit out of it, then suddenly the US is crawling with spics. The US goes to war with Vietnam, then suddenly the US is crawling with Vietnamese. The French "conquer" Algiers then suddenly France is awash with Algerians. This is a global cultural disaster. Here's my solution; LEAVE THEM ALONE. LET THEM HAVE THEIR PLACE AND YOU STAY IN YOUR PLACE.

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242a1c  No.128853


I'm not a kike. I don't live in britain. 10,000 years is very recent, europeans have been living in temperate forests since around 40,000 years ago. If you think I'm referring to hunter gatherers, I am actually talking about genuine aryans. The ones who migrated to europe were living in the forests of Ukraine before, which is a temperate forest, similar to east graham island. I know the farming may be hard, but I am not talking about animal farming. The crop growth would be great, temperatures moderate all year round. If you are native american which it seems, I am not suggesting that you should be annhilated, just moved to a place that would be more productive and sustainable.

>>128846 see>>128472

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374da5  No.128861


>The crop growth would be great, temperatures moderate all year round

You have no idea what you're talking about. It's more like Norway than England for starters and it's pretty far north so it's got a really short and shitty growing season without much sunlight at all. It's cloudy and it rains all the time. You'd be lucky to have two weeks of sunny clear skies from June 1 to the end of September. You ain't growing shit there. You've never been there and you're never going there. You'll never be a farmer. You're going to go to the convenience store for a slurpee, a microwaved ham and cheese sandwich and a pack of red string licorice then you're going to go back to your grubby bed where you haven't washed the sheets or pillowcase for 6 months and you're going to wallow in that filthy bed masturbating at waifu anime pics.

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242a1c  No.128886


> It's more like Norway than England for starters and it's pretty far north so it's got a really short and shitty growing season without much sunlight at all.

> without much sunlight at all.

Obviously. But its not more like Norway, sure they get a winter blast coming from the rockies sometimes, but apart from that, growing most of the crops that can be grown in northern england or scotland etc could be grown there. The sunlight is not a problem, were not trying to grow bananas or tomatos. I'm talking about crops like lettace or spinach that are able to survive similar conditions. It can't be like Norway anyway, as it doesn't snow that often. You literally made that up. Nonetheless, I believe that certain areas would do better during the winter especially Langara island and surrounding lands as they have less protection from the pacific winds but more from the arctic blasts. These cold snaps aren't even too long anyway.

Nonetheless, its obvious that you don't want to change your opinion either because you're a londoner cuck, or because you ARE Haida. This isn't /b/ nonetheless, not everyone faps, much less fap to waifu anime pics.

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242a1c  No.128897


I forgot to write this; I am not writing about living there with the current culture and way of life. British culture from anything after 1939 is terrible. It is a mongrelisation of foreign cultures and capitalist and communist jews mixing together. I am writing about how people would live to maximize productivity and sustainability, not with idiotic slurpees etc. These would be terrible for the environment due to the waste they would produce, foods produced would be consumed without major packaging so as to limit landfill usage. All wastes would be stored under ground well below the sea floor.

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e6163b  No.128906


I can't believe you are still talking to this brain dead retarded subhuman. To each their own…at least sage so that the world doesn't have to read this thread.

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242a1c  No.128908


thank you, and I will stop spamming this thread, its just a waste of time.

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374da5  No.128936

File: 0c883f4176a9667⋯.jpg (213.69 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, haida.jpg)

File: a134745960fc344⋯.jpg (141.16 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Norway.jpg)


Norway vs Queen Charlotte islands. It's like Norway there only more rain.

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d1ca4f  No.130403


Manageable numbers, in other words. I'm pragmatic and don't hate on people because they are different, although I know there is little to gain by befriending them. I could also befriend non-Whites but also know that if I needed to gruesomely fight in the interests of Whites, I could put an end to such friendships, which undoubtedly they would see as betrayal.

Nor do I forget that Whites occupied much more territory in the distant past. Did the Asians or Semites have any scruple as they moved through North Africa or Eastern Europe and either raped, killed or more or less enslaved Whites?

In the end, if you have the power and the will, the law of this world does tell you to take what you can take.

I would not see the point crying for US "Natives" even if I see how they feel robbed. There is no point being ashamed of winning and being stronger. These Natives carry a DNA that's very similar to that of the hordes that tried to invade Europe. Would have these invaders cried as they stroke us?

I'm fairly open to the idea of reclaiming the whole of the Caucasus region, cleansing the mongrelized parts of Southern Europe, removing kebab from Istanbul and reclaiming areas in North Africa while at the same time exterminating enough colored people in North America so as to make sure we own land and never get threatened again.

Within this world vision, there is room for others, whether in their own countries or smaller reserves.

There are too many niggers and dog eaters too. The populations of all non-White countries should be massively reduced, regardless of the means (war, plague, hunger, sterilization, etc.). For many of them, a hundredth of what they are today. More importantly, Whites should never ever share again what we produce and know.

This has been done for tens of thousands of years and it's absolutely suicidal and stupid.

Knowledge is power and sharing power is insane. No more schools, universities or else opened to non-Whites. No more Whites going in other countries to educate Asians, Africans, etc.

Let them live by what they can produce and come up with. Such is the natural order of things.


Hey fren, it entirely depends on how you would define "Aryan".

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242a1c  No.133937


>The populations of all non-White countries should be massively reduced, regardless of the means (war, plague, hunger, sterilization, etc.). For many of them, a hundredth of what they are today. More importantly, Whites should never ever share again what we produce and know.

This, that is the idea. Not necessarily forcing white people to have more children as this would increase likeliness of disabled, gay, etc, but instead forcing others to have way less.

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103e81  No.134170


> others to have way less.

Exactly. White people themselves are making a huge mess. Suburbs filled with junk, $65,000 motorboats for cruising some shitty little lake for a week or two in the summer, ATVs for making a big racket on what should be quiet country trails, snowmobiles to kill the peace of winter back country. And it all ends up being worthless landfill junk.

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