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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 0633f474bbb14ff⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 1592406623863.jpg)

00223a  No.127409

I feel like we are in a retelling of history right now. We keep giving more and more land and power to niggers just like when the west let Hitler rise to power, are they mocking us? Is this to rub salt in the wound?

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8ed641  No.127419

The jews that are running this shit show from the left and the right are having a fine time watching all their evil plans come to fruition. It's not up to me to tell anyone what to do but for myself it's a question of at what point it's enough and you decide when how and where you're going to die violently.

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0960e0  No.127429


They're giving niggers land now? Since when?

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d6ed1a  No.127438


CHAZ, Chimpouts where have you been?

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0960e0  No.127446


OH! You think some people taking over a few blocks in Seattle is a "massive nigger gibs" of land? You people exaggerate more than kikes who claim that 150,000 = 6,000,000.

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801034  No.127448


Yeah CHAZ is massively exaggerated, a lot of people bought into the "warlord" shit. It's just Occupy 2.0 nothing more.

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0960e0  No.127449


Pretty much, yep. I suspect, though, that a lot of people on this board were toddlers during OWS and don't remember it.

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801034  No.127450

File: 68de598058f5aa8⋯.png (911.43 KB, 948x632, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>people on this board were toddlers during OWS and don't remember it.

Yeah.. geez it's crazy that that is actually possible/probable. It was nearly ten years ago.

I remember watching the Berlin Wall come down on TV (my earliest memory of a happening - I was six)

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b58e9c  No.127473


It is always ok to kill jews.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

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8e186b  No.127744

File: b89d66f76757b2c⋯.jpg (213.34 KB, 359x511, 359:511, unnamed_1_.jpg)







Sloppy job mossad.

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9f9921  No.127987

File: 5a89b0857ef984a⋯.jpg (166 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1592450855796.jpg)

File: 71a553dcc6b283e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1632x1724, 408:431, 1592315478195.png)

File: c5e8be231ddb8fe⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 750x755, 150:151, 1592497227664.jpg)

File: 42dde2e53b3ed19⋯.jpg (245.97 KB, 1024x1462, 512:731, 1567885074474.jpg)

File: f24926f71168cd8⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 451x666, 451:666, 1552630350721.jpg)


No. We're repeating history, but you're an idiot who sucks cock and thinks niggers = Hitler.

Niggers, spics, and Jews today are repeating the same crimes, degeneracy, and violent attempts to seize power that Jews and commies did in Europe.

>Russian Revolution and Civil War, 1917

>German Revolution, 1918

>Hungarian Revolution, 1919

>Weimar degeneracy

>etcetera ad nauseum

The same kikes are up to their same tricks. Hitler and the NSDAP rose to power specifically because they opposed the degeneracy, they oppose communism, and they opposed a Jewish takeover of their nation. People overwhelmingly voted for them because they were the only group to stand up and say "NO" to their shit. People were sick and tired of child prostitutes and trannies on every street corner, sick and tired of literal communists massacring and terrorizing people in the streets and trying to overthrow the government, and sick and tired of Jews openly mocking the goyim as they took more and more from them. They voted for the man who promised to make it all go away, and then he delivered.

You're seeing a repeat now, but they know they can't afford to let another Hitler appear on the scene. That's why they're censoring us, demonetizing us, deplatforming us, banning us, and doing everything in their power to silence us with their control over mass media, social media, Hollywood, major corporations, banks, and government positions. They can't let us speak, or people will flock to us. They can't let a leader arise, or he'll take power and undo all the filth and treachery they've worked so hard on for decades.

Everyone thought Trump was going to be that guy. That's why they freaked out over the election, with Hillary claiming they'd be strung from lampposts if he won, and that's why people voted for him. Everyone thought Trump would be our Hitler, or at least the best available substitute. He's been a colossal disappointment in that regard; at best, he's a relief valve, at worst he's controlled opposition.

But what scares them is that we might organize and begin to demonstrate real power. That's why they eliminated 8chan and why they're doing everything they can to 'cancel' anyone and everyone who openly opposes them. They want you cowering inside your home, waiting for the thought police to come for you next, not marching in the streets and sieg heiling.

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801034  No.128005



However today in US politics there is no party that could grow into something good for us. It's a two party system and both parties are kiked.

Perhaps a based president could rise as an independent. Perhaps then he could found a new party (once in office).

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dc98c7  No.128018


Imagine ever even remotely thinking that the ZOG emperor was Hitler. He wasn’t even a Paul von Hindenburg. Imagine even remotely thinking that “they” destroyed 8chan and not its senile retarded shill of an owner. Imagine thinking that they’re scaring of us getting power when they literally own, operate, and censor every single communications venue on the fucking planet. History isn’t repeating in the slightest. They have NEVER had this kind of control before. This is the fucking end game for an entire species.

>go do things, goyim

Yet you haven’t. How about that.

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9f9921  No.128039


And here we see the doom-and-gloom shill in all it's maggot-like glory.

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dc98c7  No.128044


>you’re a shill because I can’t refute anything you said

>oh no truth hurts my feelings

Thanks, you’ve done everything we already knew you would do. Run along and continue to do nothing, pretending that whites will magically get their racial consciousness back and physically resist. One day. Eventually. Just keep waiting, goyim.

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277364  No.128062


That started out as a legit complaint about class war, then they shitted it up with liberal retard faggots, trannies and women which destroyed it within a few weeks. They caught it early then and this time brainwashed them to not even start the class war.

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8cbbb5  No.128142

history always repeats

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5b1159  No.128148

File: 97a8013871370d0⋯.png (1.09 MB, 2434x2110, 1217:1055, 6565464365456.png)


> It's just Occupy 2.0

I don't think so yid. The left killed occupy

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442c15  No.128470


but it doesn't repeat to the same extent every time

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abc76b  No.128490

File: f2ec06c084c07e6⋯.png (75.06 KB, 395x411, 395:411, retarded.png)


Negative numbers, doesn't explain what the numbers represent… that graph is badly done.

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