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File: b4a50c4fe3fbf0e⋯.jpg (86.04 KB, 1020x679, 1020:679, looting_rioting_insurectio….jpg)

6574d7  No.125595[Last 50 Posts]

The only productive ethnic population in the USA is forced to subsidize monkeys and foreigners as well as host foreign military on our own soil? We are not represented by our government. Our productivity is wasted and burnt up in looting and riots.

Is tax revolt, overt or covert they way forward? Overt would be to simply stop paying any taxes.

Covert would simply be to stop paying taxes via dependency on the state rather than being productive?

I can see pros and cons with BOTH scenarios, give me your thoughts anons…how open would you be to a tax revolt among Ethnic European people in the USA and other places?

What say you to a tax revolt to starve out the foreign filth on our soil?

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e1f8a9  No.125610

A revolt at this point is almost a moot point; the real question is that of a tax base collapse. It amazes me that business owners at the street level in places like Los Angeles stick it out, endure bums sleeping pissing and shitting in their doorways, coming into their place of business and having drug induced freakouts in the nude. The city does nothing to alleviate the problem, not only refuses to lift a finger but threatens the shop owners if they defend themselves and their business from it. But let the shop keepers miss tax payments and they are in a world of shit. The left wing bureaucracy doesn't seem to see the consequence of chasing away the very people that pay for their ridiculous salaries.

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6574d7  No.125627


It does make me wonder why they drive away their tax base.

The government does seem to serve every immigrant on the planet EXCEPT its own citizen of the remaining wealth of the USA. I don't think anyone could argue with a straight face that the (((government))) serves Europeans in any way shape or form. Indeed it is diametrically opposed to us and goes out of its way to damage us and injure our interests.


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7221ca  No.125820



> tax revolt

Really difficult to pull off. It only works when people historically were very poor or under despots who taxed people for fancy projects. If the avg American is too complacent to really do anything against a violent mob of anarchist-communists and niggers burning and pillaging, he most certainly would be too complacent to do something like a tax revolt.


Because normies are already invested too much into the system they're dependent on it working even if it doesn't at all.

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c82c95  No.125832

File: b0d8ad939d88145⋯.jpg (39.27 KB, 881x603, 881:603, gold_standard_inequality_2….jpg)


Well that's exactly it.

The money printer only has meaning so far as people are willing to trade real value for their scrip.

The way to resist the system is to not participate in it. Refuse to accept their money.

Use gold, bitcoin or barter as much as possible in your day to day life.

Be the change you want to see. The more people use hard currencies or favours, the more other people will become open to the idea.

Fiat currency is the base language of (((their))) control.

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7c5ad5  No.125958


Ok, how about a sustained tax revolt. One where we realize that no one has the right to tax us for 'living on the planet' just like everything else that is alive lives on the planet and pays no 'taxes' for that privilege. Just the thought that 'we owe someone because we are alive IS INSANE…totally batshit insane. Yet it is a foundational principle of modern thought at this point and CERTAINLY a foundational principle of the (((state))).

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7c5ad5  No.125960


It goes beyond this anon. Why would you pay or engage with ANYONE who thinks that you 'owe' them because you are alive. This is basically what the niggers are saying with their GIBS ME DAT reperations…they learned it from the jew. At some point "The White mans burden" of keeping everyone on this planet alive and well (except their own people/offspring) is going to be too much. Why not START with the idea that you and I owe no one for simply being born. We don't buy into the idea of 'original sin' or guilt for LIFE, do we?

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684ad3  No.125965

Yeah … don't pay taxes … down with the maaaaaan!!!! Then, when a pothole on your street doesn't get fixed for a couple days, you'll run crying back to that same man and beg for his help.

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bd5243  No.125977

A better question would be: how do we set up a tax shelter in CHAZ?

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7c5ad5  No.125997


My horse can easily navigate a pothole.

Just kidding…

Look if you want to pay my taxes for me, because you believe that you owe another human being for being alive then you are welcome to do that. The US survived and thrived before (((government))) without paying taxes to anyone.

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7c5ad5  No.125999


Do you think it will be alive long enough that this would be an option? Also, pretty sure that Mossack Fonseca runs this game pretty well already and you would have to be playing at that level to fight off the City of London's interest in you bending the knee since they are the only people on the planet who do not have to pay taxes to anyone.

Mossack Fonseca's old motto (before they got busted this last time around) "Taxes are for idiots"

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7c5ad5  No.126002

File: 04e4bf1b6b9ef3e⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 600x450, 4:3, mossack_fonseca_taxes_are_….jpg)

I can't find the "taxes are for idiots" motto on the web right now…but I remember seeing it when the last attempt at taking MF went down.

This motto is essentially the same thing though.

Poor people = idiots

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e1f8a9  No.126147


>The US survived and thrived before (((government))) without paying taxes to anyone.

Pat Buchanan went deep into this in his superb series of books back in the 90's. A Republic Not an Empire in particular showed that with 35% tariffs the US govt ran "embarrassing surpluses" and it was only when they created the IRS and the Fed that the government started accruing a massive exponentially growing debt.

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99b91e  No.126182


Any movement that doesn't involve violence against all enemies of the white race (including indoctrinated minors) will fail.

Now call me a glownigger for saying the truth.

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d418e8  No.126372


Far be it from me to call you a glownigger anon. I was just hoping this would kick things off a bit and cause things to heat up when jerome and sheniqua couldn't get their EBT to feed their 14 kids.

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d418e8  No.126571


Suing the city, county and state seems like a start. That is an interesting website. That blue background tho…if this was a Whites only nation or planet we would always run a surplus no matter how much we spent. So suing the government is a first step similar to a tax revolt but we will still be in a deficit, no matter what we do, as long as the subhumans are around.

The cost of having subhumans in our nation


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853ec9  No.127489


>muh roads

Fucking kike get out of here with that tired trope.

Hang all usurers and eliminate income tax and property tax.

If municipalities or states want to collect reasonable tax for actual services, great.

A near perfect economic system has been tried before, remember?

Or is the autobahn not a road you sniveling Jew faggot?

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853ec9  No.127490


For the record, I have not paid income tax in 12 years.

30% non participation would cause collapse. You down or are you larping?

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7457a0  No.127494


>You down or are you larping?

Very good question. Right now I doubt we have 30% critical mass.

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0d5334  No.127498

File: 9936b838d97ac11⋯.png (270.09 KB, 395x263, 395:263, ClipboardImage.png)


>Abolish any unions if they get in the way of the market to price

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0d5334  No.127500

File: eb56ea17d45bd18⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 376x490, 188:245, hugh_laurie_like_uh_huh_.jpg)


>30% non participation would cause collapse

Someone doesn't understand how printing money works. Did the printing of extra trillions this year cause collapse? Was the matter even in question?

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f8c0f3  No.127505

File: 4f2f9df4b48975f⋯.mp4 (4.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Tucker_violence.mp4)

If you're not doing your best to defraud, steal and sabotage the American regime, you're a cuck.

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8656de  No.127516


>Someone doesn't understand how printing money works

Someone doesn't know why the yen went from being 3.5 yen to a US dollar to not even worth 0.01% of a US dollar

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7b5817  No.127539

File: e433cd49de58a38⋯.png (922.17 KB, 1024x534, 512:267, intercourse.png)

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8c6fe5  No.127549


>yen went from being 3.5 yen to a US dollar to not even worth 0.01% of a US dollar

I have to admit I chuckled…but the race to the bottom and devaluing currency will not seem much like a joke later.

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e1f8a9  No.127599

File: 4fbbb59ce85ea9f⋯.jpg (308.54 KB, 1881x1577, 99:83, threat.JPG)


>I have to admit I chuckled…but the race to the bottom and devaluing currency will not seem much like a joke later.

A 3 pack of NY striploin steaks is $50 now in Canada. Turdoo is racing Trump to print money to throw away like a drunken Santiera priest.

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c82c95  No.127647


Yes, I agree that taxation is theft and slavery, but most people don't and would shoot you, or support shooting you for refusing to be enslaved.

Practicing a preference for hard money in your personal and business life is an effective and risk free way of attacking the system.

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36be52  No.127651


The obvious answer is covert tax revolt and being intentionally unproductive until the system decays to the point where overt tax revolt is feasible. This is an opportune time for such a strategy because of all the urban unrest in the United States coupled with the economic fallout of the Corona panic. ZOG needs your productivity more than ever, don't give it to them.

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c82c95  No.127652


>I have been breathing in asbestos dust since last year and I'm still alive

>mesothelioma is a myth

Christ, NPCs are thick.

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0ab565  No.128783


Neither would work because the U.S. government has a monopoly on the ability to print the dollar, i.e. taxes don't fund government spending, they only enforce the use of the dollar. If the government had to, it would easily create more dollars without needing "our" money that the government printed in the first place, this is because there's no logical or actual restriction on their ability to do so except for artificial budget limitations which could be done away with.

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c8874f  No.128795


This is why I came to the conclusion that movements like #whitestrike would not work either. But at least we would get a vacation from the slavery. I guess it depends on what we are doing while we are not working as slaves. Are we staging the tactical means by which we survive the collapse that is coming? IDK it is a lot to think about and I don't have all the answers yet.

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6c1cb0  No.128798


How to make a living wage and never pay taxes.

Step 1. Join the military

Step 2. Always volunteer for the most dangerous tasks along your first enlistment.

Step 3. Get into a training accident or multiple accidents over the course of your enlistment, accruing a lengthy medical record before you get out or injuring yourself permanently and having to be medically separated or retired.

Step 4. Get out of the military with 100% VA disability compensation and make 3,000+ dollars a month for the rest of your life, tax free.

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f4f15e  No.128877

Go Galt. Earn as little as you can to survive and spend your time with your family, learning and doing things that you enjoy. Fuck propping up this shitty POS society / govt / employer that give absolutely no shit about you at all.

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c8874f  No.128884


Never ever take anything from the government. I was watching a documentary about the negative effects of welfare (basically communism) on nigger populations.

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75294a  No.128924


No the way forward is gone. Should of voted for Bernie. Now the corporations can have their way w you. Enjoy, i hope you enjoyed al the triggered libs because you traded next generations future for it.

Citizen's United destroyed America, now go fuck yourself.

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75294a  No.128928


One thing these riots exposed is how bad corporations have pounded everyone's cornhole. They're like fuck it tear it down, we have enough money to rebuild times a million.

Now don't be asking for your fair share, that's socialism.

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e1f8a9  No.128931


>Should of voted for Bernie.

Too bad Bernie had no intention of winning whatsoever. He won ALL the primaries and ALL those primary exit polls show he won by 14%. The DNC just toggled the numbers around and gave the win to their pedo freak. Bernie knew that better than you or me and he never said a word. He laid down and licked Biden's boots. He's as much a traitor to the left as Trump is to the right.

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6c1cb0  No.128932


Oy Vey, goyim! You should have voted for your greatest ally, Bernie Sanders!

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75294a  No.128933


Yep was some serious rigging, as if anybody supports Biden. They pulled it off tho.

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c8874f  No.128934


This, honestly.

>vote for a jew, goyim.

Because it has 'worked out' so well thus far, amirite? ;)

I am not going to 'vote' for anyone that I can't get an independent blind results DNA test on verified in a result from a lab of my choosing. FOREIGNERS cannot represent the genetic interests of Europeans. As far as I am concerned no jew will ever represent my people again.

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e1f8a9  No.128939

"I will drain the swamp"

Hires Bolton.

"I hate Bolton he is crazy. "

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e1f8a9  No.128940


>>Step 4. Get out of the military with 100% VA disability compensation and make 3,000+ dollars a month for the rest of your life, tax free.

Some of us actually have lofty dreams and ambition and a work ethic you know. Just being a passive aggressive low level leech insect isn't really a particularly good way to spend the only precious life you'll ever have.

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6c1cb0  No.128949


This was merely a suggestion to earn a living wage without paying taxes and having it all totally legal and not get you fucked in the ass by the IRS. I'm making 3500 bucks a month from the VA and I can still work and do any job I want and make as much money as I want. VA compensation is money they owe me for getting fucked up while serving.

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e1f8a9  No.128982


Well that's OK if you can swing it without getting your face burned off or your leg blown away.

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6c1cb0  No.129170


It's not that hard dude. Training accidents happen all the time. I remember this one kid, hadn't even been in for a year. They were offloading some tires from the back of a truck and one of the tires fell on him, folding him up like an accordion, breaking his back. All his medical bills were paid and he got separated making 100% VA pay for the rest of his life and he was only like 19…of course he did have a broken spine and had to go through a year of rehab and wear a big plastic back brace, but that's a decent deal.

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d7fcde  No.129186

Whether refusing to pay taxes is effective opposition or not is debatable. The real question is: Why would you ever willingly hand over your money to a government that calls you a racist a dozen times every day and is actively working to wipe you off the face of the Earth?

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830657  No.129196

The solution is make policy demands backed by violence. Propertarianims is the only group with an actual plan. Take a look. They are planning for national declaration in richmond virginia on july 4th 2020. This may be our only chance to rally behind a viable solution.


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c8874f  No.129203


The thing is anon…I don't want to 'be one' with niggers or spics. I want the declaration to apply to White (Western European) men of good character. I am very serious about wanting a Ethnic European ONLY nation.

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c18056  No.129336

File: c254e6ae6888f44⋯.jpg (110.61 KB, 619x757, 619:757, JOE_STACK.jpg)

Joe Stack is the best tax revolter!

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c8874f  No.129339

File: f26b4142017f78c⋯.gif (802.4 KB, 488x200, 61:25, fight_club.gif)

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c8874f  No.129340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e1f8a9  No.129595


>Yep was some serious rigging, as if anybody supports Biden. They pulled it off tho

Well they haven't had the convention….YET. kek. Something tells me there's going to be some really angry pissed off Berniebros that have gone all Antifa and are ready to rock at the convention, inside and out.

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e1f8a9  No.129600

File: 648298a8ea634d4⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 474x711, 2:3, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

File: c78bd30472e5e32⋯.png (163.49 KB, 550x351, 550:351, external_content_duckduckg….png)

>>I am very serious about wanting a Ethnic European ONLY nation.

I totally agree but with one exception. I wants me some top tier sushi and koreans and chinks or vietnamese just don't know how. Can we have a couple real jap sushi chefs in the ethnostate?

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e67f1c  No.129611


How about you try reading you dumb fuck. It fully restores freedom of association and full soverienty to states. You can have dozens of ethnostates under this plan. I swear wiggers will be the death of us all. Learn to read or follow your betters.

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63281f  No.129643


Just saying I am not a civnat and most of this shit is all civnat bullshit. A second declaration? The first one didn't work so lets do a second one?

>we are one with the monkey people…lets all fight together in unity…

yeah, no…not interested.

I get the feeling without READING it (because I have seen so much of this /pol/pnd/ bullshit in the past that you are proposing that we lose even more gound by giving up or ceding territory that is OURS by right of birth to piece of shit foreigners 'if we agree to live with them'. So, your plan, potentially is no different than the jews plan. I am not interested in any of that shit.

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63281f  No.129647


If you fucked off to Japan and destroyed your DNA over there by putting your dick into a bug woman you could probably have all the sushi you wanted.

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e1f8a9  No.129810


>It's not that hard dude. Training accidents happen all the time. I remember this one kid, hadn't even been in for a year. They were offloading some tires from the back of a truck and one of the tires fell on him, folding him up like an accordion, breaking his back. All his medical bills were paid and he got separated making 100% VA pay for the rest of his life and he was only like 19…of course he did have a broken spine and had to go through a year of rehab and wear a big plastic back brace, but that's a decent deal

I'll say; my father had a broken fall off an oil refinery rig of 135 feet. He broke his back. This was in the 1930's in Texas. His wife left him and took the kid that same day. They gave him a big brace and kicked him out of the hospital telling him he'd never work again. No compo whatsoever. He was a farm boy taken out of school in grade 3 to work on the farm. He had to shine shoes in a barber shop. That's what's on my older sister's birth certificate as his occupation. Then he went back to work as an ironworker and had a >>129647


>If you fucked off to Japan and destroyed your DNA over there by putting your dick into a bug woman you could probably have all the sushi you wanted.

Jees nigga, I just want to be able to go to an authentic jap restaurant with lovely cedar wood and rice paper tatami booths and be served soft shell crab and sushi and tempura soba with 2 or 4 Kirin beers and some green tea by a japanese lady in a kimono once a month or so. I didn't want to sell my entire life down the river for it.

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df307c  No.129831

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6c1cb0  No.129844


Life was pretty fucking tough back then.

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7e0312  No.129845

File: d6a4d981b8a8f6a⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 500x400, 5:4, joestack.jpg)

File: a155dc3e577b2c4⋯.jpg (113.7 KB, 1600x1599, 1600:1599, joe_stack_bowers.jpg)

File: 6f45276a3b998c8⋯.jpg (84.83 KB, 800x450, 16:9, joe_stack_fought_back.jpg)

File: d5d21dc19272f8f⋯.jpg (217.27 KB, 797x996, 797:996, joestacksimpletrick.jpg)

File: a9803b08e649f4d⋯.jpg (83.19 KB, 800x601, 800:601, joe_stack_what_can_one_man….jpg)

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6c1cb0  No.129846


Nothing like having some slope mama-san give you some 'sucky sucky' for a good tip under the sushi bar while you suck down some fresh fucking uni and cold sake just before you pass a nut down her little gook throat hole and slip her a whole crisp 5 dollar bill for her excellent service. You don't have to fuck a gook pussy and have little half nip kids.

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df307c  No.129848


>I'll say; my father had a broken fall off an oil refinery rig of 135 feet. He broke his back. This was in the 1930's in Texas. His wife left him and took the kid that same day. They gave him a big brace and kicked him out of the hospital telling him he'd never work again. No compo whatsoever. He was a farm boy taken out of school in grade 3 to work on the farm. He had to shine shoes in a barber shop. That's what's on my older sister's birth certificate as his occupation. Then he went back to work as an ironworker and had a

Something similar happened to my dad. Not a physical injury but his entire life got destroyed in one day as well.

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df307c  No.129853


Technically it would only prolong the race wars and the whole thing would start all over again. There really can be only one race; technology simply won't allow a multiplicity of races to survive. It goes without saying that it can't be parasitic like the jew (thought they would like this) or parasitic like the nigger (I don't think they care) or parasitic like the bugs (shit tier nigger behavior when you really think about it). The only race that qualifies is HIGH TRUST, COOPERATIVE, PRODUCTIVE and REASONS to come to a conclusion. Mathematical programming and AI's do not do well with irrational behavior and it fucks up the modeling. Therefore all these other subhuman races are DISQUALIFIED because they do not meet the requirements for mechanical intelligence modeling and systems.

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3963f1  No.130115


THIS. A tax revolt is not really necessary. I stead a return to a natural economy that is unencumbered is the way to go. Thing is no one can do that because no one Will do that. So let's say I have a fishing boat and I catch fish. I get back to the dock and try to sell my catch for the day. Great! Except I'm a tax revolter and won't accept anything except silver or crypto. I wait and wait and wait and no one is willing to go acquire the correct currency and return. My catch rots and I throw it overboard.

Let's say I have some land with some trees. I'm not a nigger so I cut them, slab them on a small saw Mill. Air dry them and make some furniture. Well at least in that situation I have staying power because it won't rot but I will soon be unable to continue.

There has to be a local group of people who are ALL PRODUCTIVE and producing goods and services that others need. Now, you tell me if you can make anything with your own resources now and sell it? Very few people can or will.

Crypto promised this new world but it has never materialized. Something like zencoin (horizen) would be ideal for this but try to find someone who knows anything about any crypto beyond eth/btc/ltc. Then try to buy/sell from them. I am productive. I have tried the above and have never made a sale in 4 years. Not one sale. Not at my farm stand… Not for my labor or for the labor of others. Nothing. No one will use it. Muh credit card.

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3963f1  No.130122


You are literally the "jump to conclusions mat" guy from office space. Ha ha ha ha ha.

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