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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

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6d56fa  No.125524

How about we do something real for once? in case you don't know L'Oreal those french simps rehired the black supremacist tranny that called for white genocide in 2017


So these frogs are caving to niggers, what to do?

Well it turns out l'oreal has a lot of dirt on them, their main business?

Skin whitening creams


Do you hear that? they want to whitewash POCs! they are ultra-white supremacists!

Thats the shit we need to spread around everywhere, on reddit, facebook, twitter, EVERY-FUCKING-WHERE

The moment it goes viral l'oreal will be forced to abandon that market which is huge, all of asia is buying this shit, indians, chinese, thai, indonesians, everybody, if l'oreal has to leave that market under woketard pressure it will fucking destroy them, but it will also send a STRONG signal to all other corporations: woketards are your enemy, stop supporting woketards, stop giving money to woketard movements, they will stab you in the back and you WILL go broke

Fire the engines

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7a936f  No.125635

That was a whole lot of talk from such an empty headed cunt. She's got a shitty blocky body frankly. You can see mommy was hot and daddy was an ugly Caliban sub human and trying to mix the two hasn't turned out well for her. I hope she goes bankrupt and I hope the jew owned cosmetics company goes bankrupt with her.

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3b775e  No.125638

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7a936f  No.125672



Yeah well, I'm an old guy…I'm having a hard time keeping up with all this shit.

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