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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: f4bc53349864bab⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 932x524, 233:131, wendys_on_fire.jpg)

d54ad2  No.124785

Unarmed Black Father Murdered In The Street By White Supremacist Police

Rayshard Brooks was shot in the back while minding his own business.

Twenty-seven year-old Rayshard Brooks had stopped at a Wendy's drive through on his way home to his daughter's birthday party when he was spotted by two White police officers. Before Rayshard could save himself, the police noticed that he was driving while black, and immediately assassinated him execution style.

Thankfully, the murder by the criminal police officers was captured on video by bystanders and surveillance video.


If it weren't for the video, this crime might have gone unnoticed by the public. But thanks to this damning evidence some slight justice has begin to be served: the female police chief of Atlanta has resigned, and the Wendy's where this occurred has begun to make reparations for its part in this crime by being burnt to the ground by protesters.



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eb0a4a  No.124786


>Unarmed Black Father Murdered

Are you fucking high?

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60f2df  No.124805

aaah c'mon. You can do better than this. This is just Don Lemonsqueezer silly.

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7b1dc0  No.124809


Wrong door bro. /leftypol/ is further down the hall.

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87db99  No.124855




Aw c'mon guys. OP, whilst being a faggot, was also being amusing.

Thanks OP

Also, gas the kikes.

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0aafc2  No.125266

File: 67b67ae1231b65a⋯.jpg (86.2 KB, 786x930, 131:155, erin_as_wendy.jpg)


He had no beef with the poleece

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