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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow

File: 56e2a67e0f21249⋯.jpeg (407.8 KB, 1286x857, 1286:857, 430EDBA4_2E00_454E_8BD5_3….jpeg)

486bff  No.124239[Last 50 Posts]

The Chimpout of 2020: Thread 11

Cause: Yet another nigger goodified.

Response: Niggers nigging, now throughout up to 150 cities. Increased militarization of the police. Deployment of the National Guard. Antifa on the verge of becoming a domestic terrorist organization.

Aggregate livestream (various locations, /pol/ friendly): https://dlive.tv/DOOMTUBE

Seattle: https://dlive.tv/CommandandControll

YouTube seems to be cracking down on livestreams–or there just aren't nearly as many as there once were. Any streams you find for different locations, post in the thread below. I'll edit the OP with them.

Previous Threads

1. https://archive.vn/0Fet2

2. https://archive.vn/tJgZP

3. http://archive.md/LDIcs

4. https://archive.vn/rMtzJ

5. http://archive.md/JJnla

6. http://archive.md/9DWJ0

7. http://archive.vn/LNsV5

8. http://archive.vn/BG0SA

9. http://archive.vn/rh4li

10. http://archive.vn/qtXaI

Mod edit: Ignore the glowniggers. Ignore the shills. You are not rambo. You are not a cop. You are not a vigilante. You are not an operator. Do not do anything illegal. They are waiting for you to poke your head out so they can throw you in a cell to rot for the rest of your life. Yes, it's unfair. Get over it. Be smarter.

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Post last edited at

ea9be7  No.124244

File: 3b0c850beeaa4d6⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, VID_20200613_170441_293.mp4)


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fe4d7d  No.124247

File: e4c88dbd1b7d278⋯.webm (104.29 KB, 434x772, 217:386, notstrangulation.webm)

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fe4d7d  No.124249


Who's that guy?

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ea9be7  No.124250

File: f252006ed4972fe⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, VID_20200613_161010_040.mp4)

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5e34a1  No.124252

File: 1a34a27065dc376⋯.png (100.56 KB, 335x218, 335:218, enriched.png)

File: cabffb590e87a23⋯.png (48.74 KB, 310x380, 31:38, triggerrrrred.png)

>>124244 (checked)

The disgusting thing is that not one of those feral apes will be prosecuted for assault. What's worse, the entire kike run media will circle the wagons around them, even now, I'm sure they're typing articles about how racist this victim was.


I'm triggered by this (pic #2). I don't feel safe.

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ea9be7  No.124253


Some white guy defending monuments in the UK, I assume

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ea9be7  No.124255

File: a3cca41ad430745⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, VID_20200613_154922_182.mp4)

File: 557f4e2f09c5e5e⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB, 640x362, 320:181, 1_5127512101778096401.mp4)

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ea9be7  No.124256

File: 67d76a34482bac6⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB, 360x640, 9:16, VID_20200613_154438_791.mp4)

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486bff  No.124258

File: ae5ff0e608a0282⋯.jpeg (101.82 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 3237F7C2_2692_4643_ADA5_3….jpeg)


Can’t blame the mod, glow nigger manifestos is why this is 500 user /pnd/ and not 3,000 user /pol/. My second choice for top pic btw, they actually want “The George Floyd Rebellion” in history books now.

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486bff  No.124259

File: ae469875bb93ac3⋯.mp4 (10.7 MB, 256x144, 16:9, IMG_2460.mp4)

Repost for spreading to boomers and normalfaggots.

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2379de  No.124262



is Ramstein zionist rubbish ?

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8e9efd  No.124264


>Oy you got a loicense for that bea'in?


>At least we're not talking German.

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c1d305  No.124265


After their last video, absolutely.

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fe4d7d  No.124273


Do you have the full video from 4:35 where they appear to mob a guy who's just walking by himself doing nothing?

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3e767e  No.124282


The mod doesn’t realize that by ‘staying home’ you are already in a cell.

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78ae6a  No.124287



The triggering is the change from . to , .

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486bff  No.124288

File: 1dd44407fcd51ea⋯.mp4 (923.27 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_2489.mp4)

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4ee663  No.124294



I'm a bit triggered by ' here also

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0773e7  No.124297

Please guys hold and stay home, only defend your home, do not become the target. History may have to take 1 for the team, until the masses awaken. The boys in Britain are different, but it would be advisable not to give the left any ammunition. Especially when the enemy is most of the state. Protecting the history is important, but protecting the believes and lineage is more important.

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9daee5  No.124301

File: af5c88de71f08f4⋯.jpg (71.76 KB, 425x358, 425:358, Saint_nigger.jpg)

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486bff  No.124302

File: 2e1fadfc5fab0b0⋯.mp4 (4.29 MB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_2490.mp4)


Just noticed not the full vid, guess don’t have it after all :^\

Here’s another good one though.


Don’t think he’s saying that so much as to leave fighting fire with fire (chimping out and doing illegal shit) to niggers, since it’s kind of their thing anyway. Always been against cultural appropriation myself.

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5c60b0  No.124316


We never need what you say spacenigger

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ea9be7  No.124317

File: e8257560cb519cf⋯.jpg (133.76 KB, 797x1280, 797:1280, IMG_20200613_190940_010.jpg)

Checkmate, BLM.

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db0d62  No.124318


More like the fact that Jim is a sleazy, untrustworthy cocksucker who has closed door meetings with the US gov, this site being poorly programmed and there being better places available that are likely more trustworthy.

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55db88  No.124324


Oh I am worse I am from the future - Balkans. You do not want to become us, it is not fun.

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48c730  No.124327


I bet you brits are happy they gave up their guns.

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d3fda1  No.124328


>You are not rambo.

That's true

>You are not a cop. You are not a vigilante. You are not an operator.

Literally all three of those browse here, retard

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28db6a  No.124330


Well that's strange.

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48c730  No.124331


That is such a beautiful bay.


Around blacks…

We really should just gun them down whenever we see them…(glownigger, right you all? You are going to be choking out the word 'glownigger' at me when they put the very last of you in your grave) One final croak of 'glownigger' before you die. You will still be blaming me for telling you the TRUTH as they are putting the shovel full of dirt on your casket.

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486bff  No.124332

File: e1afb51ac84fc91⋯.jpeg (146.53 KB, 640x595, 128:119, C8C4FF2B_8D70_43AF_9931_3….jpeg)

File: 31ec123ff0b8d83⋯.jpeg (111.87 KB, 1253x719, 1253:719, CC3CC6B0_F5F2_46C2_BF95_A….jpeg)

File: 27a3649b773c1fc⋯.gif (5.82 MB, 480x640, 3:4, C7CDB368_F7F4_4F33_8494_6A….gif)

File: 1647e6c8cd4572b⋯.jpeg (108.42 KB, 744x721, 744:721, 3D1380F6_727B_42A8_A13D_F….jpeg)

File: 8013931d244748e⋯.jpeg (124.59 KB, 747x753, 249:251, CFF93277_B49A_4FAF_B22B_2….jpeg)


Preaching to the choir here, anon.

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48c730  No.124333


Is there any fucking context for these videos? Is this random violence for a 'purpose'?

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cece75  No.124335

Remember, kids, vandalizing monuments to different cultures is a hate crime.


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28db6a  No.124340

PSA: Don't allow niggers to occupy too much of your time. It is your weekend and there are plenty of things you'd rather be doing than watching niggers chimp, or contemplating their actions. It is of course important to keep an eye on the world, but save some time for yourself.

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4ee663  No.124341

File: 79619e43af392ff⋯.png (494.7 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d009b6  No.124343


Echo this. Although one must admit that after being under house arrest for months with only repeats on the jewbox, the wild and whacky antics of that merry band of eccentric characters who populate the Antifastan Warlord Prefecture of Chazmania, is riveting must-see comedy.

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48c730  No.124344

File: 7ad336690c202e5⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, police_shooting_in_atlanta….mp4)

Atalanta Wendy's shooting

Chimpouts incoming.

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2ef29c  No.124345


Checking dubs of truth

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48c730  No.124346


Now we know who to blame for 1,000 people starving to death.

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fe4d7d  No.124347

File: 75b0ebeffc1f280⋯.jpg (611.07 KB, 917x4143, 917:4143, dindu_nuffin.jpg)


Atlanta’s police chief resigned on Saturday, less than 24 hours after a police officer shot and killed a man at a Wendy’s drive-through who had run from the police after failing a sobriety check and taking an officer’s Taser, the authorities said.

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms of Atlanta said that security footage appeared to show that the man, Rayshard Brooks, 27, who is black, had fired the Taser toward the officer, who was chasing him before he was killed.

“While there may be debate as to whether this was an appropriate use of deadly force, I firmly believe that there is a clear distinction between what you can do and what you should do,” Ms. Bottoms said. “I do not believe that this was a justified use of deadly force.”

In addition to the resignation of the police chief, Erika Shields, who just weeks earlier had engaged with demonstrators protesting the killing of George Floyd, Ms. Bottoms said that she had also called for the immediate firing of the police officer who killed Mr. Brooks.

Ms. Shields, who is white and took over the department in 2017, will be replaced by Rodney Bryant, a black man who has served as a top police deputy and recently took over as the interim head of the city’s jails, Ms. Bottoms said, adding that the city will launch a national search for a permanent replacement.

Ms. Bottoms said that Ms. Shields had made the choice to resign and would continue to work for the city, but her role was not yet determined.

The encounter in the Wendy’s drive-through began on Friday night when police officers arrived on the scene and found that Mr. Brooks had fallen asleep in his vehicle, causing other customers to drive around him, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which is investigating the shooting.

Mr. Brooks failed a sobriety test, the bureau said, and then struggled with officers as he was being arrested. Videos posted on social media showed him grappling with the two officers who were trying to arrest him. One officer appeared to try to stun him after Mr. Brooks threw a punch at him.

As Mr. Brooks ran away, appearing to hold the Taser, one officer chased after him, holding another stun gun. Then, in one of the videos, several gunshots can be heard.

On Saturday afternoon, after obtaining surveillance video from the restaurant and reviewing videos on social media, the bureau revised its initial account of what had happened, saying its earlier statement — which claimed that Mr. Brooks was killed during the struggle with officers — “was based on the officer’s body cam which was knocked off during the physical struggle, preventing the capture of the entire shooting incident.”

“During the chase, Mr. Brooks turned and pointed the Taser at the officer,” the bureau said, adding, that “the officer fired his weapon, striking Brooks.”

Mr. Brooks was taken to a hospital, where he died after surgery. One officer was treated for an injury during the episode and was later released.

The shooting comes as protests and unrest have erupted in Atlanta and cities across the country in response to the death of Mr. Floyd, a black man who died in the custody of Minneapolis police officers on May 25.

Days later, protesters in Atlanta climbed to the top of a large red CNN sign outside the news media company’s headquarters and spray-painted messages on it. People also jumped on police cars and tossed rocks at the glass doors of the Omni Hotel.

The Fulton County District Attorney’s Office said it was conducting its own investigation into the Brooks shooting, separate from the bureau’s.

“Our thoughts and our sympathies are extended to the family of Rayshard Brooks as we must not forget that this investigation is centered upon a loss of life,” the district attorney, Paul L. Howard Jr., said in a statement.

State and local officials spoke out about the shooting.

The Rev. James Woodall, the state president of the N.A.A.C.P., said on Saturday of Mr. Brooks, “there was nothing that he did that was deserving of death.”

“Our overall message is that we are done dying,” the reverend said. “We are done waking up at 1 or 2 in the morning to another murder or yet another case of police brutality.”

Former candidate for governor Stacey Abrams said on Twitter that the killing of Mr. Brooks “demands we severely restrict the use of deadly force.” She added, “sleeping in a drive-thru must not end in death.”

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573fb5  No.124349


>Mayor Keisha

Bloody hell.

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d12806  No.124350

File: d8fd8b63c81476b⋯.webm (1.37 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Woman_police.webm)

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48c730  No.124351

File: d494567d9824e7d⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 800x422, 400:211, mad_max_fury_road.jpg)



I watched an interview with Lance Bottoms and a reporter named Booby. I have decided this is a heavenly joke.

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4ee663  No.124353

File: 543cd203abcd490⋯.png (6.82 MB, 1740x2180, 87:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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cece75  No.124354


Imagine being the guy in corporate who has to explain why the firm shouldn’t hurry to expand to any if these shitholes hell bent on becoming holier. It’s like the poor sap trying to explain to some African dictator that they shouldn’t burn down all the stuff whites built for them.

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4ee663  No.124355


Dude did that right in front of his daughter. who was obviously disturbed by it.


I wish libtards would look at this kind of thing. They claim to care for women. Complete bullshit obviously.

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48c730  No.124356


Do you really think that she wanted to stay but was 'forced' out?

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573fb5  No.124357

File: 6c4b549a19742ed⋯.jpg (219.99 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, AP_Joshua_Milton_Blahyi_ml….jpg)


Hopefully one of these AZs will produce more comedic names like like Liberia did in "General Butt Naked," "General Mosquito" and "General Mosquito Spray."

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48c730  No.124358


She did forget the cardinal rule anon.

She will be buried in her grave muttering that I am a glownigger as well for saying that they should all be gunned down. Her crushed larynx will do its death rattle, "Anon, you glownigger." exhale, death.

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4ee663  No.124359


Behind closed doors business is much less woke.

I work at a bank, our public messaging is totally woke. In private it's the complete opposite, it's kind of a big joke how our social media is so obviously bullshit.


From her resume it looks like she was committed to a career in policing, I doubt she "wanted" to go. Probably saw that the job was about to get a shitload harder and might be better to go out with her reputation intact.


>All should be gunned down

Genocide is hard in practice, especially when its not a government / occupying force doing it.

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690aa3  No.124360


Niggers are higher in the progressive scale than women. If there's no niggers then women become important again.


>glownigger for saying niggers should be killed

Everyone wants niggers to be gunned down. It's only a problem if you try to goad people into falling for the obvious trap they're setting for "right wing extremists". They seem desperate to get right wing people to act, constantly shaming and berating us, calling us cowards and impotent and hypocrites for not doing anything and screeching about how the left wing is totally winning while they burn down their own democrat-ran cities.

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573fb5  No.124361


Oh I've met those types, it's all told in buzzwords.

Diminishing economic prospects, market chaos caused by social unrest, economic uncertainty, discouraging projects etc. Everyone in the room knows the answer is NIGGERS, but no one dare say.

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48c730  No.124362


>Genocide is hard in practice, especially when its not a government / occupying force doing it.

Funny how easy it is for nigger when they are doing it to Whites though.

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4ee663  No.124363


>while they burn down their own democrat-ran cities.

Yeah has been good overall. I hope it continues. I hope they ban police. Banning police will be a great help for the birthrate balance. Let the nigs keep their urban shitholes, they can wipe each other out there while we build up elsewhere.

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48c730  No.124364


>Everyone in the room knows the answer is NIGGERS, but no one dare say.

Well lying about the obvious is one way to destroy your corporation. I guess they get what they get.

On a technical note, I guess they aren't really lying since all that is true just skirting the real problem.

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690aa3  No.124365


While being backed by the government.

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48c730  No.124366


They won't STAY in their urban shitholes though, they are a literal locust plague that destroys everything it touches. Locusts don't 'hang out' when the gibs are up, they just swarm to another location and destroy that one next.

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48c730  No.124367


Not true.

There was no government backing in Haiti.

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690aa3  No.124368


If they're sitting around doing nothing until a white person retaliates, how is that not backing them?

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4ee663  No.124369



The gibs will still be there. That's where the dems are. They are too dumb to move to a nice rural town.

No cops == fewer niggers (Shooting each other)

No cops == segregation (whites leave)

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690aa3  No.124370

File: a467c63d502e387⋯.jpg (131.64 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 1592065289319.jpg)


Forgot my image.

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48c730  No.124371


That is not 'backing' someone. I am saying that actual genocide is not difficult. That you don't need government backing. All that has to happen is that no one interferes. You were saying that it was 'difficult'. I am saying it is not difficult at all.

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4ee663  No.124372


> You were saying that it was 'difficult'. I am saying it is not difficult at all.

Removing the black race from America is "not difficult at all"

You jest

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48c730  No.124373


pew pew…

oh they ain't got no guns…

They have a 'police liaison' though…is that like Minneapolis 'community outreach' patrols? Clearly this works…right guise?

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48c730  No.124374


Ok explain to me how it would 'be difficult'. I think I could have them completely removed and buried in less than 3 months…TOTAL.

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8ad560  No.124376


Another subhuman piece of shit nigger that deserved to die. Thank you officers!

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4ee663  No.124377


Look just so you know I am only replying to you because this board is dead as fuck.

> I think I could have them completely removed and buried in less than 3 months…TOTAL.


Also inb4 you plan to poison all the watermelons.

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690aa3  No.124378


That's literally backing them through being their shield though. If nobody intervened then it would unironically be in the best interest of white people to start slaughtering them right now, but that's not how it works.

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8ad560  No.124380

Western nations are dead. What we're witnessing is the death rattle. If you live in a blue state you and your family will be killed by black and jewish forces within the next 10 years. Act accordingly and get ready for what's next.

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77391f  No.124381

>criminal nigger fights police

>gets shot

>niggers riot, extra pissed at whitey and cops

>criminal nigger, extra pissed at whitey and cops, fights police

>gets shot

I'm seeing a cycle here.

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797953  No.124382


You know, I was wondering if these riots are a plot to destroy big liberal cities in order to force liberal populations to disperse to the countryside as a an election strategy.

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48c730  No.124384


Kek…I just made a OP on the coming genocide in South Africa on the 16th of June. It will be the globalists 'trial run' for all White nations and will test how they can control the information going and coming from the genocide zones.

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813f12  No.124387


My other thought is maybe the democrats of those cities are actually quite broke. NYC was having huge money troubles, I'm sure the others have issues. I wonder if they don't allow this to collapse the city and walk away without admitting to any budget issues, instead they just blame kids and white flight.

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48c730  No.124388


>If nobody intervened then it would unironically be in the best interest of white people to start slaughtering them right now, but that's not how it works.

If you actually started slaughtering them right now the entire nation would be plunged into chaos and no one could intervene. I know, I know anon…you would rather watch your whole family be GLORIOUSLY MARTYRED at their hands that take the situation under control.

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690aa3  No.124390


Ah you're one of these.

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48c730  No.124391


The jews want the real estate. They plundered everything on the upswing and now they are going to plunder it on the downswing.

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4ee663  No.124392


> force liberal populations to disperse to the countryside as a an election strategy.

Honestly I don't see how liberals can handle living outside of their containment zones. For starters they would have to get real jobs. Then you often need to rely on your neighbors - you won't earn any good will when you are constantly shaming people.

In the country you have to be tolerant of differing views on things. Liberals aren't tolerant.

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48c730  No.124393


Pragmatic. Yes. I am not looking for a 'glorious martyrdom'. Not part of the Death Cult.

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813f12  No.124394


Secondary win of course.

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8ad560  No.124395


They only want it insofar as they want to leech every last dime from america's coffers as they can, but that's just the bonus. the real goal is the destruction of the only race to ever stand up to the kikes, whites.

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4ee663  No.124396


Another reason to gtfo of the lib cities


>the only race to ever stand up to the kikes

The Ancient Egyptians?

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2b625f  No.124397

File: 5b99b78a49b01ff⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Maria_Farmer_Interview_cut.mp4)

The FBI is a jewish supremacist domestic terrorist organization and its only purpose is to protect jewish pedophiles and advance jewish interests.

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4ee663  No.124398


Nice derail schlomo

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48c730  No.124399

File: 8f677bb03be783f⋯.jpg (15.01 KB, 255x171, 85:57, south_african_farm_murder.jpg)


Yep, back when we had balls we kicked their asses all over the planet. Those days are gone now and anyone who still has balls is a 'glownigger'. Doesn't matter, faggots are going to be slaughtered just as quickly as people like me who want to preemptivley strike the enemy and make them think twice about their plans. We are living through Bolshevism II and this time all nobility will cease on this planet and it will become a hell of epic proportions. I hope some of you candy assed faggots live to see the future you desire come upon you.

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48c730  No.124401

File: 93592f1f60f0af8⋯.png (147.04 KB, 500x605, 100:121, king_tuts_dna_is_western_e….png)


Figure it out anon.

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486bff  No.124408

File: fc0d00ed0363dc6⋯.jpeg (103.06 KB, 750x716, 375:358, 99CE07B6_3D19_44B4_B91F_D….jpeg)


Excellent point. Posting some Anglo friendly revelry inducers here

>Are Friends Electric?






>Sorry niggers you not only didn’t invent jazz (or any of the associated instrument technology) you never even improved on it


>Texas Strong


>This degenerate gets it


>Taytay maymay aside what a clever beautiful talented (if not temporarily retarded) songwriter, next gen Dolly tbpf


>Ernst Zundel RIP you are sorely missed mein bruder


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48b62d  No.124419


Ah. Thank God, you finally showed up. The context is that a guy with a violent criminal record had a heart attack while being manhandled by police after resisting arrest because he was on a cocktail of drugs. Hope that makes sense. What do you advise?

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48c730  No.124423


lol. I meant what prompted the beatings in London other than the fact that the people are infected with COVID and are mind controlled/insane.

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a33dc3  No.124426


My favorite bit was where they tried to hijack the FedEx Semi Truck, 2-3 guys are up on the cab trying to smash in his windows & get him so he tries to speed up and flee to get away… Not realizing there was an esteemed Basketball-American trying to do something by the wheels (try and disconnect the trailer?) so he got caught in the wheels and slowly but surely dragged into discombobulation for awhile…. And the ppl filming and/or attempting to jack the truck are immediately like WHAT THE FUCK HOW DARE YOU when the guy gets caught in the wheels like OMFG (((THIS TRUCK DRIVER NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT UP ON MURDER CHARGES ASAP!!!!)))

I know these days you're not supposed to use the phrase "asking for it" but I contend dude in the wheels was indeed "asking for it"

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ea9be7  No.124428

File: 11a5d4c83be56d6⋯.mp4 (14.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, VID_20200613_223405_195.mp4)

Presented without comment

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d1dda2  No.124429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can you add Chaz Land Livestream

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48c730  No.124431



“the autonomous zone has the right to reject you”

R E A L L Y? Does this mean that I have the right to live in a subhuman free nation as well? How does this work?

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48c730  No.124432

File: a6303ebff3ab827⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CHAZ_i_cant_breathe_chocki….mp4)

I can't breathe redux in CHAZ

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d1dda2  No.124434


It'll be Lord of the Flies before you know it.

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486bff  No.124435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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8ac01d  No.124436

Apelanta is going to be fun tonight… good god.

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48c730  No.124437

File: 715711ccee72829⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CHAZ_white_america_needs_t….mp4)

Gonna burn and loot more of America…because things need to 'be equal'

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8ac01d  No.124438


We need an AZ in the AZ.

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bb1597  No.124440

File: c252f5fec3c6fce⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 220x290, 22:29, argument_cover.jpg)



If a woman watches anime maybe it's acceptable. But never a man. Many of the 'classics' aren't too bad but they're still a negative influence. Same with video games for the most part, but complex strategy games are in the positive if highly moderated as far as I see it.


Cuckime shill.

Retard spewing the "get comfy" shit. This is the same mentality after Trump was elected. Just fucking kill yourself cuckime faggot. 0 initiative from this one that thinks the only action is violent action.


I'm not calling for appointed leaders. I'm calling for self-appointed leaders. And we're talking about the chans. I'm not trying to organize violence for fuck's sake.


Nothing is flushed "out". Fuck your anime bullshit. You're as bad as fucking /fringe/.

As we can see in this thread, the in-fighting is growing. Stir and churn, toil toil. . . .


>spics slants are shit

Guy you're replying to. Maybe you're right. If one expels the ones with a felony or over a # of lesser charges, with some especially weighty, or just keeps the high contribution ones, then I think it'll be fine.

It should serve as a perfect example that, "Every race would rather be in White America as low-caste and segregated than anywhere else." and we can radio/internet/communications shill on every country how much better America is in the true American Spirit.


You are schizo kike psychoanalysis as fuck you deranged cuckime retard. Kill yourself. You don't belong. You are a parasite.

You will do nothing at all, nothing legal or illegal, nothing at all. I do not want you in any army, I want you gone.

You're not even trying to justify your actions or views. You are brainwashed and a demoralized 4cuck NPC that has borrowed the census approval and authority of a time long gone and born from niche hobby discussion. You can't even argue that point because you have no argument. You can't justify why you are carrying on the will of anonymous posts from a hobby image board years gone into a political discussion on a political forum. You legitimately cannot justify your assumed righteousness because you come from a hobby discussion board that felt empowered by not justifying themselves; applying this to a place for reasoned and heavy discussion on important issues that need action taken NOW to do something about it, discussion about the order of nations and power, on law and culture for hundreds of millions. Yet you think your bucket of crabs is a proper retort. You think you're somehow in the right, and you will only repeat what's in your head and not do what I ask you to do: To justify your hobbyist culture of anonymous shitposterdom on a political forum for reasoned, deep and consequential discussion on consequential issues that requires actually reasoned, deep and consequential culture and consensus and action. Then justify why your impulse is to ignore everything I say and just repeat your jaded bitter impacted self and your form/essence that spawned from your hobbyist niche group of anonymous friends that love to shitpost and distance themselves from the world because they "just want to play video games" or "watch anime", justify this impulse that is starkly out of place and contradictory to a political forum for the discussion of heavy political issues in a world of great political strife, attempting to accomplish something of consequence even if just in their own lives- something diametrically opposed to "leave me alone I'm watching anime", but also to accomplish something in the broader scope as the world turns tyrannical, for we won't be able to ignore it holed up in our little dens when the State and Corporations, when the marxist kike commie poz begins to bear its weight on every aspect of everyone's lives; tell me how your views belong when they will only call for doing nothing or last-minute violence (last manning or jumping on a train of momentum created by others, a lazy man's choice of absolute necessity, without any proactive action beforehand, without restructuring your views and self to be better aligned with greater reality and true circumstance, holed up like a crab playing a purely defensive strategy out of a weak will , weak initiative, weak comprehension of what's necessary, out of laziness and habit, out of borrowed form and essence from a consensus of anonymous shitposters on niche hobbyist image boards in some small corner of the internet).


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48c730  No.124443

File: 6ccb59699bc660f⋯.jpg (159.94 KB, 644x1993, 644:1993, antifa_domestic_terrorist_….jpg)


In case any of you were wondering who the guy in the video who is promising to burn White America is…this is him.

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8ac01d  No.124447

File: 9c240cb1e950175⋯.mp4 (7.17 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, White_Atlanta_cops_shoot_d….mp4)

This is why Apelanta is turning into planet of the apes tonight.

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8ac01d  No.124448

File: 2888bebfcd099e3⋯.mp4 (5.88 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, White_Atlanta_cops_shoot_d….mp4)

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48c730  No.124449

File: 93f32340e11c2a1⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CHAZ_im_jewish.mp4)

CHAZ turns on the jews; throws them out…guise, maybe the AZ isnt that bad if they can throw the jews out…hahaha

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8ac01d  No.124451

File: 66356fc907be487⋯.mp4 (9.96 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, White_Atlanta_cops_shoot_d….mp4)

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d1dda2  No.124452

File: 3c01e16954e1863⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB, 480x360, 4:3, war_next.mp4)

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14f9ac  No.124457


>assault officer

>run away

>expect to get away

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4ab613  No.124467

File: f4488da885e0b5b⋯.jpg (39.1 KB, 800x450, 16:9, smugnonon.jpg)



I'll be animeposting every thread from now on so as to drive you faggots into the light. You're like cockroaches that scatter when light hits you; thriving only in darkness and behind the walls like the vermin you are.

Have another smug.

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d42f1d  No.124468


>Rayshard Brooks

The few uppity goyim who still remembered what triggered the peaceful protests were finally catching on to the idea that George Floyd was a crisis actor, so predictably here we have a new dindu to distract everyone. Anything to keep everyone distracted from the upcoming second-wave of the plandemic and subsequent forced corndog19 "vaccination" endgame.

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48c730  No.124470

File: d6f7f58f9573e1b⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB, 640x360, 16:9, police_in_riot_situations.mp4)


From a different perspective. I think it is safe to say that the police are tired of nigger shit.

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8ac01d  No.124471

File: 770ed3640396049⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, burn_wendys.mp4)

The Wendys where the subhuman was culled is ablaze.

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48c730  No.124472


>forced corndog19 "vaccination" endgame.

What you want to bet that they have to actually put it in your ass in clownworld for it to be 'effective'.

>"Just hold still sir, poke poke…"

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48c730  No.124473


On what planet does that make sense?

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8ac01d  No.124476

File: e6ee9c3c8717e83⋯.png (33.9 KB, 804x196, 201:49, serves_you_right.png)


A black planet. Get woke, go broke.

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b75e12  No.124477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8ac01d  No.124478

File: aa4826913ceba92⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, chimps.mp4)

We've got drumbeats.

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8ac01d  No.124480

File: d423aa0c7183c6e⋯.jpeg (152.93 KB, 1168x1568, 73:98, EacKjn2X0AAildy.jpeg)

Have three daughters.

>Shiiiat umma think I'll go attack a cop.

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d42f1d  No.124481


>“the autonomous zone has the right to reject you”

You mean the spot that was given to LARPing soylords by the Seattle city government?

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8ac01d  No.124482

File: ad03774f278be56⋯.jpeg (45.73 KB, 936x529, 936:529, EacL0CNWsAAuUBu.jpeg)

>The Wendy's on University Avenue is burning to the ground

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48c730  No.124483

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b2bb83  No.124484

File: bbfc1fc727212f2⋯.png (101.74 KB, 550x550, 1:1, ap_550x550_12x12_1_transpa….png)

I have extreme nigger fatigue.

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8ac01d  No.124485

File: 8e60fa110293206⋯.jpeg (189.42 KB, 1893x1059, 631:353, EacDdMoXsAAodr3.jpeg)

>RED NIGGER ALERT: All lanes remain blocked on I-75/ I-85 (Downtown Connector) at University Ave (exit 244). Niggers and some people are also walking between vehicles

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48c730  No.124486


Picking out their victims? Anyone who doesn't have a gun in their vehicle is fucked.

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4ab613  No.124489


What's even going on here? I get arresting niggers, but what is the context?

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d42f1d  No.124490


>Get woke, go broke.

Now it's the US government which has gone woke and will sooner-or-later be broke. It was funny when it was only happening to game publishers and comic book writers.

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48c730  No.124491


Not sure. I was reading a blog by Selco (the Bosnian guy who talked about the Bosnian war) and he mentioned the video as part of his 'dealing with police' advice.

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d1dda2  No.124493

File: 9ab79109c55bfec⋯.gif (3.58 MB, 320x320, 1:1, 9ab.gif)

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8ac01d  No.124495


In that case, I think it's go broke, try woke.

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d42f1d  No.124496


>put it in your ass

So they can drop "homophobe" on the heap of character assassinations of everyone who refuses to have tracking microchips and who knows what else injected into their bloodstreams.

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48c730  No.124500


I just don't want to get sick and I know that those vaccines have the depopulation agenda in them. Anyone who takes them is going to be murdered.

I don't want to die like that. I'd rather die fighting…maybe take some of these subhumans with me. Dying from some horrible HIV inspired poison that they injected into me…like a euthanized dog? I'll pass.

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8ac01d  No.124501

File: 04ac4614b85d38f⋯.jpeg (88.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Eab5I3wXYAYsbOl.jpeg)


I haven't heard that yet, but it doesn't look good. I wouldn't count on the police showing up to protect people either.

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a33926  No.124503

File: 730b1dca5280fc4⋯.png (4.61 KB, 260x181, 260:181, thescotthortonshow.png)


“Beyond George Floyd: A Look at the 400 Americans Killed By Police in 2020” (The Libertarian Institute)

Fuck pigs.

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14f9ac  No.124504


>lmao imma attack armed thugs

>the fuck why you shootin me?

Even in your inane logic this is stupid.

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48c730  No.124506


I hope people remember that their vehicle is also a weapon.

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d42f1d  No.124508


>zero dubs of truth

Reality has jumped the shark.

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dbee67  No.124512

Can something happen? It's been how many weeks and a race war hasnt broken out yet.

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bb1597  No.124513


0 argument. Another fucking parasite.

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6c2d69  No.124515


Niggers too dumb to open the door forcing cops to escalate.

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bb1597  No.124516


The random deletions makes me think they are inoculating us against random acts of moderation, even if unintentional. Also, the post deleted mentioned God. Looks like we have some sort of militant atheist fedora tipper in the mod pool.

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7b0d13  No.124523



It was just Q-LARP spam. Don't worry; I know the post was only in jest (I'm fairly against bans), but we have actual Qultists here who take that shit seriously if it's left up and NOT explicitly mocked. You know the old adage.

>Also, the post deleted mentioned God.

Careful with that. Q-LARP mentions "god" (it means YHWH, Moloch, Ba'al, Remphan, etc.) regularly. Doesn't help them, does it? Again, don't worry. If there are fedora tippers, it's certainly not me.

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4c47a0  No.124524


Not when you're bumper to bumper. Keep a bat and glove in your car at the very least.

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cbe825  No.124527

File: a784f269ce0ee64⋯.png (349.49 KB, 2000x2564, 500:641, GrinningAryane.png)


Heck, I'll one up you and pony post.

This is the best. Niggers nigging out and no white nationalists anywhere. Red pills are raining now. CHAZ denizens are eating their own, infighting and beating street preachers. Can this get any better? Yeah, it can, let's fire all the police! This is a great plan, right guize?

>inb4 optics cuck

Yeah, well, this looks really shitty for them, I'm enjoying it. The democrats started this ball rolling, and they fucking cant stop it. The golems are off the leash. Now everyone can see niggers for what they really are.

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14f9ac  No.124529


Watch me make them seethe further with one word: Trump.

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cbe825  No.124530

File: d20bc0d0d31ec7e⋯.jpg (12.52 KB, 340x221, 20:13, mushroom_cloud.jpg)


Oh shit, here it comes!

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48c730  No.124532


>Now everyone can see niggers for what they really are.

Finally, I have been calling them niggerpanzees for ever and NPC still can't grasp that they are a different species than we are. I was gritting my teeth listening to their livestreams tonight just so that I could get information on their domestic terrorism and these fucks were defending arson and doxing; saying that burning down the Wendy's was 'protesting'. On top of that they kept saying that "We don't wanna come burn your homes down, but…" They are fucking THREATENING ME?!

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48c730  No.124533


>YHWH, Moloch, Ba'al, Remphan

These are totally different Gods. You know that, right?

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bb1597  No.124537


Okay. Can you publicly shame anime and pone posters?

Remember 2016. The quality left. Don't let the used to be useful idiots take over. Now these faggots are provoking anti-MAGA >>124529

I tried along with a few other anons to get some quality revved up last thread but it will be uphill for a long time if these ponime fags aren't shamed and exiled.

They genuinely never got that "a people or community that pretends to be retarded will wind up surrounded by those that think they're in good company". They are the retards that thought they were in good company.

I implore you. Nip it in the bud.

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cbe825  No.124539

File: 8e674b2411285d7⋯.png (650.97 KB, 940x529, 940:529, 2020rainedredpills.png)


Promote them, send it out. Normies can't defend that.

2020 is the year of the red pill.

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b75e12  No.124540

Israel is getting raked across the coals on twitter as a racist apartheid nation. The chaos and discord that they have sown is blowing up in their hook-nosed dirty jew-bastard faces. "Israel" is trending on twitter. I think that this fire should be stoked.

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cbe825  No.124541


>a people or community that pretends to be retarded will wind up surrounded by those that think they're in good company

And we will then red pill the retards. Bring them on.

If they are going to be retards, they may as well be our useful idiots.

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cbe825  No.124544

File: 2416abd64404c24⋯.png (17.97 KB, 300x100, 3:1, HappeningsAmuseMeWhite.png)


Kek, just when I think it can't get any better, (((they))) are going to get dragged down too!


Stuck inside with nothing to do, the world provides my entertainment.

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48c730  No.124552


mfw red pills are blood.

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ffff9a  No.124553


Not to jews or christkikes like the Qultists, all one and the same.

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48c730  No.124555



Alright you two fuckwads…we don't want to live like Shitreal. In a mongrel state…that is worse than LA. They have already utterly destroyed their DNA, wtf do they care if they destroy it even more. WE DO NOT WANT TO DESTROY OUR GENETICS FUCKING NIGGERS.

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8ad560  No.124557


This footage is a real whitepill. Love seeing these subhumans get a taste of their own medicine.





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48c730  No.124558


Ridiculous. I have never met a Christian who didn't know the difference between Remphan, Moloch/MLK, Ba'al and YHWH. You are talking out your ass.

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9d8d68  No.124561


They always fuck themselves over in the end.


There are some weirdos who actually think Old Testament God was "Moloch".

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14f9ac  No.124562


Considering the state has all but abandoned them, they are getting a red pill suppository on how niggers are the real problem.

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a0d29b  No.124563


It's always darkest before the dawn anon. Has to get worse before it gets better. Hate to sound like an accelerationist, but dammit, this shit is working. Fuel for the fire, blood for the blood god.


Where the fuck are you from? Most christcucks I know don't know anything not told to them by their preacher. And the preacher doesn't say a whole lot.

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14f9ac  No.124564


>Most christcucks I know

>I know

And you know nothing.

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48c730  No.124566

File: ea2e475925e4c34⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 300x374, 150:187, mother_with_flag.jpg)

File: a11bc608da4907e⋯.png (698.72 KB, 610x765, 122:153, Soldier_magic_legs_blown_o….png)

File: 262da36af81df12⋯.jpg (59.09 KB, 600x524, 150:131, grief_by_firesign24_7.jpg)


>Where the fuck are you from?

All over. 'Christianity' is a religion that is pursued by the individual. alone. To do anything else is to misunderstand the entirety of the Bible from the very beginning to the very end.


Proto-hebrew/Phoenician has no vowels. The demiurge/usurpers of God are M-L-K or 'kings' that rule the Earth and destroy it (Moses had to deal with these same fags/hyksos). They are correct that M-L-K is the kings who stand in between man and God but they are incorrect that God, itself, is Moloch/M-L-K. God is exceedingly clear about this in Samuel when it tells humanity what will happen to them if they take M-L-K (these kings) as their ruler(s) rather than God. And what do you fucking know…what did they say but "send us a M-L-K" to rule over us. And so their children have been 'burned up' in service to M-L-K all through the ages before their very eyes.

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162bed  No.124568

File: 7f4f1c883061fa4⋯.png (411.8 KB, 1206x1426, 603:713, cnn.png)

We have the best anons. I love the anons, they are the greatest. We have these anons, anons like no one has ever seen before. Everyone is talking about it, it's tremendous.

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375eab  No.124573

File: 699a06891dfe2cc⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 500x332, 125:83, Matrix_Passport_500x332.jpg)



>846 conspiracy


>Perp bragging.

Lots of "in jokes" and winking at the camera. Keeps the morale higher for the participants, see how many they can slip past the censors and into the final media "product."

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162bed  No.124574

File: 55201b7f56a2dfb⋯.jpeg (89.72 KB, 638x563, 638:563, masonic_flag_moon_2.jpeg)


>The launch was scheduled to take off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 4:33 p.m. Eastern time. SpaceX and NASA can try again on Saturday and Sunday,

And what time did they choose as the launch time…

>UPDATE: SpaceX is now targeting Saturday, May 30, 3:22 PM ET for the Commercial Crew SpaceX Demonstration Mission 2 launch.

Pure coincidence.

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162bed  No.124576


Meant to say, curious numbers, just like the SpaceX launch. Sorry for lack of context.

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4ab613  No.124578

File: 23e6417dea4429a⋯.jpg (117.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wp2482752.jpg)




Funny. You were fine with talking to me until I mentioned outsiders attacking cultural elements of /pol/. A very kike-like thing to do is to come into somewhere and forcibly change the culture so as to exert their own will. You also forget that anons can't be shamed into compliance like NPCs on social media can be. That you still insist on attacking reaction images while spouting the same buzzwords as every other shill in the past, lends credence to anyone with a brain not trusting you.

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2ef29c  No.124580

File: a46454de8e433ab⋯.png (303.66 KB, 1252x1068, 313:267, Screenshot_2020_06_14_at_0….png)

File: 69a9b78f4ce1426⋯.png (112.4 KB, 1238x410, 619:205, Screenshot_2020_06_14_at_0….png)

File: 752d430053dc7dc⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1218x1146, 203:191, Screenshot_2020_06_14_at_0….png)

File: d246516dbc7c9be⋯.png (880.55 KB, 1210x1130, 121:113, Screenshot_2020_06_14_at_0….png)

File: 0d2c5af77c2b237⋯.png (157.42 KB, 1234x1122, 617:561, Screenshot_2020_06_14_at_0….png)


The filthy rodents are so thirsty for anyone to retaliate and divert attention to. London is on fire and the mudskin in chief is crying about the extreme right.

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66b7b8  No.124583

File: 7cc28901b4b1dea⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 313x419, 313:419, smugiggle.jpg)


Oops, you slipped.

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a9b5b9  No.124587

I took a nap and woke up and already there's more CHIMP OUT FUEL happening this time in Atlanta. Nog took a cops tazer and the cop shot him while he ran away lmao

Then the other nogs burned down the WENDYS where it happened

Why burn down the Wendys wtfffffffffffff

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b0f25b  No.124589


You think the matrix trannies were in on this?

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b0f25b  No.124590


I bet wendys will apologize for being in the way of the nigger crowd and offer them free meals and more places to burn down

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375eab  No.124591


Hi London Anon, Are there actually any Far Right or even "a little bit right wing" people out on the streets or is this just Sadiq's imagination?

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8ad560  No.124592


The cop will be in jail for murder by monday morning. Here's the kiketube link of the bodycam where you get to listen to the nog ramble drunken excuses for 5 minutes, then as soon as they try to put the cuffs on he chimps out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOiKgmCJwls

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8cab70  No.124593


They don't know what logic even means, but perhaps they did this because Wendys called the po-po on this nigger? The nigger was sleeping in his car in the drive-thru lane, so they did the normal thing and phoned the police.

Now we have niggers screeching


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8ad560  No.124594

I feel bad for the extremely cucked white GA cop who had to stand and make idle conversation with this obviously drunk subhuman for 5mins, and did everything in his power to bow and scrape and not make the violent gorilla angry. But it just goes to show you can't fight nature.

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375eab  No.124595


>Matrix trannies in on 9/11

Even in normal boring times there's a big overlap between the CIA, Hollywood, Mossad, and the spook/intel/psyop community. Hollywood scriptwriters are also doing work on "scenarios" and scripts for psyops. Hollywood make-up artists are also contractors giving advice for CIA agent disguises. Video game designers are also designing UI's for drone weapons systems etc. So it's not necessarily that the Tranny Brothers or Sisters are "read into" something like 9/11, but you have skilled workers, "props dept guys", who made the Neo Passport who are contractors on another project team making 9/11 stuff and are having a little bit of fun dropping their own "tags" into pop culture and into the images that ultimately end up on the manufactured news. There's thousands of people working on a big budget feature film, more than a few of them are also working on "secret government projects". It's been going on for many decades.

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2ef29c  No.124597

File: d075cc8c10d2401⋯.jpeg (179.58 KB, 1152x739, 1152:739, EaV5HbAXkAMgAr2.jpeg)

File: 51f0a1d68aa67dc⋯.mp4 (13.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ju1krSnWBqo6hsli.mp4)

File: 614e248d4f2b45a⋯.jpeg (60.97 KB, 960x705, 64:47, thefarright.jpeg)


A couple boomers with their heart in the right place; but certainly not


The only violent reaction seems to come from (((tommy))) and the police in an area without any BLM. Just so the people blinded by e-celebs can blow off some steam and remain controllable.

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b0f25b  No.124598


Its strange. Even when there is some evidence, its strange noone dropped some documents about 9/11 to say, wikileaks. There has yo be a bunch of whistleblowers at mossad too, like the guy mordechai who revealed the israeli nuke project. The only reason i can see is if assange is just a controlled op agent. I dont think releasing something of that magnitude would shorten his life expectancy any further.

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8cab70  No.124599


Oh ffs… did Tommy kick off a riot and then suddenly get whisked safely away, I mean arrested immediately?

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375eab  No.124602



Tommy and his Footbal Lads or whatever they are is some kind of literally Jewish "controlled opposition" far-right character, a one-man Charlottesville rally, who they can have show up at events in order to claim that "right wing agitators" were present. Is that a fair assessment? I don't really know anything about London or UK, that's just how it looks to a humble NYC anon.

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8cab70  No.124603


Yes 100%. Tommy's real name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. He's there to act as a steam valve for the more radical elements of the far-right, although he has made inroads in recent years to present himself as a more reasonable figure. Any time you see him involved in something, remember that it's the British state putting on a theatrical performance for you.

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ffff9a  No.124604



This time he didn't do a thing according to him directly on his telegram so who knows

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48ff4e  No.124605

File: 19f8f679cfe7885⋯.jpg (30.87 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 23.jpg)

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375eab  No.124606



I've always thought that Assange (and certainly Snowden) is some kind of intel-sponsored character, especially since he's "so wanted" and yet miraculously also very much not-dead. Their leaks are things that were already publicly known but not reported in the MSM. So it's kind of a "pressure release" limited hangout honeypot to make it look like there's an easy way for lazy people to safely leak documents. Then when anyone (maybe Seth Rich) actually DOES try to leak something important, they're swiftly "dealt with". Actual leakers and enemies of the state tend to be dead people you never hear about or very savvy people living people who you've never heard about who are well-connected enough to play dangerous games. Maybe. If you really want to safely make stuff available to the public just upload the info anonymously somewhere and then later drop some anonymous links to the info and let the info leak that way. You don't need an "Assange" to be a middle man for you. Wikileaks is some kind of 5eyes operation.

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351e28  No.124609


Everyone is special

Everyone's the boss

It's workin' out great.

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8cab70  No.124610


This is also true for every news organization. Even if they aren't setup as a front, there will always be those that glow in the organization.

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e0929c  No.124611


>Anything that is bad for the Jews is actually a false flag by them

Kill yourself kike

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351e28  No.124612


Ah, that is what Seattle's play fort is missing. Campfires for cooking hot dogs.

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351e28  No.124614


Defund the police!

Divert the funds to animal control.


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375eab  No.124615


polite conversation triggered the glow-in-the dark bot

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351e28  No.124619



>Are there actually any Far Right or even "a little bit right wing" people out on the streets


We are witnessing mass psychosis.

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3349de  No.124622

File: 92849412c562fde⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 71.69 KB, 582x960, 97:160, 92849412c562fde2bdf7715e31….jpg)


>They always fuck themselves over in the end.

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bdeb17  No.124623

File: a6057d0503fb4e4⋯.mp4 (1022.2 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Gamora_He_shuffles_down_th….mp4)

File: 9d8a82123802552⋯.jpeg (146.66 KB, 1125x1119, 375:373, EacdBk_WoAgZyzJ.jpeg)

#TrumpStroke is trending on twitter. My guess is that Biden had a bad day, so they always accuse the enemy of something they're guilty of.

I grabbed these from that cesspitt so you don't have to. What do you think? Personally I've always thought he was awkward with stairs, almost like a phobia.

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8c895d  No.124624

File: 1da3f045a4a245c⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, burning.jpg)










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375eab  No.124626


I think they get a lot of (((overtime))) when there's civil unrest, so it would be a bad time financially for them to go on strike now. Any anons in law enforcement want to comment on the mood?

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f32d5f  No.124628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I watched the meeting Trump held in Maine the other day with the seafood company heads. I was taken aback by the way Trump was behaving and speaking. I could not help but wonder if he had not slept for several days, or if he was maybe on some kind of stimulant.

Trump was cutting people off, speaking in broken sentences. Jumping from thought to thought. He seemed unfocused and at times disoriented. He looked really unhealthy. I don't think it was just boredom or disinterest in the meeting.

I had not watched any video on Trump for a few years now, (I rarely consume any video), so maybe this is normal for him. I don't know, but I am concerned.

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b0f25b  No.124631


Nothing released by assange is really relevant, certainly not detrimental to israelites

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f32d5f  No.124632


It's fucked up how it's becoming normal to outright fire a cop without trial or any kind of review when the mob gets angry. I'm not a huge fan of the police state and so I have mixed feelings, but the beat-cops are taking it up the ass right now. No one has their backs. They are mostly just regular guys/gals who want to fight evil and make the world a better place.

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375eab  No.124633

File: 2c7a3dececdd77f⋯.mp4 (10.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, volunteer_arson_dept.mp4)

>B-but we're on your side!

CNN Crew attacked by the "peaceful protesters" who burned Atlanta Wendy's, camera broken.

>BLM's arson squad seems to respond pretty fast

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375eab  No.124634


>Cops fired without due process

I wonder if they're actually fired or if they just have to collect paychecks while they're re-assigned to desk duty a "not a cop" in their old building. I have no clue how that works in practice, doesn't the Police Union or contract give them certain rights?

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f32d5f  No.124635


I think that now as we look back upon the entire affair, it's clear that Wikileaks was most likely a theater. And worse yet, those people who believed in him and worked to expose the filth which rules our governments were exposed and punished.

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f32d5f  No.124636


That's how it used to work. They would be put on administrative duty. Or something like that. But it seems to have changed now to outright dismissal. If I am understand the situation accurately.

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bdeb17  No.124639


He hasn't seemed his usual self since the corona virus outbreak. It's a stressful job, and I doubt there has been a President that has dealt with even a quarter of the crap Trump has to deal with. Especially when your power is neutered at every turn. Look, even if you think he's a puppet or an actor, try finding a Hollywood fag that would work his schedule. This could of course just be plain old negro fatigue, which is why we're seeing many police chiefs resigning without much hesitation, even the black ones.

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375eab  No.124640




>President Trump looks tired

I think he's probably just really tired and overworked. I don't see any stroke or dementia signs. It's hard to bring the energy to "lobster tarrifs" while you have rioting going on in 150 cities and warlords declaring autonomous zones and hostile reporters blaming you for whatever crazy thing happens next. Under the circumstances he looks pretty good.

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1b77c8  No.124643


>>BLM's arson squad seems to respond pretty fast

CNNs global HQ is in Atlanta and Natasha Chen is based there. Thats the info you get when you give her a search. Rayshard Brookes was killed Friday night and the next night they burn down the Wendys. Ive never looked into news teams response times, but there must be some organizing voice in atlanta for these people. Theres no way someone dies and the kneejerk reaction for black masses are to go burn down the building it happened in, as if its an excuse for violence now. Im from the north east but Im visiting family in the midwest. Im concerned and excited that the country/world is changing forever. Idk how to feel. For any anons who are looking for a good redpill/whitepill check out John Doyles recent video- "How we take America back". My friend who Ive had problems redpilling in the past watched this and told me he wants to "get into" politics now. He says this guy says things Ive been saying for years and I was kind of frustrated it took a video format for him to ingest the information but the ends justify the means right?

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e0929c  No.124645



Outed (((US Army))) killing civilians

Outed 60% of the people the (((US army))) killed in the Middle East were civilian

Outed the (((US))) spying on its supposed allies, showing the kike puppet mutts can't be trusted

Outed the fact that NSA was spying on millions of amerimutts with the help of companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Verizon

First real evidence of CIA backdoors


Just to name a few

I shouldn't give kikes responses, they probably get paid for them.

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f32d5f  No.124647


You're not wrong. But I can't help but wonder if those leaks were necessary for the theater and/or were tools used to further an agenda. It's complicated.

It all came tumbling down right as the real damning Clinton emails were going to be released. So maybe you're right. I'm not in any position to do anything other than speculate.

I was a big Wikileaks supporter and it broke my heart when Assange was removed by that swat-team, and all the fake Assange nonsense started.

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89c336  No.124648


Klkes will lie without batting an eye

They use you and confuse you

Hold on to your wallet

Hold on to your heart

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8c895d  No.124650


Dayum, these businesses sure have a lot of free money sitting around waiting to be extorted.

I'm sure that cash will be well spent financing more looting and arson, thanks!

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b0625c  No.124652


the important lesson here is that the Floyd controversy doesn't make you bulletproof or immune to prosecution.

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375eab  No.124654


>News crew and arson crew just happen to be at the same place at the same time

>News crew "gets attacked" by arsonists but lucky for them they're all just fine

I wouldn't be completely surprised if the arsonists and the producers know each other or have some financial ties. Some how the news crew didn't seem to run any clear footage that would identify the arson crew.

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f1a91e  No.124658


Guys, if any of you has twitter or facekike could you please ask the following questions? Twitter banned my account again and fake phone number generators aren't working. I'd like to see them answer/ignore these questions.

I haven't seen any African nation condemning the dinduing of George Floyd or any nigger so far. Why is that? Maybe they don't like niggers either.

What the fuck is up with all the media spokesman telling people to donate to ACLU, NAACP etc? Doesn't sound very organic to me.

Lastly, instead of defunding the police how about the police just serve white neighborhoods and not patrol black ones? Then when the niggers start killing each other over food stamp or better yet the rwds shows up they'll be crying about how there was no cop to save them. There's no fucking pleasing these assholes unless you turn over all your money and assets so the niggers can live the rest of their lives doing niggardly things.

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f1a91e  No.124659

Does anyone know of any antifa/liberal activist forums or chans where one can spy on them and figure out their next move?

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56b70f  No.124660

File: 7487622df7b386c⋯.gif (570.96 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, tgco1.gif)

File: 27bbdf913955269⋯.gif (514.92 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, tgco2.gif)

File: 5efffff98a11faf⋯.gif (504.21 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, tgco3.gif)

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b0625c  No.124662

File: 378d707414bad21⋯.jpg (10.3 KB, 153x255, 3:5, 034dd37befee1636f1515cd5a0….jpg)


how can I use my car as an escape pod if it auto breaks when confronted with a human sized 'obstacle'? genuinely worried about this. can I just turn off this safety feature??

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be5ef4  No.124664


Don't trust (((smart))) cars in the first place, avoid buying them as much as humanly possible. As for what you can do now… I don't know. Surely it's possible to rip out the "smart" features, but it's not something I'm familiar with. Certainly will depend on the make and model.

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55db88  No.124666


Try some commie groups, but why bother they are an arm not a head. Someone else is doing the thinking. Maybe facebook groups or twitter groups, that should be their channels of comms. Telegram but telegram groups are very hard to find. On the videos from the riots I noticed that most people did not know where the group was going. It may be done offline - passing the orders over snail mail. That is how I would do it, and only to the leaders which then would spread the info over direct channels to local organising hubs. Maybe they use anarchy and are given targets 3 or 4 and they get to choose which.

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735298  No.124667

File: 44ce28886035056⋯.jpg (73.6 KB, 478x359, 478:359, vidya13.jpg)

>running from police

>screaming at police

>refusing to comply with the police

>attacking the police (yes, seriously)

>threatening police or others with weapons

It seems like all these black deaths revolve around one or more of these points. You can even break the most serious laws in the world and not do these and you'll be fine. Why isn't this being talked about?

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55db88  No.124669


Buy an old Toyota Tacoma or a Mercedes GLK - those do not stop for anything and never will.

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f32d5f  No.124670


A brand new Nissan Frontier has none of that modern bullshit, yet.

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55db88  No.124673


Less electronics more metal cheaper to repair and will obey the driver and not some far away corporation. That way the driver can prioritise his life and the heavier the car the more protestors it can go over. Also 140hp is the minimum for riot safety.

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89c336  No.124674


It's the CNN crew's fault because reasons


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56b70f  No.124675

File: f2a066ee15337dc⋯.gif (384.43 KB, 816x864, 17:18, MSTC.gif)

File: 2a10f78ac915b6c⋯.gif (389.65 KB, 816x864, 17:18, MSTC1.gif)

File: 8b69bc7b0e6d954⋯.gif (381.94 KB, 816x864, 17:18, MSTC2.gif)

File: 725641c89d351b7⋯.gif (382.24 KB, 816x864, 17:18, MSTC3.gif)

File: 033b78474cd6b5b⋯.gif (437.06 KB, 816x864, 17:18, MSTC4.gif)

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9690cd  No.124676


It literally is, though.

They've been egging on looting and arson all along.

The niggers should have tied up the camera crew and set them on fire on live tv

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f32d5f  No.124677

File: 4f02ac92a63ac86⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 605x480, 121:96, Radicals_awaiting_deportat….jpg)


Even if they had, ZOG and the Media would find a way to blame White Supremacists for their actions.

I learned today that the commies tried to kick off a revolution here in America just as they did in Russia and Germany.


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5e0ffa  No.124682


It is not organic.

Happened here too, but only antifas - without niggers.

But you did not listen.

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56b70f  No.124685

File: 906d6cea5595b2a⋯.jpeg (85.91 KB, 816x864, 17:18, pota.jpeg)

File: dc0cc76e3d758e6⋯.jpeg (98.82 KB, 816x864, 17:18, pota2.jpeg)

File: 572e1047ea09955⋯.jpeg (102.64 KB, 816x864, 17:18, pota3.jpeg)

File: 36ec84be04093a3⋯.jpeg (111.38 KB, 816x864, 17:18, pota4.jpeg)

File: 2073468cd2944c8⋯.jpeg (100.03 KB, 816x864, 17:18, pota5.jpeg)

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bb1597  No.124687

File: f6795f28d5abc82⋯.png (223.9 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1280px_Graham_s_Hierarchy_….png)


You use fucking non-arguments all the fucking time. Let's start here:

>That you still insist on attacking reaction images while spouting the same buzzwords as every other shill in the past

I am attacking anime and anime posters such as yourself, central to my issue with you. "that you take issue with me proves you're a shill." brilliant. Fucking brilliant. Bravo. "buzzwords" meaning cuckime? degenerate? I am insulting you whilst making arguments you refuse to address. I would have to go back to my first post and drag you through it again and again for you to directly confront what I am saying to you.

Here's another empty line:

>You were fine talking to me until I mentioned outsiders attacking cultural elements


This is the first post I replied to of yours. My first reply says, "fuck your weeb shit."


>A very kike-like thing to do is to come into somewhere and forcibly change the culture so as to exert their own will.

To forcibly change the culture, so as to exert their own will. Does this mean I am just exercising my will for the sake of it? That has nothing to do with kikes you fucking retard. They aren't walking around displaying and exerting their strength for the hell of it. Do you know what a fucking kike is?

Now to change a culture - is that kiked? Every change in culture, ever, has been kikes? Because that would be a retarded thing to say.

To change a culture by force - is that kiked? Another retarded thing to say. For one, there is no force I am using. I am fucking posting on an anonymous image board. Is everyone that tries to change the culture by talking a fucking kike you frothing retard? Is everyone drafting up plans, trying to give direction, a kike?

I want to know if that is what you actually believe.

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bb1597  No.124688



I remember the latter of these posts. It is literal 'copy pasta'. Holy fuck. Bots are here guys.

I'm wondering how many here are bots. . . . it's easy to replace details and change linguistic patterns a bit. Computational linguistics is a well-developed field I believe, even some mid sized corporation could manage this level of AI.

Everyone beware the bots.


This reads the same as posts soon after his election but the neutering was congress/dems. "He hasn't seemed his usual self blah blah its a stressful job, and I doubt there has been a President that has dealt with even a quarter of the crap Trump has to deal with (word for word I believe). Especially when your power is neutered (maybe a different word last time) at every turn. Look, (I recall this being used too) even if you think he's a puppet or an actor, try finding a Hollywood fag that would work his schedule (verbatim I think). This could of course just be something something something, which is why we're seeing blah blah blah."


This near verbatim but instead of something something congress, the wall, etc it's riots. ". . . hostile reporters blaming you for whatever crazy thing happens next. Under the circumstances he looks pretty good." varbatim I believe, and hostile reporters stands out in my memory. VERBATIM.

Literally a bot. I'm serious. These 4 posts are fucking exactly what I remember from 3 - 4 years ago.

They're throwing shit into the pot.

Lynch anime.

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bb1597  No.124689


Computational linguistics is a buzz word, I mean chatbot AI and linguistics theory. My bad.

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49fadc  No.124690

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cece75  No.124697


They’ve burnt down the Wendy’s now. Let’s hope it doesn’t get fixed… so this will never happen again.

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bb1597  No.124698

File: 96ff9d6da4d0653⋯.jpg (116.73 KB, 774x809, 774:809, psyops_fucked.JPG)


I'm going back to the first post replied to me with, and my own in response to you. I'm dragging you back through this to show you.

</pol/ used to be more than ideology

>/pol/ has never been a single ideology. Even now, it still refuses to adhere to any one train of thought. While there are elements that /pol/ has generally agreed on to get behind, it's a bit disingenuous to say that /pol/ has ever had a ruling ideology that guides it's actions.

Already you have acknowledged that I am against ideology whilst attempting to railroad me with your own. Again and again in this cruel twist, this dark kike anti-logic, this sickening irony you attack me again and again with your very own ideology. It is wrenching and contorting my guts into a frenzy.

My response:

>It is like trains in the night. /pol/ anons pass by without ever knowing or acknowledging each other. We need to churn and have ideology vs ideology on here (within general parameters of anti-commie, anti-diversity) and argue to have proper discourse. As of now we're almost monologuing. We need the critical competition to hone our edge and alloy iron into steel, to evolve from basic undeveloped ideas (ideology) into apex thought from apex thinkers.

I call for competing opinion but wail against me for doing so. I demand independent thought, critical though, for better thinkers: but you strike out for vengeance.

And now again, your reply:

<fuck your weebshit

>Remember where you are, faggot. Forgetting your roots is the first step into blindly adopting cultural influences that would quash your own sense of self and identity!

Now you demand I conform to your cuckime. You tell me to blindly adopt some artifact of chan cultural influence to quash my own sense of self and identity. The irony drips from the corpse of your soul and screeches from all directions at once to implode in a cacophony of madness born from the anti-matter of kike psychosis. The irony that digs into your rotten mind and shatters all sense of whole.

To the next matter:

>kikes saw /pol/ for the actual threat it was, and have been working ever since to dismantle anons and get rid of every outlet supportive of anonymity. Though, if I were to be completely honest? It's failed miserably

>I took some time to step away from the weaver formerly known as /pol/. . . . I've seen the exact same arguments and 'muh trumpkike/imkikey/miga/nowall' nonsense like how it was back on 8chan itself, and like it was five months ago. Literally the same shit, verbatim, with only a few new elements. But it's all literally the same while the retards gloat about how the kikes are supposedly winning at everything. The efforts to demoralize are pathetic as fuck because they make it abundantly clear that they aren't actually succeeding in any manner of speaking.

Now you claim that nothing changing means we've won. You think that morale and not compromising is all there is to this. Yet I call for progress by more intelligent engagement, more active intellectual engagement, and you cry out at the inhumanity of it all.

As of now we're almost monologuing. It is like trains in the night. /pol/ anons pass by without ever knowing or acknowledging each other. We need to churn and have ideology vs ideology. We need the critical competition to hone our edge and alloy iron(y) into steel, to evolve from basic undeveloped ideas.

Digging into you now:

>Why do you think they specifically attacked anime reaction images? Tiny things that would seem insignificant is what starts the slow boiling of the frog.

You don't even get the double edge of this one. Tiny things like cuckime reaction images boiling the frog.

>you're not someone who has spent any significant amount of years on these boards because you would instinctively ignore the image and take it for what it actually is: an expression of emotion where any real ability to do so is limited

You are not a little girl. Your emotion is "little animu girl"? And you're not a degenerate grown man acting like a little girl?

With smug anime reaction images the point is to piss people off, because it's quite insulting to a man for a little girl to taunt him with aged smug and not smash the bug. Do you not get this? It isn't "pure expression of emotion", unless you're a fucking degenerate. It's, "couched meaning and intent aimed at you". Are you comprehending?

Bring me your best.

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1b77c8  No.124699


>Some how the news crew didn't seem to run any clear footage that would identify the arson crew.

They didnt even pan the camera, and I think they were exaggerating saying they were attacked. If Natasha Chen was attacked shed either still be missing or she wouldnt be in a state capable of responding. Shes lucky they didnt tear her apart, they seem to do it to white people for far less.


>With smug anime reaction images the point is to piss people off, because it's quite insulting to a man for a little girl to taunt him

Im not involved in your argument with this guy, but I was getting "caught up" in the forums and I read through this back and forth. I want to add Im fairly new to the political image board scene, I got involved lurking in 2016. And even I understood this about the anime pictures, I thought this was abundantly apparent. Im always surprised and subsequently let down that Im putting other peoples potentials next to my own. It makes me over estimates others abilities and I never take advantage of the situation because its only in hindsight that I realize it, like now. Not smart enough to be original but just smart enough to understand why Im not. Thanks for reading.

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bb1597  No.124700

File: 373cebfab05a072⋯.jpg (105.04 KB, 540x649, 540:649, skeleton_knight.jpg)


Vice is all-pervasive. A person that clings so vehemently while rambling old delusions ripped right from 2013 /v/ on a political forum, utterly unself-aware, without a clue of how inappropriate his assertions are in an age where darkness is devouring the Earth, is mentally and likely emotionally fucked.

You just can't be that fucking delusional without being fucked in the head.

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1b77c8  No.124702


>You just can't be that fucking delusional without being fucked in the head

Personally I dont feel the guys that delusional, I get the sense he knows how to keep you responding and hes fueled off of that alone. But of course that could be perceived as delusional because truly, what rational person acts like that/this? When I read your long winded retort and then he just wrote >tl;dr I realized he was just being a dick. Hes not interested in changing, learning, or growing. And honestly, like youve said a few times, what is he preserving? What is he saving by holding onto this. Am I going to be called a shill for thinking its ridiculous he isnt actually engaging or bringing anything to the conversation? Youre really just making a point that anime girls are dumb and anime sucks because the reality is all you should be focused on is becoming strong, intelligent, and raising your spirit through (non-degenerate) music and art. These things should harmonize within people and it would thus reflect through the family and by extension society/civilization. The fact he thinks anime girls arent "destructive" in this goal is ridiculous, were human, were prone to bad habits and unlimited appetite to boot. Im not willing to fight and die so we can watch anime and play vidya, since I was a child I knew the hard life was what you should want and I didnt need anybody to tell me. If you dont figure it out naturally you likely dont have the capacity to understand it if you were just told bluntly, its something you come to experience- "when I struggle I grow". Idk what hill he thinks hes dying on by just wiffing all of his posts until the next thread. Does he realize youll both probably live the next 40-60 years? Hes gonna get tired of just >tl;dr and eventually hell read- even if hes regretfully doing it on his deathbed. Thanks for reading

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55db88  No.124704



Here is what you do not get - this is a monitored forum just like everything else. Yes grow yes do your thing, and read into things. Anime is the scroll of truth. When I say you cannot go all Natsu or Zeref, those in the know will get it, why say it when I can simply reference anime ??? Furthermore going all Sasuke will lead to going full retard - never go full retard.

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33c613  No.124708


Does larping with cuckime make your pathetic life bearable? Have you considered committing suicide and freeing your poor parents?

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0481a4  No.124710

File: 7e636569a93d13c⋯.jpg (8.32 KB, 225x225, 1:1, qt.jpg)


Allow me to interject here for a momment. Anime waifus give you the power of a thousand suns. They repel the kike and make you charged with aryan energy enough to gain nigger killing eyesight at high levels. Now depending on your waifu and how trash or not she is your power level differs. En guarde (pic related).

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fb4b14  No.124711

File: 7143588855a46da⋯.jpeg (70.44 KB, 600x462, 100:77, japanese_art.jpeg)


>Anime is the scroll of truth.

No, anime is cancer that's killing japanese people just like the rest of the consumerism from video games to gunpla to pop-idol culture and so on, going against their own buddhist ideals and producing empty minds broken and enclosed, many of them hikikomori/neet people became like reverse monks, they still seclude themselves, but only to get completely dedicated to their addiction. And then they die with worst regret possible having their lives wasted on it.

They are making fun of their own culture, advertise more consumerism and even those who toil on work live like empty husks from pleasure of addictions at home to impatient work environment.

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bb1597  No.124713

File: 775899ecfb830f2⋯.jpg (11.3 KB, 300x300, 1:1, brand_of_sacrifice.jpg)



So here is a link to a post in the other thread with a touchstone permitting you all to find my posts and figure out who I am or connect what I'm saying.


>I've been struggling to come up with a method of putting together a decentralised activist network that would be both effective and anonymous.

>I just want to get something productive going to where we are making some kind of consistent impact or output. I don't want physically centralized IRL stuff with members of this board, I want to get a few thread workshops and hopefully eventually stickies that make the board more "thematic" in the sense that we start actively encouraging anons to take things seriously

I am still gestating an idea, it's evolved slightly. I'm thinking of a manual, inside it outlines a way of ranking up. The goal is to lead a group of your own. There is no leader, you answer to yourself, the manual, and whatever group. The manual isn't to be shared with others, it's to be used and lived. How to get others to see things the way you (the manual) does is explained by some case studies, some psychology and social/behavioral dynamics.


He's not in full possession of himself. Instead of will it's mere desire. I believe he'll get serious soon here.



The worms rise from the corpse soil.

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0481a4  No.124714


You are just afraid because once the animes take over you will become a second class citizen cause of your shit taste

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bb1597  No.124716


The only means out of degeneracy is conscious will and diligent expulsion of the vice that binds you to your illness.

There is no tactile feedback to guide you but reminders of your aimlessness that you must vehemently counter with conscious aiming action of body, will and mind.

For as long as you drift, you will warp.

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983d2e  No.124718


>anime is cancer that's killing japanese people

It is right now, because the medium hasn't been attuned to the positive. Currently it is just about marketing, consumerism, and perverse fetishes.

You can simply change the stories presented, end the merch appeal, clean it up, and have it be a boon instead of a bane.

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f94d86  No.124721

File: 9a34fc1e1075ac7⋯.jpg (49.64 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, New_flag_c237a9_7775672.jpg)

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0481a4  No.124722


Conscious will that must be forged by the flames of countless keikakus and folded over 1000 times ontop of an active volcano. Conscious will of purity that leads to higher understanding and goals. And that can only be achieved with the power of God and Anime. Desu Vult.

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4ab613  No.124723

File: f4c1fee37790557⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 900x900, 1:1, unnamed.jpg)


Keep digging your hole, you sniveling kike. You've already outed yourself in the last thread. The best you can hope for now is to hop IPs and start again.

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461169  No.124724


as per usual, uk police does absolutely nothing to help europeans

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461169  No.124727


talking shit about jews is never a derail on this page, you retard fbi glownigger fucktard bitch

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9848e6  No.124730

File: 4dae52d8abc687f⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB, 640x640, 1:1, VID_20200614_052711_789.mp4)

South Philly Italians not taking any shit from white leftist faggots who come for Columbus. White history and culture successfully defended

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9848e6  No.124731

File: cd8fa85feb16283⋯.jpg (226.95 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_20200614_053014_972.jpg)

Its slow but whites are waking up, turning out to fight leftists and niggers in the UK l, and Americans are also showing signs of progress

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55db88  No.124732


Good idea, a bit authoritarian but has merit. Problem, how do you keep it a secret from the 3 letters ? How do you prevent them going on a witch hunt and using you as a false flag scapegoat ? The way to stay out of their cross hairs is for them not to know you are engaging in such activity at all. True decentralisation, where nobody knows who the others are, no leaders no source and no target for the enemy. Individual action under a common doctrine, and no communication ?

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f32d5f  No.124733


It's impossible to hide and accomplish anything. We have to proceed with full knowledge and understanding that we are in the ZOG spotlight. Our goal should be, for now, to organize and make positive progress without breaking any laws or creating a situation where they can use the law against us. WLP style.

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725b54  No.124735

File: 5fe5152f91c271b⋯.png (36.72 KB, 590x142, 295:71, momentum.png)


Trump has always been extremely careful with stairs since (as he himself has said multiple times) it would be a disaster if he stumbled and gave the media footage to play on repeat.

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8e9efd  No.124737

File: d8e515860dd914a⋯.jpg (736.6 KB, 1483x1043, 1483:1043, Just_fuck_my_shit_up_3.jpg)


>Slashing his tires at the end

Must have been one Hell of a walk of shame

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f94d86  No.124742

File: 1619f2999d8d085⋯.jpg (328.7 KB, 1200x1988, 300:497, Pax_romana_409313_7774637.jpg)

File: 3916e3fbe7be740⋯.jpg (102.32 KB, 1200x993, 400:331, Invaders_da4f75_7737873.jpg)

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4ee663  No.124743


Nice meme. Thanks to the anon that bothered with it.

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cece75  No.124745


Yeah, overtime, but they’re putting their pensions at risk, because they could be attacked by a career criminal at any moment and lose their position over it. Police aren’t excited about any of this shit. What they call nice overtime is directing traffic for a parade.

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48c730  No.124749


Remember the coupons /pol/ made for free food and free shoes? :) Maybe Wendy's will start giving out coupons for nignogs who were traumatized.

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48c730  No.124751


Technically it wasn't just sleeping, he was drunk and passed out while he was driving/waiting.

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cece75  No.124753


The coupon should say the Wendy’s will be rebuilt in January, and the coupon will expire this October.

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b7353f  No.124760

File: e8be791c953489f⋯.jpg (208.96 KB, 842x1280, 421:640, IMG_20200602_215933_938.jpg)


>No, anime is cancer that's killing japanese people just like the rest of the consumerism

I would personally say it's not anime, but fucking PORN that is ruining Japan and Japanese people, anime is just a part of that.


>I am still gestating an idea, it's evolved slightly. I'm thinking of a manual, inside it outlines a way of ranking up. The goal is to lead a group of your own

Keep us posted. I was one of the anons talking with you and supporting the idea in the last thread. If you want to drop a burner mail or some other medium of communication I would be willing to work with you on such a thing, if you want collaboration.

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4ee663  No.124763


>I would personally say it's not anime, but fucking PORN that is ruining Japan and Japanese people, anime is just a part of that.

People these days have a narrow definition of porn anyway. 80% of females on jewtube are essentaially making erotica (swimsuit try-ons, ASMR, etc.) This is all porn as far as I'm concerned.

Sod the lot of it.

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b7353f  No.124768

File: 4bd13abfb96b2e0⋯.jpg (95.76 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 464925197_213783.jpg)


I agree with you anon. Porn has became mainstream, I see shit on magazine covers in line at the store that you used to only see on "Playboy" covers that had to be hidden in bags behind the counter or on the top rack where young kids couldn't see or reach. The mainstreaming of porn and sexuality everywhere before you even get to the internet is definitely a big part of what is driving people crazy, it's a literal constant "triggering" of sexual instincts and urges, which is causing everyone to become either hypsersexual or completely sexually withdraw and shutdown from sensory overload.

On the subject of the anime posting argument? I don't think anime is a part of "/pol/" culture, per se. It was a part of early 4chan weeb culture and silliness, and years later /pol/ as we know grew from 4chan. It's debatable how intrinsic anime imagery is to /pol/. I'm personally not an anime guy anyway, though I do think there are a few good anime movies that stand on their own just because they are good films or technical achievements. That being said, I'm fine with anime meme images and shit but we also have to be serious in dire times. I don't think it's worth fighting over when we need solidarity more than ever.

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b75e12  No.124771

File: e7f92d939dab6a2⋯.png (87.42 KB, 594x240, 99:40, CHAZ_Kibbutz.png)

If you smell something fishy, then it's probably gefelte fish and matzo. The Jews are behind this. Every single time.

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48c730  No.124776


They all have COVID (mind control disease) and I know you think I am joking but I am not joking at all.


What an absolutely hideous job being president is. Can you imagine spending one hour on something that could have been summarized in a single bullet tweet…yet, you allotted that time to spend an entire hour talking about lobster and tariffs.


Do your job; get attacked; get dismissed

But we all know that they aren't trying to do away with law and order, right? /s


>It all came tumbling down

As far as I know nothing has come tumbling down anon. Everything is humming along its path to total destruction just like it always did…


After seeing the beatings handed out to random Whites by the chimpanzee people I too thought it was strange.

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4ee663  No.124777

File: a1feb85e9c49b18⋯.jpg (124.77 KB, 903x553, 129:79, thundercats_puzzle_mb_100_….jpg)

File: 7b7c3d9b4ab90e8⋯.jpg (153.85 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, the_dreamstone1.jpg)

File: e2cdfb5bbd59e7e⋯.jpg (115.76 KB, 1130x848, 565:424, x1080_Hw8.jpg)


> we need solidarity more than ever.

Also this place is quiet enough as it is. I don't really want to push people out becuase of a few anime reaction pics. I watched anime myself in my teens, because you just watched what was on TV then and we had Dragonball, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Neon Genesis etc. But it doesn't appeal to me any more.

I think being an adult is perhaps one reason. My kids mostly watch Russian cartoons (they get an afternoon of cartoons once a week). Sometimes I show them a classic I used to like. They haven't seen any anime.

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48c730  No.124779


>Surely it's possible to rip out the "smart" features

Since this is also part of the vehicular drone program (to homicide you remotely if the need arises) you void your warranty if you rip it out.

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b7353f  No.124780


Nice trips by the way. But ya, i agree with you again. I definitely smoked a few joints and watched Dragonball when I was in highschool with my buddies, but other than that silliness was never into it. But yes, we shouldn't push people out because of a few react pics, it's not worth fighting over something so asinine.


This is one of the things that irks me the most. All this computerized, big brother shit being built into more and more unnecessary devices and machines. It would be one thing if it was optional, modular or removable, but most of it is built now so that you will disable the device or void your service warranty or some garbage, and then you're fucked because modern things are being manufactured specifically to be more difficult to work on so you have to go to the company for maintenance.

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f32d5f  No.124781

>This is one of the things that irks me the most. All this computerized, big brother shit being built into more and more unnecessary devices and machines. It would be one thing if it was optional, modular or removable, but most of it is built now so that you will disable the device or void your service warranty or some garbage, and then you're fucked because modern things are being manufactured specifically to be more difficult to work on so you have to go to the company for maintenance.

I read somewhere, might have been on this forum, that we should not be afraid of 5G because it's going to make us unhealthy, we should fear 5G because it will enable "The internet of things" in all devices. With the new bandwidth capabilities, they can turn anything and everything into a smart device.

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fe4d7d  No.124782


>shot him while he ran away

*while he ran away while firing the taser at the cop


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48c730  No.124783


That would have been really edgy.

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4ee663  No.124784

File: c81de09aee99637⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 480x360, 4:3, y2mate_com_Idiocracy_Frito….mp4)


> They turned off my battery

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a36045  No.124787

So, we know the MSM and all institutions of every kind basically hate white people. What's the end game here? Are they seeking our complete destruction, or suing for subservience? Could it be that whites are the only race that's truly uncontrollable, in terms of will?

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313fe3  No.124788


You can build a room in your house with very thick walls, put all smart stuff inside and no signal will get out.

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48c730  No.124789


I don't think it is part of /pol/ culture at all. I never saw a time when it was accepted. It was either ignored or outright rejected as debased (similar to porn). Basically it is based on delusion…being based in delusion that means that its nature is unhealthy. Honestly, I think it is a sign of mental immaturity and unwillingness to become adult. It is a lot like those people who spend their whole life reliving their teen years and high school. They stop growing at some fixed point in time. If we killed them today we would suffer no societal loss because they stopped contributing in any manner when they 'emotionally died' during their teen years. They will never grow or learn…it is similar to NPC but it is like they had potential but entered rigor mortis long before they died and they are simply a husk walking around…the same thing as people with a porn addiction. They are all 'death habits' meant to kill (or retard until dead) any growth or potential.

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48c730  No.124791


Laughing and laughing. This is the whole domestic terrorism event we are all watching in a nutshell.

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fe4d7d  No.124792


They are being controlled by a massive unbalanced egregore. I suppose you could call it a demon. It's the god that Jews worship, most of them unknowingly (like how people worship Mammon). The only real goal (((they))) have is to follow its transmissions. It manifests as an obscene victim complex, "kill or be killed"; they believe that if they do not enslave and destroy they will be exterminated.

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4ee663  No.124794


> What's the end game here?

They are not thinking long term, they are maximising short term clicks.

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b7353f  No.124795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's a little edgy, but yeah, you're right in the sense that it basically is just the fact that most people today are experiencing some sort of literal arrested development, where they stop mentally and emotionally developing and children or teenagers because they don't have any kind of actual pressures put on them that would require them to better themselves and grow. The training wheels need to come off society for people to unfuck themselves.


Too perfect. We literally are living in the world of Idiocracy, Mike Judge is a prophet.

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296e2b  No.124796


there is government backing to this genocide in the form of the government explicitly preventing white people from retaliating

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a36045  No.124797


It wouldn't be Saturn would it? I've been reading a book about that recently. Sounds familiar.

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4ee663  No.124799



Is this dialogue taken directly from a CHAZspaz?

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48c730  No.124800


So far we have done nothing that would indicate 'we tried'. Sitting at home watching niggerpanzees chimp out and destroy things while eating popcorn is not 'trying'.

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fe4d7d  No.124801


It is not the supreme personage of the Saturnalian force, that would be too balanced to fit its manifestations. I doubt it is a pure force, it contains signatures from many different spheres reality. It doesn't look like a real god, its trajectory seems futile. It's like a dying man who's desperately trying to prolong his existence by sacrificing others.

The Jews may think of it as Saturn or some other intrinsic cabbalistic force, but you can't really trust their theology. Of course they aren't going to acknowledge that their god is just a demon. They're going to parade around some positive or powerful sounding names and titles while ignoring what their lives and minds look like. They are components of this entity, like how an ant is a component of its colony.

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a36045  No.124802


Interesting. A thought form, a distributed being, not quite alive, not quite dead. I got a hold of a book on Saturn after years of studying - this book contains the knowledge of how to summon or have an audience with it - the black cube. I wonder if I were to do this, if I couldn't overcome this problem, at least in my own life. Surely my direct communion with it would circumvent any outside influence. I wanted it to help me with some issues I have, and I know there's a price to pay. But, perhaps protection on top of that would seal the deal for me. It's a cold thing, but I wouldn't be against interacting with it if it keeps away this thought form.

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ef45ce  No.124803

File: b9b7bbb6824306f⋯.png (26.72 KB, 192x205, 192:205, NPC_BornToConcernTroll.png)


There's probably 20 soccer hooligans out trying to protect churchills statue, and to Sadiq, they are the totality of the unrest. That's why we are all staying home. Nigger riots, nigger blame.


>'Christianity' is a religion that is pursued by the individual. alone.

That's funny Satan, you are the only one I have heard say this.


I know you have just learned to put text along a path, but you need to stop using that feature. It's just a distraction. There are very limited cases where you want to use it. Here's one I did.

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48c730  No.124804


>they believe that if they do not enslave and destroy they will be exterminated.

In what way is this incorrect? I don't know if you have looked around you lately but they would be correct n this instance and you are incorrect.

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f32d5f  No.124806

File: 3feb41d2f8d87b9⋯.png (521.63 KB, 468x666, 26:37, md.png)


>the government explicitly preventing white people from retaliating

Not preventing. We can resist, for example, look at the nigger riots. But we are not niggers, another path must be chosen. Resistance is possible, it just requires unity in purpose and resolve.

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48c730  No.124808


>That's funny Satan, you are the only one I have heard say this.

I don't know anyone who thinks anything different. People attend church because it is a social club and they like being with birds of the same feather. This is natural law…no one can 'teach' you anything because it must always be filtered past your own understanding. You understand everything in your own context via your own bias and learning potential therefore only you can impart meaning to anything. People who think 'others' can impart meaning are retarded and have not bothered to examine reality.

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99d41b  No.124811

File: c7a5ee50af58210⋯.jpeg (758.3 KB, 4256x2832, 266:177, BLM.jpeg)

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4ee663  No.124815


>20 soccer hooligans out trying to protect churchills statue

Chrchill being defaced would be great optics for us. Churchill is loved everywhere, even krauts and burgers love Churchill. Niggers defacing history is about the best optics possible, I wish they would literally throw their shit at him so everyone knows what monkeys they are.

If Churchill gets shat on, even MSM will lead with it.

Also fuck London anyway, that place is never, ever coming back. The best we could hope for would be for it to become some sort of Singapore city state, a financial hub close to Europe but outside the EU, but not part of (post-britain) England.

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48c730  No.124816


I just don't understand why the japs are this into niggers…I think they need some of our spare niggers as a learning tool. Who the FUCK in their right mind would give a shit about niggers?

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48c730  No.124817


Or nuked.

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a69341  No.124818


>I wonder if I were to do this, if I couldn't overcome this problem, at least in my own life.

You gonna get sealed son

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fe4d7d  No.124819


Could help if you're really stuck but it's usually best to learn to work with the energies of creation directly.


It's a game. You can choose to stop playing any time you want. Fatalism is only true in the eyes of the temporal matter-mind, all souls have the potential to attain the state of the timeless akasha. All realities are equally true except by perspective.

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48c730  No.124820


If they just keep printing that gf was 'killed' rather than had a heart attack from an overdose maybe someday people will believe that he was ACTUALLY KILLED…fucking hell! WTF is wrong with people (I mean outside of being mind controlled by COVID)?

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4ee663  No.124821


>I just don't understand why the japs are this into niggers

They just want something to put on their insta feed. Also 20M people there, there is a speciality group into anything and everything.

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48c730  No.124822

File: 8ba7c57c1e587ff⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 325x396, 325:396, first_borg_transhumanism.jpg)


>They just want something to put on their insta feed

Sometimes I think that I am missing out on humanity because I don't have social media. Then I remember that I am human and that they are only machines/cyborgs and I am not missing anything but becoming one with the machine.

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48c730  No.124823


>You can choose to stop playing any time you want

So why are you here?

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48c730  No.124824

File: 06aaf29c6bd437e⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 400x276, 100:69, ultimate_eternal_seal.jpg)

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375eab  No.124829


>CNN crew attacked, not hurt, misses all the perps despite multiple cameras and cell phones too.

If the whole thing isn't completely staged I would bet at a minimum the producer was going up to people in front of the Wendy's saying "guys, here's $20 bucks, go fuck with the camera, don't hurt anybody. Thanks! Is somebody going to burn this place down or what?"

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4ee663  No.124833

>>124822 (checked)

> I am not missing anything

Absolutely. I have no social media accounts at all. I have not once thought "if only I had facebook I wouldn't have missed out on X"

It's absolute garbage.


> the producer was going up to people in front of the Wendy's saying "guys, here's $20 bucks, go fuck with the camera, don't hurt anybody.

Yeah they do that kind of thing. Current affairs show producers are super sleazy guys, they are like paparazzos.

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d009b6  No.124835


>I just don't understand why the japs are this into niggers…

They aren't. Very few would even consider blacks to be human beings.

All large cities have "Crowds for Hire", "Crowds on Demand". Very common in Asia. Consider also that they may just be college or ESL students out following some (((faggot))) foreign teacher for credit.

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f32d5f  No.124839


I really dislike Churchill and hope they mutilate not only his statue but his memory as well.

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4ee663  No.124840


>I really dislike Churchill and hope they mutilate not only his statue but his memory as well.

See, it's win-win. Whether you love him or hate him - mobs of apes shitting on his head are a good thing.

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983d2e  No.124842


No love lost for the man myself, but you know as well as I do that if they topple him they'll only be emboldened further.

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cece75  No.124845

This will end as soon as Biden is in office. He’ll order the national guard to point guns at truckers and force them to deliver the food, sneakers, and Obongophones to the cities.

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4ee663  No.124847


>He’ll order the national guard to point guns at truckers

Well, his nurse will.

Actually It's hard for me to predict how a federal democrat would handle this situation.

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983d2e  No.124851


>predict how a federal democrat would handle this situation.

Poorly, is my guess.

I don't think the colour revolution puppetmasters in this case are necessarily allied with the Democrats in this instance. Right now they may be in tandem, but if Biden were to win I don't believe the riots would end the next day.

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5ffd72  No.124864


They're probably from Japan's communist party, not too many of them. They can't all be based Samurai instilling fear into the jew. They all look quite ugly too, these are going to be your jap outcasts, chinese and mystery meat asians.

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b0625c  No.124866


my memory of this film is sketchy at best, but wasn't the ending a cop out? Weren't we told HE was a nut-job and society was fine thankyou very much?

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8f9340  No.124869


Kind of. I always felt the ending was a contrast between how two people react to the same, shitty world. As in, Duvall just did what he needed to do to get by very passively, while Douglas lost his mind and started fighting back. I didn't feel like it was attempting to express that Duvall had made the right decision so much as it was showing that the world can drive a person mad with the how absolutely self centered and ignorant the people in this system can be, and how easily you could end up in Douglas' shoes.

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b0625c  No.124870


This is hardly an issue here, UK. But are cops close to retirement in USA given or encouraged to take safe duty? Can't imagine anything worse than being shot at or stomped into a coma by some drugged up dindu, while your wife is home preparing your retirement party.

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2ef29c  No.124877


The contrast. An environment anyone recognises as a white society overrun by literal apes.

>You are not welcome here. t. nigger



This is fine, this is normal. HONK HONK.

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4ee663  No.124878

File: be81febdc77090c⋯.gif (3.57 MB, 336x252, 4:3, commies.gif)

File: 23e07cd3c75e946⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 728x955, 728:955, Otoya_Yamaguchi.jpg)

File: e35f3786e1a3639⋯.jpg (89.91 KB, 900x583, 900:583, hibiya_stage.jpg)


>They're probably from Japan's communist party,

Ahh no problem, they have a solution for communists.

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2ef29c  No.124883


Films like these are designed to prematurely lit peoples fuses so there is a controlled explosion of anger with the system. I also recollect a scene with a 'nazi' and the perpetuation that zyklon B wasnt for delousing, but for killing rodent kikes.

Movies coming from jews arent good for your soul, no matter what lesson you derive from it.

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bb1597  No.124888

File: c46939829352942⋯.jpg (81.71 KB, 460x536, 115:134, Churchill_racist.jpg)

One either kills the jew or their memory lives long enough to become the racist.

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bb1597  No.124891


They aren't. It's just twenty english teachers from various countries sperging around.

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4ee663  No.124892


Checked. This is a quality normie redpill btw.

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d096f2  No.124898

File: 015b89486360572⋯.jpg (449.57 KB, 1256x1752, 157:219, c1cbc873fa76857e_1_.jpg)

Chaz is the gift that keeps on giving.

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615e58  No.124899

>>124888 (Hitler trips checked)


It'd be funnier if there was an actual woke quote from Churchill on the top to complete the joke.

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3af74e  No.124900

File: abac57267b51f1e⋯.jpg (34.4 KB, 715x425, 143:85, EacJglnWkAMUUJn.jpg)

File: 7f68d249daf749f⋯.jpg (94.59 KB, 717x863, 717:863, EacJgwfWsAA_vMf.jpg)

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8e9efd  No.124901


Man I kind of want to join in on the fun, but I'd have to visit fucking reddit for it.

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813f12  No.124902


It is truly the best part of this is those kike rats are getting it so bad and people are heavily turning on them.

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813f12  No.124903


How long before cops start turning against their masters and bite the hand?

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813f12  No.124904

File: 65bb9c8520fee46⋯.jpg (71.28 KB, 1024x556, 256:139, antifa.jpg)


This is the mistake that was made originally, bunch of morons went and got in fights with the faggots and they blamed everyone else. That's why scenario B wins for now.

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4ee663  No.124905


>It'd be funnier if there was an actual woke quote from Churchill on the top to complete the joke.

Yeah ok we can work on that:


<Fascism was the shadow or ugly child of communism… As Fascism sprang from Communism, so Nazism developed from Fascism. Thus were set on foot those kindred movements which were destined soon to plunge the world into more hideous strife, which none can say has ended with their destruction.

<When we read about Germany, when we watch with surprise and distress the tumultuous insurgence of ferocity and war spirit, the pitiless ill-treatment of minorities, the denial of the normal protections of civilised society to large numbers of individuals solely on the ground of race.

<.it is a horrible thing that a race of people should be attempted to be blotted out of the society in which they have been born

Maybe a better photoshop-fag than me can make one with one of those quotes.

Meanwhile, as I was looking for "woke churchill quotes" I found these chad quote from the man:

>Churchill on sterilising tards

<'I propose that 100,000 degenerate Britons should be forcibly sterilized and others put in labour camps to halt the decline of the British race.

>Churchill names the Jew

<In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all of them, have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.

> Churchill on natives

<I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place

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813f12  No.124907


Snowden was way too public and they didn't get it clamped down fast enough, then Russia was quick to help cause they wanted to embarrass the US. If they tried to kill him after that, it would look too fishy and now they don't want him to be a martyr. Notice how you barely hear about him.

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813f12  No.124909


Ha, fucking based wops not taking any shit. This little faggot, wish they would have broke his jaw.

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813f12  No.124911


It's called picking your battles. When you have the numbers and ability to defend yourself, ie not a liberal shithole, you can do it. In liberal shitholes, it just makes no sense to bother. Best case you stand there and they toss you on the news as evil. More likely they attack you and set you up for prison for defending yourself.

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226b28  No.124912


>predict how a federal democrat would handle this situation.

Believe it or not, the democrats are running this show. They snap their fingers if biden wins, and the riots are over. If not, we are going to see chimpouts like we have never seen. We might get out CW2 after all.


>unplanned donation

Ok, now that's some funny shit. What a dipshit to leave $400 in cash in a fucking tent. welcome to anarchy you shit


>scenario B wins for now.

Keep posting this anon.

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813f12  No.124914


5G is so high frequency, a stack of paper fucks with it.

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f32d5f  No.124915

Niggers shooting up my little town today. No one killed, yet. Shootings are pretty rare here.

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813f12  No.124919

File: 2444088bb009b71⋯.jpg (54.09 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 1409611953398.jpg)


We get it, glowies, you want us to just run out and shoot people or get in fights so we can get arrested and blamed as the evil "nazis". It isn't an intelligent move to go to some big, liberal city and do anything there, cause it's basically just free press for them and a trip to prison for any of us. It is a no win on that plan, so no, no one wants to do that. Protect our own areas for now, let them destroy and let the hatred fester till we can make real moves.

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226b28  No.124920


Small towns should be able to repel nigger invasion. Don't you and some buddies have some weaponry?

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f32d5f  No.124922


Faggot Blue state, permits are hard to obtain.

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813f12  No.124923


It would magically disappear cause it is staged and the people staging it would stop it.

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fe4d7d  No.124926


Are you doing anything? Do you have an organization that we can join? What exactly do you suggest that we do?

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226b28  No.124928


>It's called picking your battles. When you have the numbers and ability to defend yourself, ie not a liberal shithole, you can do it. In liberal shitholes, it just makes no sense to bother. Best case you stand there and they toss you on the news as evil. More likely they attack you and set you up for prison for defending yourself.

This right here. Unless you have the support of your local gov't (red state) showing up to repel the invaders will get you arrested or killed. Let the niggers show themselves to be subhumans.


Get in shape, stockpile supplies and weaponry. Keep your powder dry, CW2 is coming this november. Any (((organization))) is either infiltrated or set up by (((feds))) as a honeypot.

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813f12  No.124929


Get to know your local gun enthusiasts, survival guys and militia if you can, just don't say anything fucking stupid. There will be glowies somewhere in there but if shit hits the fan, no on will care anymore, so still good to know people. NEVER SAY ANYTHING INCRIMINATING.

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3349de  No.124933

File: 000746313f50b93⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 460x326, 230:163, fbi_car_undercover_fail.jpg)

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1837fb  No.124934

File: b61c18536a81a3f⋯.jpg (26.45 KB, 426x314, 213:157, wompwomp.jpg)


I wish I could see the exact moment when the gullible light of idealism was snuffed out of his or her eyes forever.

They were making fun of the victim and calling it redistribution before deleting the post.

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226b28  No.124935

File: 5a78f066e203946⋯.png (158.37 KB, 220x326, 110:163, civilwar2.png)

Really bored anons. Waiting is the hardest part.

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226b28  No.124936


KEK, comrade, sorry for your loss, but we can't have this kind of talk in the CHAZ. Thank you for your donation, now speak of this again comrade, and we will have to put you in the CHAZ gulag.

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11eac9  No.124937

File: bc6f06eeb642b5f⋯.jpg (76.6 KB, 600x536, 75:67, laughing_girls.jpg)


Who says communism doesn't work?

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8e9efd  No.124941

File: 399b2a70aa61843⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Next_you_ll_say.jpg)


Next they'll say "Real communism has never been tried".

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6f9e2b  No.124944

Guys I've been called racist on the internet, oh fucking no.

Morons on twitter think that atlanta drunk who stole a taser was innocent in any way

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813f12  No.124948

File: 87a464cef757344⋯.jpg (20.34 KB, 256x259, 256:259, 1407705513574.jpg)


>lock your tent

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3349de  No.124955



you have to go back

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486bff  No.124957

File: 117d659121faf40⋯.jpeg (852.51 KB, 1097x1180, 1097:1180, 65656EE3_FE7A_4D67_9B83_6….jpeg)

Can’t wait for the time lapse footage illustrating the positive effects of communism.



>post removed


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9e3bec  No.124959


Know what's so striking about this picture?

The nigger is up front and center. The white cucks are at the back. Some way way back.

How the mighty have fallen.

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486bff  No.124963

File: 32ad8649a3a87df⋯.jpeg (279.49 KB, 1697x1221, 1697:1221, 5B88F04B_E041_4832_BCD7_0….jpeg)


My favorite of all so far, worth way more than a thousand words. The thug with his pants halfway off, his reaction to the dog, the sheboon silhouette melting into the shadows, lifeless white feet in the corner…would give it an award if I had one.

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9848e6  No.124987

Now is a great time to target white police officers with propaganda. Not specifically to convert them but to further demoralize them. Nationwide fliers directed at white cops.

>“They won’t support you if you defend yourself against a violent black.”

>“You’ll go to jail for doing your job.”

>“More diversity means no promotions for white cops”.

>“They’ll throw you under the bus. Is it worth it?”

>“White cops should refuse to police black neighborhoods. It’s not worth going to jail for doing your job.”

Some are a bit wordy. Oh well. Any ideas?

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8f9340  No.124990


Couldn't tell ya. I have seen plenty of stories where an officer close to retirement is shot down by a feral niggur days or weeks before their last day. I imagine they'll leave you on the streets unless you push for a promotion or job change.

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9848e6  No.124992

File: 00ad29099e1c41f⋯.mp4 (2.66 MB, 480x270, 16:9, VID_20200614_151210_882.mp4)

Antifa got BTFO in Glasgow when they went to trash some statues and monuments. Look at those faggots run

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8f9340  No.124993

File: ad948b22842c02c⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 262x373, 262:373, KumNkoI.jpg)


To be the Devil's advocate, I will say that they represented a few groups pretty well in that movie still. The Nazi aside, they showed various forms of the help as the degenerate filth they are. The gangsters attempting a drive by in broad daylight and their sub 80 IQ resulting in fucking even that up comes to mind.

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486bff  No.124997

Some good Chaz footage here



>implying white cops need any blackpills

Yeah I think they already get it.



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d7d5cb  No.124998

File: ee248808b5f42fc⋯.png (40.96 KB, 1229x318, 1229:318, 1592143786426.png)

File: 5f53db1031df433⋯.jpg (192.6 KB, 1125x659, 1125:659, 1592145938738.jpg)

File: c78808d5093b96b⋯.jpg (65.21 KB, 949x396, 949:396, 1592147587062.jpg)


I know, I know, reposting from cuckchan, but this one is too good to pass.

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813f12  No.124999


>steal your shit

>plz don't leave, we need your free shit

This is literally just welfare being played out in realtime on superspeed mode.

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d7d5cb  No.125000


It's a magical place, all the best leftists ideals and policies in one neat package, including consequences.

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8f9340  No.125003

File: 6e7eb9b7929d405⋯.jpeg (85.26 KB, 680x680, 1:1, EY5QwGLWsAAF6IQ.jpeg)


>real socialism/communism has never been tried befor!!!!!!1!!

Just baste yourself in the fact that you get to bring this up everytime you see someone make this claim for the rest of your life.

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14f9ac  No.125006


>password protected!

Niggers do not care about the data on your macbook




Its more of a social experiment right now. Watch, learn, and laugh as they fail at every fundamental level.

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2ef29c  No.125007

File: 53e49013be2dfa4⋯.jpg (64.74 KB, 770x433, 770:433, Thierry_Baudet_tijdens_zij….jpg)


You idiots are being trolled.



Checked and kekd

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eaa96f  No.125014

File: 915b99ffeb8db74⋯.mp4 (8.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CHAZ_no_police_stolen.mp4)


Lock your tent

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eaa96f  No.125015


Someday in the future (((you))) are going to push your luck by saying this to a White persons face and they are going to kill you; I hope.

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4ee663  No.125016


This is great.

Just need to confirm that he's not an assclown pulling a stunt.

Any info on the guy? Reddit history?

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4ee663  No.125018



Reddit account only a couple of weeks old.

He seems genuinely pissed though. I can put on a pretense like that for a short while, but couldn't keep it up all day. I wonder when this clip was from.

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1837fb  No.125019

File: 15ab879ec169f21⋯.jpg (29.96 KB, 383x202, 383:202, ver.jpg)


It's for real.

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eaa96f  No.125022



I would never do this because to me Blue Lives Matter. The local police saved the life of someone I love. Law and Order are important to me. I won't put a burden on someone who is already struggling to do the right thing everyday.

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eaa96f  No.125023


Why didn't we beat the fuck out of them tho?

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4ee663  No.125025

File: d5b78683ea259d9⋯.png (19.14 KB, 709x191, 709:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Just found this gem

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eaa96f  No.125026



Drone footage, look how clean the rest of the city is compared to the commie shithole.

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02e20b  No.125027




that guy is such a muzzie cunt. Not a peep about BLM attacking police, but now he's going to condemn those who turned up to protect statues.

I hope the Metropolitan police are watching, and #walkaway


fucking white niggers don't even know who their enemy is




wasn't there, announced he wasn't going the day before.


checked, but for fuck's sake mate. there's only a few of us here and all you do is post the same shit over and over. Yes they glow, no you only need to say it ONCE per thread.


lel, your power levels sustain us all


checked, but you boring cunt, stop being autsitic and enjoy the lols. Its not serious.


>lobsters and tarrifs

because that shit MATTERS to business people. Nigs nigging in cities means nothing. Its just nigs nigging. Like clockwork



5G has dual uses. Pervasive AI/surveillance state AND the ability to weaponise and remote kill. (phase array, like LRAD but microwaves)

5G ups its power to get through walls, so the arrays have plenty of juice to do the RF equivalent of gamma knife your brain.


What's that from?


checked, but nigger, what's a faraday cage?


#walkaway #pdwalkaway

>>124999 checked


he's obviously a troll. 'not sure why / password' was the giveaway. Unless he really is that retarded.

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b8016c  No.125031


>What's that from?

Filename m8.


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4ee663  No.125032

File: fb8bf35f8c29ef0⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1600x800, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>What's that from?


A movie about a regular guy who is put into stasis and wakes up in the future to find that everyone is a moron, a nigger is the president, and they are starving because everyone forgot how to aggriculture.

10/10 must see.

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02e20b  No.125034



Oh, I'd just ignored it because it was michael moore and he's such a faggot, will watch tonight. thanks anons

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02e20b  No.125036


not michael moore. Why on earth did i think that

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b8016c  No.125037

File: 3398d70169d570a⋯.jpg (465.43 KB, 2560x1596, 640:399, Cleaning_scaled.jpg)


If that's real, it's fucking amazing.

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eaa96f  No.125039


Today I think. I got it from another board. They were having a laugh at CHAZ

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2ef29c  No.125054

File: a3a9efb772ee12c⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Dyonfrance14_06.mp4)

File: 3b3efdf7a7ab13c⋯.mp4 (6.32 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, razmataz.mp4)

File: 5bb328f4c568cea⋯.jpeg (88.87 KB, 1100x825, 4:3, smug.jpeg)


No, its not. And you niggers falling for it is icing on the cake.

>Today in Chaz;

>We fool two digit IQ retards on the internet

>Raz saves the country from a terrible fire

>And the stig flips a car in Dyon

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771ca8  No.125057

File: 75cb606ad86d27c⋯.jpg (36.55 KB, 540x960, 9:16, yup.jpg)

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eaa96f  No.125064

Today in POZtopia's history Raz, the undercover agent, lights and then puts out a staged fire in this made for TV docudrama.

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486bff  No.125067


>car crash near violent mob

>random arson

>lol nobody’s getting their shit stolen

Dude wat


His plan was shipping them back, not saying he wasn’t a tyrant just would have been better if that make up wearing faggot hadn’t shot him.

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2ef29c  No.125078


>Riots in Dyon France 2020, part of worldwide chimpout

>african warlord raz trying to better his public image

>lol you believe that account is anything but satire

Yiddit, not even once.

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eaa96f  No.125119


>make up wearing faggot hadn’t shot him

it is always the faggots.

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3e6ba6  No.125159

File: 3231f808a99e4be⋯.jpg (143.54 KB, 1400x1102, 700:551, cea.jpg)


>Why isn't this being talked about?

because pic related

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3e6ba6  No.125164



(or else I'll kill a Nazi, then teach a niglet how to fire a rocket launcher, then I'll get shot by a cop, then my kid will be raised by a single mom and a revolving door of black and jew boyfriends)

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ee7ffa  No.125165

File: 8f4ea681f0657ca⋯.jpg (120.23 KB, 800x533, 800:533, mfw_not_planting_in_march.jpg)

File: 32a699051ce43db⋯.jpg (14.39 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 16_acres_of_chuckles.jpg)


wow a whole quarter bushel. Hunger watch out.

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3e6ba6  No.125183


>They’ve burnt down the Wendy’s now.

If a cop shoots a nigger on George Soros' lawn, will his mansion get burned down? Preferably with him still inside

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486bff  No.125187

File: 866e0c938599f31⋯.jpeg (64.99 KB, 368x425, 368:425, C1239B39_A20E_4DA8_8C01_3….jpeg)


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a5ca87  No.125209

File: 20a3aca900cb18d⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1179x926, 1179:926, trivium_quadrivium_element….png)





As the other anon said, do nothing illegal and there's a certain way of talking about things you enforce in your group, never talking violence. There will be military exercises your group perform, war games, but those are games and are fun. You broach the subject by suggesting and organizing the game, "it'll be fun". You use paint guns or whatever is relevant. There's also tabletop games, using maps and such to play war games, and intellectual games in general that are conducive to creating a sporting mind.

The stuff you learn and do increases or evolves as you rank up, which is achieved by doing what's required a numbe rof times and perhaps a challenge or milestone. I believe a certain degree fo specialization after reaching a point makes sense. As you rank up again you can get others to specialize but differently.

For legal cushion, never assume the words or position of command. You are above in hierarchy in your head and according to the manual. At every juncture, if authority is taken from you de facto, you wrest it from them by some means that the manual will train and teach for if it is necessary that you command. It will be meritocratic authority.

To have an official power structure is legal boil. Everything in the manual is in spirit. Nothing is stopping people from making the hierarchy official but: There may be legal troubles involved and it's better to play the defensive strategy well.


Anime turns people into childish losers. Excepting LotGH. In general it's not good to watch visual media as this is hypnogogic, brain washing. It is terrible for the brain. Better to browse /pol/ (abstaining from shitposting and memes), watch informative stuff online, think, read etc. to be proactive rather than passively absorbing.


That neither of you were into it or grew out of it goes to show your experience can't inform you of what it does to grown men that are still attached to it and seeking it out. When your experience can't inform you, recognize that it takes reasoning to overcome the ignorance.

Look at the final form of something to understand the micro-chimerism that occurs. Remember this. Now look at the final form of anime otaku-dom. Look at the pervasive degeneracy of Japan and weebs everywhere. Maybe you do not know of the many weebs on the internet that you can learn from, but they are indeed man-children that devolve into multiple compounding emotional and mental ills.

Sometimes they don't. I doubt you would ever know as it's more likely they're hiding the degeneracy. Sick fetishes and porn addictions, emotional hangups, poor character in several ways, deep insecurities. But the real kicker is this: When they are unwilling to leave anime completely out of something, you know EXACTLY what you're dealing with. No one is being ousted. Anyone can drop the cuckime posting and post normally, it's an anonymous image board. To be unwilling to stop something when there is really no consequences to being "demonized" and there is good enough reason to stop. . . . I don't want to become redundant; it's vice. They are in a vice.

Being appealing is not what we're about, and it's not good. It's just compromise and is in fact compromising. There needs to be more focus, will, intent in all this at the expense of the irrelevant, contradictory and compromising. As a cuckime said, paraphrasing: "The little things add up and the frog boils."



High five


You about to get BRANDED son. If anything such a cube and research would put in contact with some demon that calls itself Saturn, such as the kikes egregore or whatever. You just need to train up instead of this retarded deal with the devil shit. Learn to fight. Fight with heart, with mind, with guts and brain and spine, with muscle and bone and skin and teeth and hair, with eyes and ears and nose and mouth and face, with limbs and joints and torso. Train up.


Chill out. There are multiple avenues to take into a better future. Save the worst of your hatred for your enemies and recognize your allies. Important monuments (to us) and cities/towns that are our own (rather than rat nest cult grounds) should be protected, but it is in no way possible that we go genociding without the full might of the US Army, Airforce and Marines bearing down on us. It's not very conscientious to kill retard college kids and soy beards. I'm all for beatdowns but killing is a line that one must not cross lightly. The true enemy is elsewhere, with hooked noses or betraying their race and nation in some higher echelons of society. Everyone else is just a useless idiot and they must be stayed, not killed.


I only posted about the bots once though. >>124688 and cuckime is degenerate trash

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ea9be7  No.125230

File: ff3024323e95eb4⋯.mp4 (4.53 MB, 640x640, 1:1, VID_20200615_004542_879.mp4)

Thank you, Lord

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e72511  No.125237

I read something about them trying to take over a new police station somewhere else in Seattle. Not entirely sure.


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eaa96f  No.125240


It is all low value crops as well. The only thing this is going to do is whet someones appetite without putting it back down to bed.

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375eab  No.125241


>Why are you naked?

>There's an earthquake!

Fuck. First Covid, then rioting, and now an earthquake too? It's as the climate change isn't bad enough already. If this guy and Greta Thunberg are both right it's gonna be tough. I think we need schizo representation at the UN. I think we need this guy on a blue-ribbon panel with David Hogg and Greta T to deliver the scary message beyond the borders of Chaz and get it to someone important like Angela Merkel so that we can have a special "Day of the Earthquake" awareness raising holiday before it's too late.

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1fc787  No.125243

File: 740bed037a94e5e⋯.webm (2.2 MB, 460x444, 115:111, KROL.webm)

French fry land

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375eab  No.125244

>>125240 vegan goodness from the earth

Someone posted a picture of them planting flowers in the community garden too. They should just grow weed or opium and sell it. Boost their foreign currency reserves.

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eaa96f  No.125245


This is your brain on COVID anon. Remember it is a blood clotting disease. People are going to be having minor lesions in their brains more and more often as people catch it. These type of behavioral anomalies will become more and more common and a part of everyday life for most people. When 1/4 of people are running naked with not just 'communist delusions' but this more sever delusions you will finally understand what I mean when I say:



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375eab  No.125246


>riot torn streets

>Looting Jimmy Choo

That poor town. Someone should try to get them some representation at the EU so this doesn't happen again. Must be because of Brexit. They tried to warn us. Maybe they can broker a peace agreement where they just give the looters what they want and abolish the police so that this never happens again.

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375eab  No.125249


Capitol Hill in Seattle for many decades has had a lot of those types of people. It's kind of like Haight Ashbury in San Francisco, lots of LSD and street drugs, but you could be right. The guy may have some kind of Covid brain damage. I think anons showed that it can go from the olfactory bulb directly into the brain and maybe the guy isn't just a schizo or druggie but actually has brain lesions, in which case I feel bad for him.

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3349de  No.125252


rapefugees welcomen

I would imagine refugees are taking advantage of this

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1fc787  No.125254

File: b1d2d8abc406596⋯.webm (3.17 MB, 856x480, 107:60, LN2c.webm)


Strange behavior

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589039  No.125255


>The goal is to lead a group of your own

Been thinking about this and making/doing something similar. If you end up doing anything with this in the future Id be extremely willing to either help work on it or just get a copy for my own use.


>Maybe a better photoshop-fag than me can make one with one of those quotes.

Can do.


>Now is a great time to target white police officers with propaganda

Instead of demoralizing I believe it would be better to raise their racial awareness. Idk how based cops can get, most of them enforcing just want to do just that. But they typically align with the liberal quo dont they? Basically Im getting at that whatever works to redpill "normies" would be the same tactic for police. Im planning on just being authentically convincing. If its not something you would say to your grandmother dont expect it to bleed over lines separating "audiences" in this "targeted" advertisement.

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eaa96f  No.125256

File: 57aefb90c5e0bda⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, the_emps_new_clothes.png)


I do too anon. I don't know if you were here for it but early in the /cvg/ we examined many videos that showed brain damage, lesions and hemorrhaging. This guy was probably a normal family guy before he 'wore the crown' and now look at him. I have been to that part of Seattle, vacationed there so I know that area somewhat well but this looks like some more of the traumatic bleeding that we would expect from a clotting disease (sort of an early onset of psychosis and hallucinations) that would result from brain damage. Remember what it does to the lungs (eats holes in them…same thing with the brain)…that poor fucker probably doesn't even know where he is going anymore.

I think this is one of the reason why they are simply 'letting things go' at this point…there is fuck all reason to try and hold Law, Order, reason together now that this is going to become a pandemic. Not really sure why they don't 'handle' the contagious groups' like the CHAZ cult group delusion…but maybe that would really cause a lot more panic than they are prepared to deal with at this point.

I think people can see pretty clearly that no one in their right mind would enter CHAZ or remain their if they were not already sick.

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1fc787  No.125258

File: c406a93ae88fff4⋯.webm (1.24 MB, 856x480, 107:60, gkna.webm)

File: a941946fd1ab4e4⋯.webm (441.68 KB, 480x480, 1:1, QYZ2.webm)

File: 96d61f7b27bcc94⋯.webm (1.62 MB, 272x480, 17:30, yb2U.webm)

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eaa96f  No.125259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ok so I have watched a lot of these videos and for some reason I have seen this exact same 'u-turn' behavior in many places both in riots and in major thoroughfares. This is in China. But I have seen this exact same behavior in Atlanta…wherever your video is from and multiple other places. It is like they are confused by regular traffic patterns or something. There seems to be some sort of overwhelming need to turn, no matter what the circumstance. Something to look out for in traffic.

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eaa96f  No.125261


1st video…yeah…all those people who mocked the peasants who literally fought off ANYONE who tried to enter into their town. People don't 'do things' without having a very good reason. There might be a lot more to China than we ever got to see in the (((press))).

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375eab  No.125264




>Weird Covid behaviors

>Unexplained U-turns

The "cordon sanitaire" has been around forever for good reason, it helps cut down epidemics and keeps them from spreading. An ancient and effective technique.

>Only sick people enter CHAZ

I think you have lots of people nostalgic for "Occupy" or even like their stupid Mayor in Seattle said "The Summer Of Love". People who aren't doing much anyway want to go hang out in the CHAZ just to say they were there and brag about it later. It's like saying they attended Woodstock or were in NYC when the Twin Towers got blown up, etc. So in addition to the handful of people who actually take it seriously you have a bunch of people who are kind of thrill-seekers. "Let's go check it out".

>Covid brain disease

Genuinely scary, hope it's not very common. Who knows what happens to asymptomatic people who are infected after a few years goes by.

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d1dda2  No.125265

File: 2bbb71763acdbf7⋯.pdf (3.61 MB, cn0c00122.pdf)


This was Baltimore

SARS-CoV-2 can pass through blood brain barrier

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3349de  No.125268


>3rd vid

picking a fight wearing flip flops

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d1dda2  No.125269

Based necks assist police

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d1dda2  No.125270

File: f025adc92422054⋯.webm (2.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NnC4.webm)


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3349de  No.125272


>no sound

but then, there really wasn't much anyway.

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64f60f  No.125273


With all the nigs just flipping out, it makes me wonder if it was actually was part bio weapon.

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3349de  No.125274


i can't wait for the covid vaccine zombie hordes tbh

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eaa96f  No.125277

File: 893bf71ee9df30e⋯.webm (3.85 MB, 720x966, 120:161, looting_rioting_insurecti….webm)

File: 14b2822c142c7ba⋯.jpg (69.22 KB, 733x517, 733:517, heart_disease_covid_clotti….jpg)



I just want anons to keep an eye out for it. Stay safe you know…I think that it will become more and more common as people have the disease for longer periods and the lesions/psychosis and brain damage become more common. I look at all the manipulation around this and the 'its just a flu bro' global depopulation agenda and I think anons need to REALLY PREPARE and position themselves for a worst case scenario now, rather than waiting things out.

Lets say that 2% of the population of the USA was infected now…that would be 4 million people and it might be higher than this…BUT at our current rate of infection with the disease ACTUALLY DOUBLING (not based on epidemiological 'models' but IRL) every two months that gives us until Mar 2021 for 100% full blown infection. Let say that not everyone suffers the violence, disorientation, psychosis, or other behaviors and only 25% get lesions of the brain resulting in these types of behaviors >>125258 1st video.

I strongly doubt any of you want to be anywhere near that level of violent aggressive psychosis, right? That is still a full stop to any sort of civilization at all. If 25% (or more) got this sort of brain damage that would be almost 100 million (or more since I think the kikes are lying about the real US population to hide the truth from Americans).

Now I am not saying this is what it is…but I will tell you this…for YEARS I have had a hobby of watching riot footage, hunting it down online to watch how people reacted and moved in group psychosis/mob situations. I can tell you this based on my years of hobby watching riots. These are different than anything I have ever seen before.

I think if people were not 'so amused' at the prospect they would take a very hard look at the behaviors we are seeing and it would begin to sink in that none of what we are seeing falls within the parameters of 'normal human behavior'. And I know niggers are not human, but I am talking about 'outside' of just niggers as an example as well.

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87f6e4  No.125278

File: 595f1c9df3afc6a⋯.jpeg (189.64 KB, 811x398, 811:398, cnn_5981507.jpeg)

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eaa96f  No.125280


There is no way…he positively fucking GLOWS in that photo.

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64f60f  No.125281

File: 9a75bc892367290⋯.mp4 (9.29 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Kalen_From_Scriberr_All_wh….mp4)

Updates from CHAZ.

>Give $10 to a nigger, or you're a racist that isn't down with the struggle.

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eaa96f  No.125282

File: 478800345082985⋯.mp4 (378.93 KB, 320x568, 40:71, chaz_meditation_looting_ri….mp4)


It is literal hell on Earth. Like taking a peek into some freaky commune.

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87f6e4  No.125283

File: 910372fc307d10b⋯.jpeg (35.43 KB, 811x354, 811:354, _5980848.jpeg)

> We totally don't care about untermensch rights

> We're about 50000

> We kill niggers and have real political power

> We don't give a fuck about niggers rights

> We're about 5M

> Every nigger shivers when jush hear about us

> We can do a peaceful protest in cute oufits))))))

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87f6e4  No.125285


You don't get it. It's world's biggest nigger auction. And they are cheap as fuck.but still no one gonna need them, so it's just waste of money

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a8ba3d  No.125287


I spoke to some normalfags today, they hadn't even heard of CHAZ. I guess it isn't really being covered by any mainstream media, which hardly anyone watches anyways. It was a frustrating conversation, to the point that they didn't believe me.

<Is it BLM people?

Sort of, but it's more your Anarcho/Commie types.

<You're what?

Antifa, radical leftists, anarchists.

<Oh, umm yeah I don't know. Where is this? Like in Seattle

Yeah. Gotta run…

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eaa96f  No.125288


That is funny because I saw a conversation like that online today. You'd think with all the FOX press it has received that more people would know about it.

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87f6e4  No.125289

Old dream became true - USSA.

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a8ba3d  No.125291

>>125288 (heil)

Most people under 35 aren't watching Fox News, or anything for that matter. I believe they get news from Facebook and whatever Apple news alerts popup on their iPhone. I say this without a modicum of exaggeration, if you can understand the content of a thread here, you know more about the world than 99% of the general public. It's actually scary to know just how retarded the average man is, and yet it is also astonishing that they can lead a full life getting by on complete naivete.

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87f6e4  No.125293

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4199c3  No.125294

File: 3a21b93af78a424⋯.png (338.84 KB, 1262x680, 631:340, dae23d59834f2c50.png)


> Mod edit: Ignore the glowniggers. Ignore the shills. You are not rambo. You are not a cop. You are not a vigilante. You are not an operator. Do not do anything illegal. They are waiting for you to poke your head out so they can throw you in a cell to rot for the rest of your life. Yes, it's unfair. Get over it. Be smarter.

Just a visual reminder of how this works out if you do not follow this wisdom.

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589039  No.125296


>if you can understand the content of a thread here, you know more about the world than 99% of the general public.

Well thats both encouraging and depressing. It makes sense though considering almost every time I tell anyone about something its the first time theyre hearing about it. I underestimate the value of my worth, Im starting to believe Im a lot more capable than others and that I should start expecting less while at the same time encouraging more. This motivates me to be more vocal about my opinions in public. A recent person Ive found whos extremely effective at winning over "normies" is John Doyle in his 2 most recent videos. In the latest one he mentions how to be a part of political activism and if you know anyone who thinks politics dont involve them or they think they cant do anything, like the people who dont vote for instance because they openly state how much it does nothing. While I kind of agree Im just using it as an analogous vessel to carry my point. The inactives, the comfortable, the fence sitters, - show them this kids videos or at the least watch it yourself take notes and just regurgitate his talking points. (You may not even have to if youre already well versed). Hes only 20 and hes pretty based. I think now more than ever is the most crucial time to grab someone and shake them awake. This isnt a game anymore and "we" cant just sit from the comfort of our homes and laugh at the world anymore, or in most cases just getting unbelievably pissed behind the screen. At least those are my experience. The threat has always been at the door but now its making its way in, something you saw and thought you were safe has now become a real danger and perilous threat. Im a good arguer, Im honestly thinking of platforming myself. And to be frank a lot of this sites users or old users or just over the years- I know theres fuckers on here and out there who are way more intelligent than I could ever be and they have more knowledge than I do. Even with all the accomplishments of image boards, Im still shocked there hasnt been a widespread solution or cultivation of anything. Has anything thats sprung from /pol/ that wasnt an anhero attempt or fps event been done? Im pretty sure this ramble is riddled with idiocy and inconsistency or whatever but I only know how to operate unfiltered, if I dont I feel like Im lying. Thanks for reading

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ffff9a  No.125297


What was the point of posting that?

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dbffcd  No.125298

File: 06f206784c3a9bc⋯.jpeg (155.72 KB, 610x800, 61:80, 1568099658864.jpeg)

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09b42a  No.125303


>the girl waving at 0:04 as the niggers get arrested behind her

I've found my new wife

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4ec2bf  No.125306


This is being done to europe on purpose.

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a8ba3d  No.125307


>I underestimate the value of my worth,

That's a good sign, because intelligent people are all too aware of what they do not know, and the fool thinks they know everything. This is the typical Dunning/Kruger and the so-called "imposter syndrome", where qualified people believe they do not deserve their position.

Probably the best thing we have done here is push memes which subtly express our views, just enough to make sure the interested start the process of learning things on their own. Although I cannot pretend /pol/ is an actual political force, I see more and more of /pol/ ideology leaking out into the mainstream. Have you notice that more and more news sites have been forced to remove their comment sections?

Waking people up is very difficult. I have wasted far too much time in my life trying to build sound logical arguments for people, only for them to short-circuit the almost mechanical act of deducing the conclusion with an annoying, "well… you're just a racist!" Over time, I have learned that is far better to pose questions which lead a person to discovering truths for themselves, rather than telling them directly; after all we tend to trust ourselves rather than some stranger or even a friend. The more you can make your argument seem as though it is an original thought of the person you're trying to convince, the more successful you'll be.

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589039  No.125308


>Have you notice that more and more news sites have been forced to remove their comment sections?

Ive noticed it in videos comment sections, I see what you mean.

>The more you can make your argument seem as though it is an original thought of the person you're trying to convince, the more successful you'll be.

This sounds a lot like what happens in therapy. The therapist proposes questions that lead a person to what theyre already thinking, just like you said. Sort of leading them by the nose

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4ec2bf  No.125310


Now's the perfect time for the defunded police v2.0 to show their stuff.

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4ec2bf  No.125312


CHAZ fire brigade procedures in the event of fire

1. Take out smartphones

2. Tell others to put the fire out

3. Tell them they are doing it wrong

4. If fire extinguished, applaud selves

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4ec2bf  No.125314

File: 52ab92b358684e5⋯.jpg (227.39 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, IMG007384.jpg)


>If you don't want your valuables reassigned then you can lock and secure them. It's not rocket science.

I just

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a8ba3d  No.125319

File: 9aa2ed98c292b43⋯.png (488.23 KB, 1320x1905, 88:127, lingva_latina.png)


Yeah, and that is actually a pretty good learning technique, similar to the Socratic method. Another good method one is learning by induction. Now of course we can't be around a person from the beginning to the end of what they need to learn, but if you get the initial step right, they'll learn more and more as they go, using their previously established facts. A pretty good one is the "race and IQ chart," show that to a person and they can slowly start to make sense of the behaviors they're seeing. Or exposing a single doctored holocaust photo, that'll get a reasonably intelligent person thinking… "if that was fake… perhaps there are other lies…"

Pic related is off topic, but a good example of inductive learning. In this case it is used to teach Latin using only Latin and a couple illustrations. (Inductive immersion?)

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a8ba3d  No.125324


I'm surprised one of those tards hasn't made a "call fire department" smart phone app.


My sides.

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ea81a1  No.125330


White people aren't welcome there. That's my guess. Do niggers really need a reason to nig?

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8f9340  No.125340


>2nd video

Sounds like the cuckoos from OoT when you hit them too much lel

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8ad560  No.125341


lmao too bad the cop didn't put a bullet in that fucking baboon's skull, as he would've had every right to do.

Baltimore niggers a special even more subhuman breed of nigger, like the Savage Orcs in TWW2

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ea81a1  No.125345

File: 0bec6efe495d803⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 432x391, 432:391, 0bec6efe495d803a7bb34287b0….jpg)


I am fairly certain that is the plan. It is to help with a demographic shift and change the electoral map. However, I think the big drive is to not remove niggers and non-whites from cities but actually whites. Let me explain. If you are like me, I am from California and a heavily liberal city at that. I fled that state to move to a state where they "don't want anymore californians." I am accepted because I don't want any californians either. Currently, the only people who move here from liberal shitholes are young people like myself. Or old boomers (that about 40% lean left) that just want to get away from all of it (they hate niggers but vote for nigger shit) or are there for a 2nd home. Anyway, this keeps the predominate demographic white and heavily against the current status quo. This has been the case for years really despite liberal city exodus. The young liberals leave and only the based return after (((college))) if they leave at all. They city is just too "dynamic" and "vibrant" for the young liberal to leave.

Okay so what is the problem? Onigger and others have been busing in non-whites to vote in these rural areas right? Well yes and no. They have brought in non-white all around the US to populate outside the cities. The problem is there is no "spic-nig cycle infrastructure" here. So eventually these people leave to the cities, but it is a slow process, but a irreversible one. The spic-nig infrastructure would take decades to set up here. However, this is not the major problem. The major problem lies in voting. White people of all political demographics naturally vote. It's an inherit evolutionary trait I suppose of having a sense of forward thinking. Even the leftists. As a white man on my own at 18 I managed to register to vote and for selective service. Easy, no problem. I even managed to get a driver's license at 16 and I opened a bank account at 12. These things come naturally to whites.

Niggers and spics on the other hand are not the golden voting block you think they are. Why do you think so many leftist non-white marxist organizations exist? Why do you think they need billions of dollars? It is because it takes MASSIVE EFFORT to get non-whites to even attempt to vote. They don't register on their own, most don't even have bank accounts (liquor store check cashing and cash in mattress). They don't participate in society the same way we do. That is why these organizations massively push for same-day voter registration, automatic registration when you get a license, no voter ID, national vote holiday etc. The only way they can pump their numbers with spic-nig voting is to make voting essentially an automatic process. To reduce the work they have to do on their end to get spic-nigs to vote.

If you have ever lived in a diverse neighborhood then you know. You know that come election seasons various (((groups))) will come out to (((community organize))). They do massive non-white registration drives. To get non-whites to vote they have to do the registration for them. They have to provide transportation to the polling place for them. They have to sometimes pay for them to take time off work (if they work lol). All of this effort to still get overall less votes than whites do without any organizing.

So back to my main point. What is the problem? Well the problem is that all of this is primarily in cities where liberal libcuck whites live and vote. The spic-nigs aren't going to leave the cities. Even as burned out husks like detroit the spic-nig welfare infrastructure will continue to run. So those cities will remain pozzed up. The white votes there simply do not matter. The drive is to get the libcuck whites to leave so they can vote in the rural and less cucked regions of the USA. They don't require handholding to vote like the spic-nigs. They will just do it. The problem is that work and "city vibrancy" kept these people from moving. With (((COVID))) these people are now able to work the same jobs but from home. So they can work anywhere. Their favorite taco stand got burned down by niggers. So they have no vibrant downtown. So naturally they will move.

Unlike whites like myself who fled these areas naturally. These people are fleeing "unnaturally." They will sub-consciously know they left because of niggers and cities suck. But they will NEVER accept that reality. They will vote for the (((status quo))) until they die.That I think is one of the MAJOR drivers of this whole fucking clownworld nonsense we have going on right now.


Niggers are burning cities and (((COVID))) set up work from home to get cucked whites to move rural and fuck with the political demographics because niggers will never leave cities to do the dirty work for (((them))).

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ea81a1  No.125346


> For starters they would have to get real jobs

No. They work from home now.

>Then you often need to rely on your neighbors - you won't earn any good will when you are constantly shaming people. In the country you have to be tolerant of differing views on things. Liberals aren't tolerant.

Liberal whites will stay mostly quiet until they have numbers. Even then most cuckservatives will "help them out" because it is "the right" and "neighborly" thing to do. Be honest with yourself. You know it is true. Only some of us will actively go out of our way to not be neighborly. Neighborly is not bad, but in this case it is deadly. It's like you said. In the country you have to be tolerant of differing views right? Well our people are tolerant. The other side is not. People in the country will help the new city faggots but they will never help the country people.


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2ef29c  No.125348



>Weve seen an entire day of calm, quiet and DIGNIFIED protest.

>Ehhh, a few rioters…


>So, a day full of dignified protest that unfortunately lost some of its beauty at the end by JUST A FEW rioters.

The (((media))) is the same everywhere.


Niggers know how to handle niggers. First time i see the full interaction.


>That one happy nigger starting to clap

>Everyone else suddenly clapping

Lemmings, all of them. Imagine being outwitted by a happy nigger. I used to wish to save these whites from their doom; but they are traitors that need to be dealt with accordingly. This chimpout is the last wake up call people are going to get, the fire is rising and it shouldnt be contained.


>I want you to feel

KEK :^)

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1e9d79  No.125355


These are like tactical training videos. See what tactics the nogs utilise. Distract with hat, hat nog lures him. Bulky nog uses that as an excuse to choke hold. White people need to wise up to this shit.

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dfb53d  No.125356

File: 05f0c56adaee0ea⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 480x853, 480:853, disgusting_vomit_1.jpg)

I found this picture on twitter, this disgusting vomit is what BLM actually believes in, they did since the beginning, you still don't believe that BLM are nothing more than terrorists then you can fuck yourself.

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dfb53d  No.125357


Make that picture fucking famous, so people know BLM is very evil.

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dfb53d  No.125362

File: 73f78730441be7f⋯.png (373.08 KB, 560x611, 560:611, disgusting_vomit_2.png)

What the fuck…

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2ef29c  No.125363


Nog are impulsive, they dont into tactics. This wasnt a calculated attack, this was a bottle of cola and the hat was a mentos. The situation just needed the tiniest of push.

Around blacks, never relax.

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71364d  No.125366


kek. 100% legit guys, I hope this truth spreads far and wide.

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9bb3ed  No.125367


Everything except points 4 and 5 are straight from the Kalergi plan.

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ea145a  No.125375

File: 565d2d990c09ecd⋯.jpg (78.68 KB, 1325x526, 1325:526, 1471379189432.jpg)

I was going through my image folder and found pic. Thought it was relevant to the CHAZ garden.

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5864c8  No.125377

File: ab3aac52aa4851f⋯.jpeg (197.42 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ag.jpeg)


Do these fucking chimps still think their primates? Do REAL men need to start playing with THEIR toys?

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6c6d5d  No.125378


Like rats.

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6c6d5d  No.125380


>those grinding jaws

He is high on his ass, probably MDMA or DMT, or both.

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f32d5f  No.125382

File: 76edbce9dda9f69⋯.jpg (485.44 KB, 1600x1182, 800:591, roycohn.jpg)


It's being done everywhere, on purpose. At least, they set the stage and allow the inevitable to run its course.

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51b5bc  No.125384

File: e5051e931ea7062⋯.png (210.46 KB, 712x440, 89:55, united_states.png)

File: ca15ed7d3bb4b38⋯.png (6.61 MB, 13800x8550, 92:57, usa_states_and_counties_bi….png)


Remember that we have been fighting the memory holes, the moral holes, the behavioral holes (cowardice, poor character, no initiative, degeneracy), the truth holes, the logic holes, the taste holes (your tastes are shit), the standard holes, the common sense holes, you name it.

Now we got a truly holy moly to deal with. Anyone remember Holy Moly? Skyrim?

It was foretold.


They are literally creating plague drones with this?


Look at this white supremacist tweet!




images attached

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930fd6  No.125385


This needs to be read. This is why the real battle is going to be for the towns. And it's white vs. white.

Underrated post.

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ea145a  No.125390


I was referring more to the post about the deformed and trans vegetables.

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84c0c4  No.125394


>No intteracial dating for whites.

>A broken clock is right twice a day

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ea81a1  No.125400




>Less electronics more metal cheaper to repair and will obey the driver and not some far away corporation

If you are worried about your car being taken over, that is pretty far fetched. Still for the less mechanically inclined I will break down two important features. First, have a cable throttle. This simply means the throttle is controlled by a cable and not electronically. If you for some reason can't get a car with a cable throttle. Get a manual transmission. Even if the throttle gets hijacked, you can manually put your car into neutral. Usually this works with an automatic but not as reliably with some of the newer gay cars that have a dial that shows you selecting the gear on a screen. Finally, have a key ignition. I daily drive a car with an electric throttle but it doesn't concern me. It's a 2010 and I feel it is old enough to avoid most of the bullshit we fear. Especially since it's a GM product. The technology was already 4-6 years behind when it launched lol. If I fail to trust it. I have another older car and bikes. Oh get a motorcycle too. Those are based. They only kill you for being stupid.



Typically those auto-brake features are an option on the car. The cheap shit models have a warning but they don't apply the brake for you. You should be able to remove that feature. Be warned however, removing that feature will probably remove your anti-lock brake capabilities but if you aren't a faggot this shouldn't matter. Removing ABS can actually help you get better track times and locking brakes is trivial in a car. Additionally I these features usually have some sort of mode that self-disables when the car cannot accurately decide when to auto-brake for you. Like a disconnected sensor or obscured sensor (the RADAR shit up front for example). You can mess with those too. Again, that may mess with ABS. It was also certainly cause the car to display a warning. If you are unlucky this warning will be obnoxious. You may need to mess with the wiring so it thinks it is connect but it isn't. But then disable it in a way so it doesn't go retard and brake randomly. It sounds hard but this really should not be difficult. Wiring diagram… learn how to read one.


Probably won't matter in a few years anyway when it expires. Even then you can probably very easily undo whatever is required.


>modern things are being manufactured specifically to be more difficult to work on so you have to go to the company for maintenance

I disagree but I have biased as I was trained to be a mechanic for awhile. Modern cars are actually pretty simple to work on for a lot of things. You just have to apply yourself more now. It's not as straight forward. Buy yourself several swivels and extensions. You'll need them. Here are some tips for getting a car (even a modern one) that is easy to work on. First, find a popular model that people like to "tune." There will be more aftermarket companies, forum support, and general DIY knowledge floating about for these things. Second, 6+ years or older always. The problem with working on a brand new car is that no one has managed to wreck them yet. A car 6+ years or older insures you have a good stockpile of junkyard cars to scrap for parts, time for DIY people and mechanics to upload common fixes to youtube or forums, and aftermarket availability.

This was a long post. I hope this helps.

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ea81a1  No.125403


The clepto side of me wishes I could go to CHAZ and just start robbing tents of Macbooks and powerbanks. I'm sorry not rob. That is illegal. Collect unplanned donations.

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ea81a1  No.125405


The thing they kikes don't realize is they ultimately won't be able to control their spic-nig pets. They have literally created a golem. They never learn from their mistakes apparently. If you are familiar with the Jewish tale of golems it goes like this. Jews create a magical monster thing that is supposed to protect them and their ghetto from evil gentiles. It works for a time but eventually the magic turns on them and they have to seal up or stop the golem. Some nonsense like that but you get the picture. That is why Jews use golem as an insult or when they cause something bad with "good" (for them) intentions they will claim they created a golem. The spic-niggers are that golem. We understand that Jews are not white. Most Jews (not all, many actually believe they are white. Some kind of genuinely are but that is off topic) understand they are not white. The spic-nigger mobs however just see jews as being light skinned like whites. They see them as whites, but worse. Spic-nigs at least know white people kinda like jesus just like how they also kinda like jesus. They know Jews don't and know Jews are just the most shifty and distrustful whites. They will attack and turn on the Jews when they get the chance. They literally do not care about the holocaust either.

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771ca8  No.125409

File: e0f1dfb58412891⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 750x953, 750:953, Oops.jpg)

They don't even pay attention to actual history. They just see "white man bad".

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e17aad  No.125414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hells angels /Mongols en route to Chaz to take back their city.

how hilarious this would be to watch.

1, the antifasts will be calling the cops, watch

2, the antifasts will be telling them this is our land

3, the antifasts will be telling them, 'this is a black only garden'

4, the bikers, will put an end to this, and everyone will be happy in the end.

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4199c3  No.125415


So obsessed with how evil white people are due to media, she kept her eye off of her real problem.


Now after fighting to dismantle the police, they want want the police.

Twitter account for those who want to follow the tail end of her tragic yet predictable death.



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ac7223  No.125420


>So obsessed with how evil white people are due to media, she kept her eye off of her real problem.

no no no, this is a female specimen, all that it wants is attention

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5aaf4d  No.125424


>Behind closed doors business is much less woke.

>I work at a bank, our public messaging is totally woke. In private it's the complete opposite, it's kind of a big joke how our social media is so obviously bullshit.

I wish that's the way it was at the payment processor that LARPs like it's a bank (that narrows it down, doesn't it?).

Full on SJW behind the scenes.

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8e0a0f  No.125426

File: c98590582ec48b5⋯.jpg (760.85 KB, 521x2552, 521:2552, Kill_the_Boer3.jpg)

File: 65a538eb655236a⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 593x4000, 593:4000, Kill_the_Boer2.jpg)

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d009b6  No.125427


Clearly authored and designed by a jew.

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8e0a0f  No.125428


At this point it's indistinguishable if it's real or fake, because most of these points might be what these people really believe.

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5c60b0  No.125434

You all will find out, in the next life, that all of this, EVERYTHING UP UNTIL "DISCLOSURE," is what the aliens want, and they telepathically controlled it all. From among us, beneath us, and from the moon which is the farm's trojan horse.

Only the slaves know this, the rest of you are pawns that will never be kings or players.

The aliens direct, the jews direct, and the niggers infest, that SYSTEM is IMPOSED upon you.

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c642c6  No.125436


Chaz official discord


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eaa96f  No.125437




Why is there a fucking nigger in that video? So Rammstein is cucked then? I didn't even get 1 minute in before I turned it off.


The mods are jewish anon. Their only job is to keep you in this cage and not engaged with real life. They literally get paid to make sure that you are here and not engaged.


Niggers in Germany? I believe his point was that they are attempting to rewrite history and the past to include filthy niggers.


They must absolutely release the suspect IMMEDIATELY. He dindu nuttin. We should actually start lobbying for the 'unjust arrest' of niggers who murder other niggers (they are, after all, doing us a favor). We need to say that the system is rigged against them, that it was just an accidental murder by a black man, that he is being profiled just because he is black, etc.

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eaa96f  No.125438


How would this make a difference to us here and now? It doesn't change anything.

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eaa96f  No.125441


Except that point about not allowing us to marry outside our own race, that is highly desirable.

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efcd78  No.125450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>but nigger, what's a faraday cage?

It is possible to bypass faraday cages. So called "nutters" saying scalar weapons are real and being used aren't saying things out of the blue. It is a well kept secret in science. The mainstream term for this effect is near field effect. It's similar thing to what transformers do. These waves can couple to any body if it resonates with it and do many things like melting, cooling or dissociating matter into dust, creating explosions, manipulating weather, forces and so on.

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4ee663  No.125451


Live in jungle

Get torn apart by apes

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486bff  No.125454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have you looked into the Hutchison effect at all? Still waiting for confirmation/falsification on those 9/11 theories.

To stay on topic here’s Chaz deporting it’s first wetback



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c1599a  No.125456


I know the slowdown of the Floyd riots and the Larp of the chaz focuses on Happenings, but could Anons begin to look into the aftermath factor in ground zero?

Is the Nat. Guard clearing up the battlefield like after natural disasters?

Is been long enough to have Something being shown somewhere. Bake bread for the reconstruction?

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eaa96f  No.125459


Those apes INVADED South Africa, retard. They are not 'native' to South Africa. Do you think you deserve to be torn apart because niggers invaded the US as well?

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eaa96f  No.125460


CHAZ fascists. Don't want MS-13 in their playground. These people are total racists.

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4ee663  No.125464


>niggers invaded the US as well?

Niggers didn't invade. They were sold to us by other niggers.

Think about it, what a fucking stupid idea - deliberately importing hundreds of thousands of dumb niggers and living amongst them.

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eaa96f  No.125469


Anon…they have invaded at this point. Somali, Nigerian, Haitian, Rwandan, Ethiopian…

It was a full blown invasion that the kikes facilitated to destroy us.

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f03a6d  No.125471


We need to stamp out the white supremacist culture that these black men are raised inside, which makes them think it is ok to do this to a strong proud women of color. You're not born evil, you're taught it, by evil whitey, who is born with it.


Well no one could expect their farm equipment to take over the cities.

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b0625c  No.125477

File: 6bce3835f979ec2⋯.png (229.05 KB, 580x470, 58:47, cryboycry.png)



getting familiar with the rudimentary facts about any given subject has never been easier. All you have to do is type a word into your phone, or in many cases just ask it. There is really no excuse for this level of ignant.

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047400  No.125480

File: 3bae4f11ed8d8a3⋯.mp4 (15.53 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Preacher.mp4)

Christcuck decides to larp as a Jesuit and bring Jewsus to the Chazmanian heathens.

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eaa96f  No.125482



You didn't forget, did you?

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eaa96f  No.125483

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b0625c  No.125484

File: 8573310233fc547⋯.mp4 (6 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 8573310233fc54758266ee1075….mp4)


Did anyone, particularly pre-abolition, ever think, 'hmmm this could really turn out bad in the long run' ?

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b0625c  No.125485

File: 34ee7249d13ce47⋯.png (917.61 KB, 803x488, 803:488, nike.PNG)

London, dizzy London. Post lockdown today. Nike store re-opens.

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30e0fb  No.125487


Rammstein has always been shit.

I used to love their songs before I went over them again after I realized what was going on in white countries.

Theyre left, theyve always been left.

Theres a few songs where theyre stating that even.

Theres a song called "Links 2 3 4" "Left 2 3 4"

I always thought it was just a simple march lyric when they sing that.

However upon closer inspection the song goes

"They want my heart on the right spot

But then I look away to the bottom

And it beats Left, Left, Left"

This song also sounds very similar to a german communist song that was created in the 1930s called "Einheitsfrontlied"

Do note here that the lead has some psychological issues like depression and others.

His dad actually fought in the German army during ww2.


I hope that bitch gets raped by a pack of niggers.

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eaa96f  No.125488

File: 382816b7e6455af⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 472x727, 472:727, apes_blacks_classification….jpg)


Yes, of course. It was very well known that niggers were chimpanzees before the 1900's. Why do you think we prohibited bestiality (interracial marriage). If you read anything from the 1930's back you can see that people knew exactly what the character of niggerpanzees was and who they were and how they behave. When the jews invaded using the profits from the dead of Russia and the federal reserve was set up, the first thing the jew did was purchase the publishing houses. We had no laws that foreigners could not own business or real estate or even become citizens on US soil like other heavily nationalist nations do to protect their citizens. When they controlled the press and media they controlled the way the masses thought. They began the hard work of normalizing having animals in and running our nation.

tl;dr of course our ancestors knew that it was a bad idea…that is why they had LAWS against it.

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eaa96f  No.125489


>I hope that bitch gets raped by a pack of niggers

I hope that bitch gets killed by a pack of niggers…and the teacher too for permitting that type of abuse in a classroom.

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eaa96f  No.125491


I can't wait until all these niggers are coofing face down in the street and 'can't breathe'. Personally I am going to laugh at them while they are dying horribly.

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9c2bdb  No.125493


That wannabe che gevara is rubbing up so hard against the street preacher would say it qualifies as sexual assault.

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eaa96f  No.125497


Eww…mexican publicly grinding on a White man…eww.

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5aaf4d  No.125503


I think some of the "Bowling for Columbine" and "Idiocracy" movie posters/dvd covers look similar, maybe.

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4ee663  No.125512


I'm so embarassed that I used to watch that guy in my early teens and think he was calling out the emperor's nakedness. Young people really are retarded, and I include myself in my youth.

On the plus side I used to tease the hijab wearing muslim girl in my class that "I can still see some of your hair", "It's giving me a boner" . Teacher just told us to "settle down". I think the kind of shit I used to say back in school in the 90s would get me put in a reeducation camp today.

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f03a6d  No.125513


The insufferable Michael Moore had a book "Stupid White Men," which I have never read. Perhaps you confused it with that.

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eaa96f  No.125518


I went back to 're-education' camp (college) for a little while, I was the 'odd man out' in everything. I felt like I was wearing chains all the time and could never say what I really thought. The things I did say shocked and horrified people enough already and that was the most mild and watered down I could make things for them. I really came to some understanding about where this nation is really heading after my time in 're-education' camp.

All those bright but ultimately clueless intellectuals will die from their own false narrative of 'reality'. I guess this is the way it has to be…because we did not safeguard our nation against foreign trash.

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40d35f  No.125526


She relaxed around blacks, got raped twice and killed too.

Extra irony that she left

>an unjust living situation

to bum around with randos she met on the street, sounds like she hated her roommates.


Yep, the kneelers should realize that kneeling will gain them nothing.

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cece75  No.125529


It was described that way. But literally it was

>GTFO whitey

>Give $10 on your way out

>Remember, we’ve seen your face

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4ee663  No.125532

File: ce7adbde40369c4⋯.png (217.05 KB, 350x551, 350:551, ClipboardImage.png)


>Give $10 on your way out

Shoud have asked for $500

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fe7037  No.125536


I recognise this formatting. Filtered.

Follow your own advice, do it. Lead by example.

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dfb53d  No.125539


Fuck you for making me fucking find it.

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fe7037  No.125541

File: a8d174124f435ac⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1726x1390, 863:695, Screenshot_2020_06_11_at_1….png)

File: f024bfea5d52906⋯.mp4 (14.29 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, QRX5e5YDZxW_0nzZ.mp4)

This is Raz handing out guns. (edit not my own) Hes wearing his neck-guard again too.

Took it from here


NOW MY ISSUE WITH THIS. Pic related is the first day of the march, before CHAZ, or CHOP or whatever queer name they gave it now, was even a thing. These are the same people no?

So who are the glowniggers and who are the patsies?

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b9c69b  No.125542


Isn't the 2nd Amendment awesome?

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fe7037  No.125545


I fucked up my >picrelated

Point is these same people who are fumbling about with it, were also present on the first day of the march. Im watching Raz's own stream right now, speeding through 5 hrs of useless niggershit, but i have to find it. Im 99% sure these are the same fucking people throughout. Nothing random about handing these guns out, but its portrayed as such on multiple channels.

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4ee663  No.125546


Raz is just brand building. He aint no warlord. Maybe he's an edgelord.

Hopefully enough have you have seen by now that CHAZ/CHOPmyballsoff is just a homless camp cum vegan market.

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cb832c  No.125548

> Taking down and attacking statues even SLIGHTLY associated to racism and white washing history helping slavery essentially become even more forgotten about

> Getting beat by the police a shit tone

> Destroying their own local communities

> Arguing amongst themselves

> Distracted from the global elites doing their thing and failing us during corona.

If you are """"alt-right"""" just stay at home and you will benefit.

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3349de  No.125553


Again I ask, what is it with niggers and shoes?

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6ec0ec  No.125555


>can't scroll up 5 posts

>angry about this inconvenience in his busy schedule of shitposting.

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6ec0ec  No.125557

File: ac3171e59edf269⋯.png (829.8 KB, 782x998, 391:499, markle_chimp_toes_not_huma….png)

File: 4b81f59026ef5c4⋯.jpg (100.35 KB, 489x333, 163:111, chimpanzee_feet_drawing_co….jpg)

File: 1f09ae648626bf4⋯.jpg (7.8 KB, 300x168, 25:14, chimpanzee_feet_digits.jpg)

File: b1c100e415f5fcf⋯.jpg (18.5 KB, 300x282, 50:47, more_chimp_feet_300x282.jpg)


Chimpanzee feet must be hidden at all times or the White people will begin to suspect the truth.

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6ec0ec  No.125559


Nigger he is Deep State. You really think the faggot kikes would let their 'precious' social experiment be run by someone who is not kosher certified? Give me a fucking break.

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486bff  No.125561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6dc199  No.125564

File: 326a736f5e9f1fa⋯.jpg (33.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 8f4208ba171b53fed66205017b….jpg)


looks like the Lord is guiding this mans path

i gotta say man has some serious brass balls in his pants, to go to satanist controlled bolshevik crowd and proclaim the name of our Lord and try to evangelize is a very very brave thing to do

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6ec0ec  No.125567


It is, ultimately it is pointless but he does have spirit.

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ffff9a  No.125569


It's not brave, it's stupid, this is part of the reason why christcuckery must not be tolerated, it encourages stupidity

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4ee663  No.125590

File: cf2a5ef6c159a71⋯.png (28.38 KB, 728x430, 364:215, ClipboardImage.png)

Screenshot from CHAZ reddit

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6ec0ec  No.125593


Looks like they are autonomously deleting opinions.

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8e0a0f  No.125594

File: 5d2513f7daf3e91⋯.png (82.84 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, slavery.png)


>deliberately importing hundreds of thousands of dumb niggers

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14f9ac  No.125599



Are they looking down even on themselves?

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6ec0ec  No.125606


At least leave a link to the page so we can be amused as well.

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cece75  No.125612

File: 58100af8eddddbb⋯.jpeg (34.28 KB, 282x336, 47:56, C4A6485D_687A_41B9_AEC9_3….jpeg)


How about gun crime, you want to do that? Check out NYC. They just reassigned 600 gun crime investigators to woke work.

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02e20b  No.125614


>muh scalar

nutters aside, scalar tech is real. But your iot devices are not going to be using it. Now if you have a bunch of devices that communicate with scalar waves, then you'd need more than a brick wall to stop them.

You 'moved the goalposts' in order to appear intelligent.

As the very video you posted says "it can be inside concrete, inside a faraday cage, it does not matter"

You'd need active defenses. So a faraday cage with active interference would deal with both longitudinal and transverse wave communication methods.


>white devils

white people ate the apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for sure, whilst niggers are still animals.

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00c4c0  No.125615


>Did anyone, particularly pre-abolition, ever think, 'hmmm this could really turn out bad in the long run' ?

I'm not sure if anyone could have anticipated white countries being flooded with niggers of the lowest iq, but read what Thomas Jefferson had to say about slaves. They haven't changed in centuries, even millennia for that matter. Remember humans have been biologically human for about 50,000 years and got along just fine, but the past 100 years have been influenced by non-stop turbocharged judaism.

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813f12  No.125616


Fucking this, that needs to be pushed hard.

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9384ba  No.125622


Seconded, and there used to be some sites for viewing deleted reddit comments.

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ae32ba  No.125624


Where's that south african farm murder pic with the bible in it?

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6ec0ec  No.125630


I don't have that one.

If someone has farm murder pict please post. We are coming up on the 16th and 'Youth Day" in south africa.

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4ee663  No.125633

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6ec0ec  No.125637


OOoooooh juicy, thx anon.

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87981c  No.125645


Change the r in the domain to a c, and this site will show you the deleted comments.


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4ee663  No.125646


>Change the r in the domain to a c, and this site will show you the deleted comments.

Great. Good read

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87981c  No.125647

The keks just keep on coming… although it's a shame we're going to have to wait a couple weeks for this.


On July 4th, Independence Day,a coalition of patriot groups and all who want to join are going to retake the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone for America. antifa members are illegally occupying public property and terrorizing small businesses in the neighborhood. American patriots have agreed to come together again, remove the barricades illegally obstructing traffic, and free the people in the zone.

We will meet at volunteer park throughout the morning and then in the early afternoon march on the CHAZ.

You do not need a bike to join. Any and all patriots with all vehicles are coming to this event.

We are not going to hurt anybody, break the law etc. We are simply going to tear down the illegal barriers on public property, clean up the mess these communist kids made, and return the police station over to Seattle Police Department control.












*Bikers will use any of multiple staging areas being offered by local patriots with land. They can stage there in safety and then rally together to downtown by noon.

Ground troops without bikes will meet in the city of Seattle and rally all morning until noon.

Together we will then march and ride to the CHAZ where we will eliminate the unlawful barricades shutting CHAZ out from the United States.

We will bring CHAZ back into the fold.

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87981c  No.125648

File: 7709ee58382e955⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1008x1168, 63:73, MURRRRIKA.png)

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ca9f95  No.125649


>Are they looking down even on themselves?

No, that would require some capacity for introspection.

Replies to a comments are called "children" on some sites.

It's like 8chan's tree view. There's base comments, and the branching replies are the children.

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7aeaad  No.125659


Niggers have no concept of the future, so they frivolously spend their money on garbage like cars, shoes, and gold jewellery to make themselves appear more desirable to associate with. Ironically, Ché Guevara said something similar to this.

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813f12  No.125660


Fucking boomers, ruining a perfectly good LARP that makes them look like idiots. Now they will have a scapegoat.

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1bc736  No.125663

File: 5551ea87edadbcb⋯.png (8.31 KB, 300x168, 25:14, rf.png)


Don't you love how they post "#JusticeForXNigger…"

Without law enforcement, there is no 'justice'.

Superbrain time.

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296e2b  No.125664

File: 11825d153ee1bde⋯.jpg (28.12 KB, 598x353, 598:353, 1443935851600.jpg)


lest ye forget:

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c1599a  No.125665


i cant tell if this is blatant stupidity or if this is one of those selective jewish double meaningless plays - far right is no good nayzees, until we need it to mean Anarchists, like it used to, the npc wont know

are they hoping the next war will slingshot the space age or something? fuck

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441e88  No.125666

File: 874aeea0bc22e13⋯.jpg (753.26 KB, 1936x1885, 1936:1885, Hulk_Hogan.jpg)


Are you kidding? This could be the best thing the boomers have ever done. Sit back and enjoy the greatest show on earth.

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813f12  No.125671


Checked and what part of this don't you get? No matter what happens, they will be demonized and probably arrested. They will be called a white power movement or some shit and they have their boogeyman to blame. They will say they were just peacefully in the area and attacked by meanies. Watch, that is exactly what will come of it if they actually go.

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70b2c5  No.125673

File: a512311b7175cf4⋯.gif (6.34 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Hogan_x_Hitler_large.gif)



Checked, I'm with Satan on this one, grab some popcorn BROTHER!

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bf1e82  No.125674



You're already demonized just for being white, you should be long past caring what the media thinks of you. The cops aren't going to do a damn thing other than "monitor the situation."

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813f12  No.125675


They will swoop in, watch. The mayor of that city is completely on board with this shit. Same people that tell the cops to stand down during riots will mobilize the fucking SWAT team for these boomers, watch.

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bf1e82  No.125676

File: 941946d1edbf57c⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 480x360, 4:3, hogan.mp4)

File: 3259fab65cf23d8⋯.png (56.39 KB, 1204x412, 301:103, HH.png)


Whatcha gonna do when PATRIOT AMERICA runs wild on you.

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c1599a  No.125678

File: edf16519b136134⋯.png (561.1 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1502141541565.png)


hmmm, is it time? lets see…

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bf1e82  No.125680



Bloody hell, I forgot all about the Starbucks washroom incident.

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b7353f  No.125681




Most like it's bullshit. I would like to see an actual showdown with all these fucks vs. Chaz, but it's most likely fake news, and even if not they will all just be mass-arrested before anything can happen to protect the marxists and shitskins. I'd love to see it, but don't get your hopes up.

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7aeaad  No.125683


A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.

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5e47e8  No.125686

File: 80583cd8c2dd884⋯.jpg (165.34 KB, 774x1110, 129:185, phIPk8xR.jpg)


This is a really great opportunity for redpilling normies and Im disappointed that there isnt more coordination of it.

Simply post both video footage of whites getting culturally enriched (for the emotional shock) and crime stats of white on black/black on cop/upper class black compared to poor whites criminality (for the logical appeal) all over social media

There are people I see posting shit who unironcially believe blacks are these poor harmless creatures who are regularly targetted by whites and cops for violent actions. They have no fucking clue whats going on.

Post something like link related along with stats on interacial relationships and violence/abandonment after a bastard mullato child is born


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5e47e8  No.125687

File: d1207aafb936ae9⋯.png (205.05 KB, 1083x341, 1083:341, tommy_boy.png)



anytime you see some bullshit like BLM protest in Tokyo or somewhere like Poland, there is like a 90% chance it is an inorganic protest movement started by the US intelligence presence inside the country.

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f9a752  No.125688

I bet the cops will be deployed and told to protect the anarkids from the boomers.

It'll be quite a sight to behold.

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6ec0ec  No.125689


Haha who could forget about that! lol

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2a2c3d  No.125691


Best part was the QR code that returned: Nigger.

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6ec0ec  No.125692



come 'ere boy…


<killing geriatrics with one punch..>


(((NEWS cycle)))

>White supremacists looting and rioting against peaceful BLM protesters…

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76f252  No.125696

File: e43cdd0496022e6⋯.mp4 (4.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, VID_20200615_191752_336.mp4)

So i know Cucker is a (((mainstream media))) controlled op like the rest of them, but he seemed legitimately pissed tonight. I dont think that anger and energy is acting. Someone needs to send him a skull mask for his broadcasts.

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2a2c3d  No.125699


Tucker is awesome, and has been dropping more redpills than /pol/ over the past few months.

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6ec0ec  No.125700


I will have to look up the whole video

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76f252  No.125701

File: f5eade36ba2023a⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 484x439, 484:439, IMG_20200615_192853_756.jpg)

Based Ben is at it again lads


I hate to admit it, but he's doing good work. This is the kind of crap boomers listen to and thats what we need, to activate the Boomerwaffen who have the money and resources and numbers ro push back.

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2a2c3d  No.125702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6ec0ec  No.125704


Thx anon.

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2a2c3d  No.125706

File: ff433be9e88ee97⋯.jpg (503.53 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, rally.jpg)


And to answer the question he poses at 1:12, pic related.

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76f252  No.125707

File: e607c0555655edc⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB, 352x640, 11:20, VID_20200615_192810_382.mp4)

Also while we're at it, Dijon France has turned into an absolute warzone over the weekend. Its Algerians vs Chechnyans, let the fucking games begin.

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76f252  No.125709

File: 27a965bed875735⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB, 704x1280, 11:20, VID_20200615_192830_773.mp4)

Literally a third world shit hole

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2a2c3d  No.125710


Muzzie vs muzzie? I want to put my money on Chechnya, but I had no idea they had a large population in France.

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76f252  No.125711

File: b238ca2c15840e2⋯.mp4 (959.62 KB, 352x640, 11:20, VID_20200615_193636_541.mp4)

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

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76f252  No.125712

File: 8665a8b7546fbc5⋯.mp4 (936.74 KB, 320x568, 40:71, VID_20200615_193653_047.mp4)

Ya, 2020 is interesting year. It really is the year SHTF like all the LARPers said for the last decade

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6ec0ec  No.125714


$5 on Chechnya

Those niggers are going to blow someones head off.

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d69ef0  No.125715

File: fc773a8e54ffd05⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 800x450, 16:9, kadyrov.jpg)

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6ec0ec  No.125720


{rolling eyes}

The niggers in the video anon.

Not the Chechens.

Those niggers are loading a shotgun upside down and pointing it randomly into the crowd while they do it. They are going to blow someone head clean off.

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dfc921  No.125723

File: 33a0cfff5c02fc0⋯.jpg (237.18 KB, 701x1075, 701:1075, blakfragility.jpg)

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d69ef0  No.125726


Both ways are correct. Chechens are about as ruthless as you can get.

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1f7de6  No.125728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Does Raz glow? He seems to be seeding an enemy that can justifiably be taken down by Trump. Vid related, now he's passing out guns.

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44486b  No.125730


It seems like it could be global population control. The riots and Floyd "funeral" tour seem to be recreating the Milan and Iran breakouts on a bigger scale.

The "COVID-19" deaths allegedly spiked after anti-racism, pro-Chinese rallies in Milan. They spiked in Iran when Iranians started visiting holy sites and kissing shrines to ward it off.

Churches, arenas, large enclose spaces were filled to the brim with overweight blacks who have all be touching and kissing Floyd's golden "casket." A lot of young black went to rallies and protests with many super carriers. They took the bug home.

The government also withdrew use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19.

The "second wave" will probably head up in July or early August, with politicians demanding another shutdown for all the blacks that are gonna start dying, straining ghetto hospitals…demand space in white hospitals.

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6ec0ec  No.125732


Yep I have seen video of the Chechen's setting people on fire, torturing them to death and killing them in a number of 'educational' ways.

I expect them to wipe out the Algerians in no time.

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6ec0ec  No.125734


Time for anons to start to consider a no nigger policy in their hometowns. I am still convinced that the Chinese AI tracked the spread of COVID straight to niggers and that is why the Chinese kicked them all out of China and would no longer let them enter public places. If niggers are the disease vector this explains why Norway has completely halted the tracking app.

Norway halts coronavirus app over privacy concerns


And why NYC will not permit the 'contact tracers' that they have just hired to question people about their attendance at the nigger protests (that would be rayyyyyciiiisss since niggers are probably the primary disease vector in society). The jews tool of destruction of Western Civilization needs to 'complete its mission' before they are all dead from COVID, spurred onward by the kikes to ever increasing acts of violence and contagion…interesting how the niggers are too fucking stupid to consider that maybe they don't want to die at the kikes hands…but I guess that is why they are the 'perfect weapon' against civilization.

Really guise, what good are 'contact tracers' if they are so politicized that they cannot ask where you have been or who you have been around.

Countdown to FULL US infection (not based on models but based on actual contagion data) is March 2021 for 100% infection rate in the USA. We are doubling the number of cases every 2 months in the USA despite quarantine or any precautionary measures (this might go much faster since the riots will end up infection hundreds of thousands and giving the cases that 'little extra boost" that they need to spread in record time). Remember…the doubling of cases in the US was WITH QUARANTINE MEASURES.

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b7353f  No.125735



But only days before these riots, people were getting arrested for opening barbers shops and churches. If they wanted it to spread, why not just lift lockdown?

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6ec0ec  No.125738


They want it to spread to 'certain people' and not others.

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644345  No.125747


No, they are just hypocrites.

>Protests against lockdown

<zomg, you are going to spread coronachan

>barber opens his shop to cut hair and not starve because he can't get gov't broke bucks

<lock him up!

>Nigger protests against cops killing degenerates

<well, police brutality is a public health issue that trumps coronachan

>Trump wants to have a rally

<zomg, NO! That's going to spread disease!

They aren't even trying to hide it.


Is this why they are changing the name from CHAZ to CHOP? maybe just because they want gibs, and if you are autonomous, you aren't getting gibs

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15538f  No.125751


That image is perfect: "Who… me? I am a man of peace."

Last February Kadyrov had one of his enemies killed in France for criticizing him in a blog.


Meanwhile, Trump seemingly cannot stop Bolton from leaking out details of private White House meetings, in a soon to be released book. If you fail to exercise your power, people quickly learn to stop respecting you. Sticking to the proper process doesn't look statesmanlike, it looks pathetic.

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bb7bd2  No.125756


Please keep us updated anon. Pretty funny that even the chechnyans hate niggers.

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3349de  No.125758

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6ec0ec  No.125759


>No, they are just hypocrites.

I don't think so, this implies that they actually believe in communism when nothing could be further from the truth. Remember anon, rootless, soulless, dogshit both in form and in ideology but not dumb enough to pretend that communism works on any substantial level. They are getting rid of the unproductive at this point. Thankfully.

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f32d5f  No.125760


Those God Damned Oathkeepers again. They Shit all over Right-Wing protesters back in 2016. Anyone with any kind of Pro-White message got harassed by those antifa-wannabe's. They don't really give a fuck about free speech or the constitution.

Why is this 4th of July invasion even necessary? The entire CHAZ thing is failing miserably and will collapse under it's own weight in due time. This is a Anti-White psyop.

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4199c3  No.125761


The day before the planned Saturday event, Tommy Robinson announced that he was NOT going as he suspected it was a setup to get him to fight with BLM & he suggested his followers not go. It was way to late for everyone who planned to go to get the word out that the event should be cancelled. And all of the other people & groups who decided to join in, but don't follow Tommy definitely didn't get the video.

Great way to start a riotous fight with the police, but not be held accountable.

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b4aee1  No.125762



Try 100%. This also applies to quite literally every country. Including America.

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f32d5f  No.125764


I've tuned this guy out. He's a Pied Piper. Beware. Independent thinkers don't need a talking head to tell them what's what. And those people that do, they are irredeemably lost anyhow. Almost certainly a Boomer. FoxTV's core audience is elderly.

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5b7a13  No.125765

Seems like another statue-puller is down.

>A man was shot Monday evening at a demonstration where protesters planned to topple a conquistador's statue in Albuquerque, New Mexico, authorities said.

>“We are receiving reports about vigilante groups possibly instigating this violence," Albuquerque Police Chief Michael Geier said. "If this is true will be holding them accountable to the fullest extent of the law, including federal hate group designation and prosecution.”

>“This is not the first report of heavily armed civilian militias appearing at protests around New Mexico in recent weeks. These extremists cannot be allowed to silence peaceful protests or inflict violence,” U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich said Monday night on Twitter.

>“The heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a' civil guard,' were there for one reason: To menace protesters, to present an unsanctioned show of unregulated force. To menace the people of New Mexico with weaponry — with an implicit threat of violence — is on its face unacceptable; that violence did indeed occur is unspeakable," she said in a statement.

Muh right wingers!


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58dd5b  No.125768

File: b297bc31a4a4f8c⋯.png (122.37 KB, 216x290, 108:145, ClipboardImage.png)




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5b7a13  No.125769

File: 676f67d1de3fa44⋯.mp4 (7.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Tear_it_down.mp4)

File: 481197ec7a84cee⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x1018, 600:509, shooter.png)


Audio of the shooting is captured here just after 23 seconds. Hopefully the video of the shooting will turn up. Pic related is the supposed shooter.

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02e20b  No.125771


> Albuquerque Police Chief Michael Geier

Another one for the traitor list

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5b7a13  No.125772

File: dcb9a30d770483c⋯.mp4 (8.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, after.mp4)

Tweet text for video

>Seconds after this guy shot into the crowd hitting one person (who is in bad condition), his fashy NMCG buddies surrounded him to protect him from the people. These guys were working with the cops weeks earlier.

Shut up faggot, you do get to bring friends.

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5b7a13  No.125774


This made me laugh

>It finally happened. A militia bro of the New Mexico Civil Guard opened fire on peaceful protesters, shooting one. Recently, APD referred to NMCG as "friendlies" over scanners, and literally briefed members on this group on how to "assist" with crowd control. This is fucking SICK

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b4aee1  No.125775


Please tell that everyone reasonable is onto these fucking false accusations.

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5b7a13  No.125777

File: 9a0349ed1860f25⋯.jpeg (322.59 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, victim.jpeg)

Didn't mean to samefag. Here's the victim.

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2d16f8  No.125779


That's the perpetrator with the skateboard.

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5b7a13  No.125782

File: 2e53c6e823e1f2d⋯.png (114.78 KB, 1206x468, 67:26, boogaloo.png)

Imagine taking boogaloo seriously.

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76f252  No.125785

File: c95c76389838813⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, VID_20200615_230750_335.mp4)

Footage of the antifaggot getting shot. they were pursuing the guy and beating the shit out of him

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5b7a13  No.125787


Thank you very much. Twitter is just filled with grieving soy faggots acting like a right wing militia gunned people down with a belt fed machine gun.

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76f252  No.125788

File: 4f2f9df4b48975f⋯.mp4 (4.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, VID_20200615_232038_508.mp4)

I think shit might be getting real, my dudes.

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5b7a13  No.125789


If the guy who got shot is the one who said "I'm going to fucking kill you," it's case closed perfect instance of self defense.

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76f252  No.125795

File: 2a09c901532c404⋯.mp4 (7.47 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, VID_20200615_232402_903.mp4)


Spread that vid far and wide, anon. Here is some more footage of the untermenschen tribal warfare in Dijon, they are arming up.

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02e20b  No.125797


jolly good. The police body language says they are happy with the situation.


The antifa fool who posted that video just handed the shooter a get out of jail free card

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f32d5f  No.125801

The powers that be, all around us, are instigating a fight between Left and Right. They want us battling in the streets. I don't know what their endgame is, but it would be foolish to play the role they would have us play. It will only harm us to act in service to their plans.

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5b7a13  No.125803


It seems like they want a royal rumble of everyone fighting everyone. Don't be surprised if they kick off Pakistan and India again.

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ac2e82  No.125805


That's the most limp dick chain pulling i ever saw

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36571a  No.125806

File: b0c19a4ffa08783⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 500x395, 100:79, Mr_Salacia.jpg)

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4199c3  No.125808


Algerians vs. Chechnyans?

So Muslims vs. Muslims. This is a win-win scenario in my book.

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9bdbea  No.125810


Voicing opinions that run counter to our peaceful protest™ objectives may result in you being attacked. Understand that presenting such opinions is in fact an act of instigating violence within our jurisdiction. It is your duty as a citizen to boldly show support for peaceful protest™ activities. Otherwise please retreat to a safe distance so as not to interfere with peaceful protest™ messaging.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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02e20b  No.125812


>riots are bait

no shit, sherlock

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f32d5f  No.125814


We should go surround the statues with a counter protest, a counter protest armed with cameras and not firearms. If they choose to attack us, all the better. They will find it difficult to claim they are peaceful while using violence against unarmed peaceful citizens trying to protect their culture and history.

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02e20b  No.125815


>let's get in harm's way

just #stayathome anon. nothing good can come from getting involved in these shitshows.

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36571a  No.125816

File: 21179a95bb7c195⋯.jpg (518.84 KB, 1742x680, 871:340, A_B_B_.jpg)


Why bother, niggers are filming their crimes themselves.

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486bff  No.125817

File: 359c7367d6bea8d⋯.png (1.62 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 76A43A37_99A5_4E1C_8671_17….png)


>bringing a skateboard to a gunfight

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d7d81d  No.125818


>A pretty good one is the "race and IQ chart," show that to a person and they can slowly start to make sense of the behaviors they're seeing

My normie friend has been showing people the graph of world IQ by nation. Its pretty redpilling. Ive been getting pretty open about my political views. Cost me 3 "friends" so far, one of which Id known for 10 years. Cant save em all I guess.


>It works for a time but eventually the magic turns on them and they have to seal up or stop the golem


Makes me think about how in folktales witches spew lingual dribble. I imagine somehow turning a childrens tale into an explanation for how language can be manipulating and evil. Idk, there is something there to that thought I just have to ponder it a little more.


>They literally get paid to make sure that you are here and not engaged

Ive been getting pretty vocal and open about who I am now. Im going to start speaking up when I hear something that I dont think is right. Because someone whos idle and listening may end up thinking theyre right unless someone challenges the liberal right think.


>Same people that tell the cops to stand down during riots will mobilize the fucking SWAT team for these boomers, watch

This may be the case in major cities but I dont think the country will ever be like this, mainly because its your family friend or extension somehow coming to kill you for believing what he already thinks. I dont know how police dont ever end up redpilled, if they were wouldnt the police dept from the inside become a "right wing" force or whatever? If it was the case that police were really racist they wouldnt be standing down to blacks and self hating whites and going full goosestep on white americans who are also nationalist, as if there could logically be any other kind. White nationalists made this country, literally.

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517353  No.125822

File: 53afbe5d592d5ea⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB, 726x480, 121:80, White_Lives_Don_t_Matter_W….mp4)

I found this video posted on bitchute 6/14/2020. No context provided.

Has anyone seen it before?


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ea81a1  No.125823


I wish they just permabanned everyone in minecraft right then and there. God I wish that is what happened.

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ea81a1  No.125824


Explain to me how you get these guns in France. I was under the impression that a semi-auto rifle there was in the same class as a fucking fighter jet.

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e7d530  No.125826


I've seen this before. I believe it was in Minneapolis, but late last year.

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e7d530  No.125827


Because the cops do not enforce the law on immigrant gangs. I'm not French, but they seem to be allowed to do whatever they want in their own communities.

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517353  No.125828

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ea81a1  No.125831

File: 2e395ae0020a07d⋯.jpg (88.98 KB, 974x905, 974:905, 1570596271229.jpg)



Ya I missed that part. I didn't look at the post closely enough to see they were non-whites. Thanks for the reply but I don't need an explanation on how these groups are armed. We all (((know))). My advice to Europeans is this. Reject reality. Level up crafting skills in the minecraft MACHINIST mod. Once you level up the crafting points to a pretty low level you can craft basic firearms that are great at damaging skeletons, zombies, and creepers. The education for machinist crafting should be free or low cost depending on what village you go to and the current server rules.

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ef451a  No.125833

File: f3cbaecc6715243⋯.gif (254.28 KB, 255x255, 1:1, bong_alien.gif)






So we need active scalar physics defense. Got it. Along with Gravel walls to stop bullets, homestead power generation and water collection with subsistence or more farming, thermal and radio band surveillance, telepathic blockers if scalar physics defense doesn't work for that, ghost defenses perhaps involving some zen buddhist shrine or whatever spirit realm protection altar, and. . . . ?

On-person protection, full hazmat and active faraday with current running through, full plate armor, highest grade modern bullet armor plates, crystal crop circle grid and gold silver king solomon's seals to stop the aliens and demons, and. . . . ?


Given their namesake I'd assume they're gaainst anarchy first and foremost.


>lingual dribble

Think psychopath neurolinguistic programming trance hypnosis. You use repetition, find someone's 'trigger word' which is just a vulnerable word for them that gets you in their head, and take the original context and form and slowly mutate it through repetition with small variations until it's something else. In between you pad it with another trigger, neutral then progressively more positive as your mutation slow takes form with each repetition. Picture a wide eyed woman staring into someone's eyes holding their gaze like a snake moving in the direction their 'victim's eyes move to keep their gaze and you have a sort of serpent witch, the periphery growing darker as you fall into her hypnosis, her every word, syllable, direction of pitch and tonal texture, action gaining an aura that produces a corresponding change in your psyche, in awe of what's occurring.

Change voice to keep attention and bypass defensive triggers through distraction deflection attraction fascination awe and pain/pleasure. Becoming defensive and fighting this can be considered 'painful', moreso if you tie negative shit to, bringing up the victim's own negative associations/triggers whenever they start to get roused, agitated, angry, aggressive, tying it to the new negative trigger or enemy you're installing ni their head, then bring it back to the positive trigger you're installing or hijacking to make you the ally, the lover, the mother, etc and dissolve any 'insecurity', pain, discomfort they have, 'I'm trustworthy'.

It's based on keeping a person's attention mostly.

An anon in this thread I believe talked about how people are being engineered to have an intense 15 minute attention span then fuck off for the new shiny. This would be very useful for controlling people's minds as you give them the shiny brainwashing that they readily absorb, and neuro-linguistic programming and social /psychological engineering in general is highly developed now.

It will only get better [worse] of course. It's about making things relative and controlling those dynamic relations. The left temporal lobe controls single words and syllables if considered for their word root meaning - controlling this is often important as you control "meaning itself", so figuring out the multiple meanings and associations and word each syllable is part of, and of whole words is important in this. Then you control your tone to make it ambiguous your meaning if useful (tactical, strategic), or emphasis where it's useful.

Case study : Intuitive. In- (within or in a person, self or other or In as relative to Out) -To- (aiming, an end to reach, Too means "also in addition" creating complicit connection to In so could mean "In Too" on the off-hand, as well as Into as in going into >) It (the thing aimed for, thing rather than process, Into It, To It) Iv[e] (sounds like If, I've, LIVE without the L, so can be Into It If, In then To then It then Iv with emphasis on "Iv" to associate Intuitive with Live, can be used in tandem with Logic being dead or stale or life draining/crushing to make someone rely on Intuition rather than Logic in a situation).

Hope people have learned something.

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517353  No.125837

File: 074aad0fe57a90c⋯.png (210.83 KB, 1073x541, 1073:541, niggercamp.png)

Fucking Bandcamp. They just had to participate in the virtue signaling party. I'd drop them completely but there are plenty of Pro-White artists on that site worthy of supporting. Preferably direct-support and not through Bandcamp when possible.

At least I know which day to not spend any money there.

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8416e2  No.125839


>They were sold to us by other niggers.



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003802  No.125840

File: 84f3a50b6c4560c⋯.pdf (143.38 KB, Limited_War_in_the_Precisi….pdf)




Adding a bit to the case study: say In then To then It then Iv can be seen as a journey of syllables and meaning: "in", trailing decibel drop slight pause, attention refers to "in something" and if you were talking about the individual to incline them towards self-reflection they go inward; "to-it", spoken consistently with some intensity but not monotone, something perhaps on your mind from a second ago that the person just impressed upon you, "intuit" telling you to induce some more meaning from said impression, "[L]IVE", slightly stronger intensity as to-it so as not to raise red flags and emphasis and lengthen the V so as not to get tied into IF unless you want the double association for what you're about to say next or playing off associations you've created earlier in the sentence and will continue to play off for for the rest of the sentence/time period/conversation.

Now that is in their mind, and based on the person you may have made them a bit more lively when engaged with impression you wanted them "into" or the impression itself is more lively and the pathway from where their attention was before you said "Intuitive" is greased and developed associativity with "Intuitive" and its syllable breakdown.

It's like war: an instrument of politics. And so neuro-linguistic programming is the coercive force that breaks Will and or Means of an individual or possibly an organization/group [!!!!]. Read the attached work on 'muted' or limited warfare, Limited War in the Precision Engagement by MAJ Marvin A Hedstrom Jr to get a sense of how you should use NLP and other muted, limited battles or wars.

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8416e2  No.125841


>Dijon France


This is interesting and all but

what does this bode for our mustard supply?

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02e20b  No.125843


>but my moostard

real anons grow wasabi

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82d97c  No.125844


>armed right wingers the only ones keeping their cool

>antifa continuing to get in their face screaming at them

>seriously provoking the people armed and willing to defend themselves

>screeching like actual chimps

jesus christ

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72b72f  No.125845

File: ceb78368ce37e18⋯.png (205.91 KB, 198x439, 198:439, cheap_radios.PNG)


Why did that guy just took all that beating if he could get up, why wait for the lizard brain to take over, was he expecting etiquette from animals?

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8ad560  No.125846


I hope these stupid ass retards killed some niggers or mexicans

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517353  No.125847

File: b73af37b205e6ec⋯.jpeg (81.48 KB, 674x381, 674:381, wearedegenerates.jpeg)

In other News,

>The Supreme Court has extended employment protections to gay, lesbian and transgender employees, and tossed out landmark border control and gun rights cases, all seen as massive setbacks for US conservatives.


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7aeaad  No.125848


To my understanding, France seems to have pretty okay gun laws for Europe, not as good as Switzerland or Czechia but pretty good. Everything needs a license and registration but as far as I know you can get shit like AR-15s and whatnot all day long.

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73e6d9  No.125849


Well it's not like the sand niggers are going to get permits. They just swarm any police vehicle that comes near. In fact police only really venture to those no-go zones in full tactical gear when they need to extract an actual terrorist, and even then, its usually an hours long standoff with all the mudshits pretending they don't know anything.

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8416e2  No.125851


The drawing looks like a dick going into an ass

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73e6d9  No.125853

File: ad0aa096a0682f3⋯.jpg (36.67 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, VPFAWkKsNYxtHFAHDsnujm.jpg)


Can't unsee.


I'm not surprised about the fags, but the setback for sanctuary cities is a huge disaster. Gorsuch must be a kiddie fiddler.

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7aeaad  No.125854








All those guys got arrested by the militar- oh wait those are police. Strongly recommend anons post the video of the blue shirt guy getting assaulted, this one >>125785 if you have any social media.

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02e20b  No.125855


>neanderthal obsession with anuses

kike spotted

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ea81a1  No.125857


Interesting. I assume it's like Canada (or at least how Canada was) where if you own an AR-15 the cops can enter your home at will and trounce everything to make sure you are in (((compliance))). Well that is semi-hopeful anyway. Arm up frogs.

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9f0715  No.125859

File: 21fa158896a8354⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 0133801831.mp4)

joggers gonna jog

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9690cd  No.125860




Hahaha yeah this guy who cut the interview when he was exposed as a millionaire made by billionaires is totally on our side guys!

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517353  No.125862


Any background on this video?

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72b72f  No.125863


>using neanderthal as an insult

You should know that its neanderthal genes that separate us from the niggers.

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517353  No.125864

File: 853add37dd9b72a⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 600x410, 60:41, IMG_20151120_114322.jpg)

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d91aa8  No.125865


You can appreciate someone on TV making a few decent points without resorting to worship anon. Stop being so emotional.

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02e20b  No.125869


>neanderthal separates us from niggers, not cro-magnon

2nd kike spotted.

early man migrated out of southern africa aeons ago. Coffee skinned, thin nosed, high brow. Like the Khosan people, a lot.

some bred with extinct great apes and made niggers, some bred with neanderthals and made kikes and the rest evolved first into aryans, and then us.

but slid. Kikes pushed the Neanderthal meme, because they think they are the superior ones.

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a5ca87  No.125870


ikr? Imagine not defending the kike puppet who is told what to say smh

/pnd/ stands in support of Tucker and his employers Fox News who are totally on our side.

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d91aa8  No.125871


Why are posters like this always so emotional? Is this still a board for men?

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7aeaad  No.125872



Knock it off with the niggerspeak. All he's saying is that you can appreciate that he's making the truth palatable for normies, not that you should worship him. If you're on this site and you can have your mind controlled by watching a Fox News video, you did something wrong along the way.

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a5ca87  No.125873



Where do you faggots come from? There wasn't a single person defending (((Tucker))) or (((Fox News))) on /pol/.

Did everyone just leave for telegram and all that's left here is glow in the darks and boomers who have no fucking idea?

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517353  No.125874


But why is he speaking, "Truth" now? Today, all News Media is calculated manipulation. What purpose is Tucker serving? What is their objective? Faux news is a Zionist loudspeaker. The damage that organization has caused over the years in enormous.

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8ea0f9  No.125875

File: add55598c0fe059⋯.jpg (91.11 KB, 600x446, 300:223, Lincoln_Sic_Semper_Tyranni….jpg)

>>125788 (checked)

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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8ea0f9  No.125877

File: 6dd84c9b7b1c927⋯.webm (2.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, clerk.webm)

File: 64d58ad850468c5⋯.webm (602.42 KB, 480x270, 16:9, funwblacks823_NYC_sucker_….webm)

File: d8d14312363fee4⋯.webm (1.32 MB, 854x438, 427:219, kill.webm)

File: b40a1554e2b7aa9⋯.webm (2.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, funwblacks645_twerk_and_t….webm)


That happened september last year, it's a gang of joggers.

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7eac7f  No.125880

File: da82207d340354a⋯.png (210.89 KB, 399x216, 133:72, 5626238568.PNG)


Every white and asian human, and kike has ~2% neanderthal genes. Present day niggers are the only ones that don't have neanderthal genes because they are the only ones that evolved from niggers that never left Africa.

You might not be a kike, but you sure are stupid, i can tell by the way you write.

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1c9395  No.125881

File: 0625d49c601b2e0⋯.png (357.33 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20200530_230205.png)

File: 005d323e02d3649⋯.png (502.55 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20200530_230156.png)

File: cdbc4c17f99f7eb⋯.png (502.65 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20200530_230147.png)

File: eacec2c295d496c⋯.png (525.16 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20200530_230138.png)

File: 15fa60290aa2870⋯.png (552.65 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20200530_230050.png)

Commiefag rag found near nog shit at the MinneAPEolis chimpouts.

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517353  No.125888

File: 03c66e461b46e10⋯.jpg (94.14 KB, 428x556, 107:139, murderer.jpg)


This dubious document appears to be 3 or so years old. The content is absolutely retarded. Reads more like Antifa larping, or some low effort, get the rednecks into the streets with their guns, psyop.

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b0625c  No.125891


yeah, he black

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9f0715  No.125893

File: 0738540a1124d61⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 0513818318301.mp4)


About 15 years ago, a friend of mine who smoke a LOT of weed, drank excessively, and used LSD, went fucking mental, and started thinking he was the messiah. He wrote what he called a novel, but is more like a series of ramblings, and gave it out to a few friends. I still have it somewhere.

This reads exactly like that. The ramblings of a paranoid acid-casualty. I hope whoever wrote it gets ass cancer.

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6fa3ff  No.125894


>Reads more like Antifa larping, or some low effort

Trips of truth. It reads like Zionic Protocols, same kind of larp.

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505178  No.125895

File: 91494a58fc73137⋯.jpg (611.11 KB, 781x1000, 781:1000, 1591922871297.jpg)


The amount of normie faggots concerned with nigger worship is going to make my fucking head explode. Fast track to South Africa status. Fuck this fucking bullshit.

People are literally being fired for simply questioning BLM. WTF.

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7aeaad  No.125897


I'm telling you to fucking relax, you retarded faggot. Defending him for that one fucking segment is not submitting to Jews. Watch the fucking video and tell me if he isn't just saying exactly what we say, but "nicer". All we're fucking telling you is that he is redpilling normies that watch Fox.

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a5ca87  No.125899


Defending the kike puppet at all is wrong you retarded nigger. You don't belong here, you never belonged here.

IDF please hire better shills this is pathetic. You've been doing this for years and this is the best you can come up with?

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7aeaad  No.125900


Ah fuck it, I'm done with you. You're definitely just a kike sowing dissent.

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a5ca87  No.125901

>oy vey you're a kike for outing the kike puppet!

Hope you get your shekels taken away, this is pathetic

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930fd6  No.125903


What's the story here?

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9f0715  No.125905


Aftermath of a nasty car crash in France. Fights going on there between the Chechans and sandpeople/niggers right now.

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930fd6  No.125907

File: 4b8183d6455382a⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1196x1600, 299:400, ClipboardImage.png)






>Fights going on there between the Chechans and sandpeople/niggers right now.

I have little sympathy for colonial powers. They opened up a pipe to shitskin lands, why are they surprised that shit came gurgling back up that pipe?

France is full of africans, Britain is full of pakis. They did it to themselves. This one is hard to blame on kikes, especially the East India Company which was very overtly Christian and even force baptised the two or three jews they let work for them (idk anything much about French colonialism - maybe it was kiked as but I can imagine Frenchy making the same "toilet backpressure" mistakes as the Brits)

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6ec0ec  No.125912


>These extremists cannot be allowed to silence peaceful protests or inflict violence,” U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich said Monday night on Twitter

So delusional I literally don't have words.

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d7d5cb  No.125915

File: 7a9d1ec80c68271⋯.png (150.18 KB, 272x892, 68:223, 2020_06_16_10_30.png)

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6ec0ec  No.125917


As IF we are going to get a fair trial in the USA EVER AGAIN…

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930fd6  No.125919

File: bb9b09fec709139⋯.png (295.6 KB, 634x468, 317:234, ClipboardImage.png)


My favorite thing is seeing how fast these cucks flee when the tables turn. Definitely fighting for a cause they believe in and not just a mob.

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6ec0ec  No.125920

File: 1be77375c7df478⋯.jpg (67 KB, 432x291, 144:97, macron_what_is_being_said_….jpg)


Mostly they are just standing around, when are they going to shoot each other? That way Macron can come in and offer to dry hump them all into submission with his niggerfied pozzed cock?

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81e7fa  No.125921

File: 142abc0893c3f1b⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 018.jpg)


>it was justified


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2f502b  No.125924

File: 6f6bf6811c14269⋯.jpg (244.67 KB, 1206x1228, 603:614, 6f6bf6811c14269995752a0a4f….jpg)


Fair trial is the nickname of my riffle.

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9f0715  No.125925

File: fd6989013948588⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB, 848x640, 53:40, j_qv8eJXvSXHS63y.mp4)


>This one is hard to blame on kikes

They might not have put the mindset there perhaps, but they helped deliver the first wave of them over. Anyway, I don't give a fuck; I just want a world now where I don't have to worry about my kid(s) going though shit like this.

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6ec0ec  No.125926


I had a few laughs towards the end when the woman is flailing and that spicnigger guy is thrown around.


Does anyone know what they are fighting over? Territory? None of them look that serious to me, btw…mostly milling about aimlessly.


Yes. He was slightly hung over and stopped to rest and make a phone call. Joggers arrive and DEMAND that he give them his phone. He says, "No." They beat him almost to death over it. I can't remember whether he had severe brain damage or not…but he was definitely hospitalized for a while afterwards.

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930fd6  No.125927


>I just want a world now where I don't have to worry about my kid(s) going though shit like this.


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918e7b  No.125928

File: 8ba460eb8257904⋯.png (334.03 KB, 479x477, 479:477, 1592258364732.png)


This could really benefit from some water balloons but instead of water the ball on should contain gasoline.

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930fd6  No.125929


>Does anyone know what they are fighting over?

Nigger A killed Niglet B in drug war

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6ec0ec  No.125931


Poland is full of kikes tho. This will come to Poland too because they did not exterminate their jewish population.

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6ec0ec  No.125932

File: 339725ac27b1eeb⋯.png (632.06 KB, 1024x634, 512:317, World_Jewish_Congress_Summ….png)

Remember anons…your genocide is the endgame for the jews. They are not going to 'let you live' in any nation that you see on this planet.

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6ec0ec  No.125933


Honestly they wouldn't be in any LESS trouble if they had. I mean, think about it…he is not going to get a fair trial so he is going in for LIFE anyway. He might as well have gone for the high score (this is logical). There was plenty of people chasing him; the mob doesn't learn but if he had opened up on all of them the mob might have thought twice about beating us to death in the future.

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6ec0ec  No.125936


>Probably the tip of the iceberg. Eurobro's are in for a real tough fight.

I have been encouraging them for years to strike the caches and gear up and then burn the entire neighborhood to the ground shooting anyone/everyone who tries to escape. In minecraft that is how I would handle the situation.

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ab4206  No.125939

File: 89462cb2024d89b⋯.jpeg (359.4 KB, 600x605, 120:121, 1.jpeg)

File: aa688d44cf2a3b4⋯.jpeg (117.87 KB, 1052x900, 263:225, 2.jpeg)

File: 8fb2008c640363e⋯.jpeg (99.3 KB, 409x550, 409:550, 3.jpeg)

File: 886009a6130c608⋯.jpeg (33.21 KB, 580x326, 290:163, 4.jpeg)

File: 9869c006909f75c⋯.jpeg (236.05 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 5.jpeg)

Do you remember this?

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50e557  No.125944

Does anyone have the short video at hand with a brit. Police officer replying "all lives matter" as he walks by and some female start to lose her shit over it ?

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2d38a6  No.125947

File: eff112306ff361a⋯.png (252.54 KB, 747x747, 1:1, mfw_God_has_abandoned_the_….png)


>mfw I have Spanish ancestry


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517353  No.125954


He's not stupid, or delusional. He is well aware of the real situation on the ground. They are reading a script, pushing a narrative. I don't know why. They are intentionally antagonizing and demoralizing White people. The public officials saying these obviously backwards things do so with a purpose.

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ea8959  No.125955


>Why is this 4th of July invasion even necessary?

I think that will be too late. The 4th is a particularly significant day to the cunts in charge. Did you ever think about who we were 'declaring independence from'? We declared our independence from the (((Crown))). They will, most likely, slaughter a lot of us on the 4th this year in 'retaliation' for that same 'independence'. There is nothing that threatens the parasite like the hosts 'independence'. This is also why the subhumans are such an easy weapon to be used against us and are really UNFIT to live.

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ea8959  No.125956


If those words are coming out of your mouth, you are delusional. It might be scripted, but you are still delusional. Anyone who thinks that humiliating and shaming an entire people, the largest army on the planet, is 'a good thing' is insane (and delusional).

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f7d469  No.125961

File: ddfd3a5fbef7fd0⋯.jpg (26.67 KB, 602x480, 301:240, 1585730115065.jpg)


This is seriously a good idea.

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fe7037  No.125963


>This one is hard to blame on kikes

Kikes were the first to promote the gospel of diversity in colonial nations - where the people were segregated initially. Then later they used that same gospel on the colonisers. Enoch Powell speaks of this in length.

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517353  No.125964


You may not have been paying attention for the last 50 years or so, but they do not fear Whites. No one fears Whites. Not for a long time. They come from across the globe to feed on us in our home lands. The kikes have subverted or destroyed every institution Whites ever built. The Marxists educate our children and teach fill them with self-loathing and stupidity. And Whites pay for it all with their tax dollars.

They do not fear Whites.

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fe7037  No.125966


They fear them in a sense they must undermine them. They fear them waking up; fear the extreme white nationalists. Its why at every opportunity they put up roadblocks, so whites may not organise.

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ea8959  No.125968



So never. Ok maybe when the monkeys are exterminated. But as we all saw with noah that if you leave even one monkey alive and get drunk they are going to sneak up and ass rape you while you are impaired. So we can all get drunk when the monkeys are exterminated but not before then.

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517353  No.125971


I hope to God we do. The hour grows late.

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ea8959  No.125975



This is nightmarish anon.

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813f12  No.125978


This edit is probably my favorite so far.

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ea8959  No.125980


poor little baby. Terrible way to go…burned to death and torture with a hot iron by niggers…

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ea8959  No.125982


Could you draw it out; I'm trying but I don't see that at all.

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ea8959  No.125983


>There wasn't a single person defending (((Tucker))) or (((Fox News))) on /pol/.

You know far from seeing killing and attacking our own as a 'strength' I see it as a WEAKNESS at this point. Look at where killing and attacking our own got /pol/. Maybe we are just tired of being manipulated by you and your kind into hating our own?

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813f12  No.125984


>the moonman mask


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813f12  No.125985


Hopefully if it goes kangaroo court, people will wake up on that side that they won't be treated fairly and to stop worrying about normal rules.

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ea8959  No.125986


1st video doesn't make the impact it should unless you know the backstory. Remember the video where they gave them a hug and they tried to be sympathetic to them and THEN he tied them up and tried to burn them to death? There is a whole front video to this that NEEDS to be added so that people can get an idea of what we are dealing with. It should be absolutely mandatory for all White women. MANDATORY! If someone tries to 'tie you up' you should KNOW that they are going to attempt to kill you and you should fight with everything you have since you have nothing to lose anymore.

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ea8959  No.125988


pg 3

I guess rape and plunder cures disease then. It is a wonder then that the infant rape capital of the planet, South Africa, can't seem to cure the AIDS epidemic via their plague of infant rape. Maybe they are not 'raping the infants' in the correct manner.

>To form a culture of tolerance

We must eliminate anything intolerant of us.

Does make me wonder if they understand the definition of tolerance.

>subverted the power structure enough to 'eventuate our ends'

Glad no one will ever ask them to clarify what this means.

>believe the way we do or you will be fired

Tolerance to the rescue…

On a side note I would like to point out that although it is presented as an 'opposing view' Tucker is also pushing this narrative when he points out how many people have been fired for opposing BLM it is all a way to corral Whites into slavery and cowering.

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70e53d  No.126003

File: 8668f1cd28dabab⋯.png (450.23 KB, 574x658, 41:47, age_gap.png)

Feminists freaking out about 7 year age gap between spouses.

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70e53d  No.126006

File: 05e6e223394efd7⋯.png (62.68 KB, 1562x424, 781:212, poland.png)



The grass is NOT greener on the other side. The country is maybe where the US were in mid 60's. The society's transformation is clearly visible now.

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ea8959  No.126012

File: 39745c85b946b08⋯.jpg (59.1 KB, 383x680, 383:680, covid_mutation_violence_2.jpg)

File: f2e33a05bdbb405⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 383x680, 383:680, COVID_mutation_violence.jpg)


Anyone know the backstory on this text and where it originated?

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8e5d4c  No.126016



>constantly bitch about how they miss communism because back then everyone could get a job

Literally every single slavic boomer in every slavic country repeats that mantra. Communism got them jobs.

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3349de  No.126017


burn the coal pay the toll

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9d8d68  No.126018


Does them meeting imply they started dating? Who is to say they didn't start dating when she was 18? She could have been a day away from being 18 when they met. Only an illiterate nigger or a degenerate would see anything inherently wrong with the image.

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70e53d  No.126022


Also similar bullshit like "communism built the industry", "education was better" or "kids didn't talk back".


Wouldn't change anything for them if she was 18, they seem to be freaking out about the age gap between them. 7 years of difference is now more offensive for normals than race mixing.

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9d8d68  No.126023


Da, Comrade! We get paid whole loaf of bread for week of work, we could even whore wife or daughter out for access to water! Time were simpler comrade…

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8e5d4c  No.126024


I find it more scary that they find 17 years old not responsible enough to have a relationship. Because by their own backwards logic if you dare to hold virginity up to 18 you're a loser in life.

Really better be chaste in this dark age.

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3349de  No.126025


Seattle reaches deal with 'CHOP' to remove temporary roadblocks, replace with concrete barriers


i'm sure it's just a coincidence

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f9f6d2  No.126026


Let me guess, they don't like the idea because an older man has enough capital to start a family with a younger woman who could be a stay at home mom.

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d7d5cb  No.126027


Probably just another zombie apocalypse virus larping

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8e5d4c  No.126028


Who needs zombies when you have BLM

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8e9efd  No.126029


Which is why you must hand in your guns as soon as possible so some skinny twink with a skateboard can beat you to death for not smiling at their pet niggers.

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f9f6d2  No.126032

File: ef05efd4be61ac0⋯.png (1.43 MB, 2002x1164, 1001:582, lol.png)

How can we make the failed American experiment even worse?

>The city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, is answering calls to "defund the police" by creating a new public safety department that will send unarmed social workers instead of police officers in response to some 911 calls.

>On Monday, Albuquerque Mayor Tim Kelly (D) said his administration would form a new city department, Albuquerque Community Safety, whose personnel would respond to some emergency calls.

>Albuquerque Community Safety officials will respond to calls of inebriation, homelessness, addiction and mental health. According to Kelly's office, the department will be made up of social workers, housing and homelessness specialists, violence prevention and diversion program experts.


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3349de  No.126033


trayvon martin = dead

attacked an armed man

mike brown = dead

attacked an armed man

ahmed arbery = dead

attacked an armed man

rayshard brooks = dead

attacked 2 armed men

anifafaggot … well you get the idea

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8e9efd  No.126035


>will respond to calls of inebriation, homelessness, addiction and mental health

I don't see how this is a bad idea. Why waste police officer's time with someone having a bad acid trip? Cops in the USA suck at deescalation because they're used to having to make split second decisions to kill someone threatening their life or the one of an innocent.

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f9f6d2  No.126036


In all of those cases, that risk is still present, and you cannot pretend this is Europe where most of the people are disarmed. Even when it is the case, how many Social workers have been stabbed in Germany and Sweden by their new African friends?

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813f12  No.126040


Which is great, social workers are underpaid and overworked. They have basically one of the worst jobs out there and they usually do it cause they are some bleeding heart retard. Let them start getting attacked, shot and stabbed, watch how this shifts. I'm 100% behind this stupid idea.

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b8016c  No.126041

File: 4350ad51ecaa876⋯.jpg (53.2 KB, 498x411, 166:137, IMG_20200616_181517_344.jpg)

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f9f6d2  No.126044

File: 70a5e969a8763da⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nigger.mp4)

This will continue until niggers are made an example of, very publicly.

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486bff  No.126045

File: 7d67fb0c0afddfa⋯.jpeg (94.39 KB, 760x507, 760:507, F958FE01_A267_40C3_995E_E….jpeg)


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8423af  No.126046

File: 70f19869f773b46⋯.png (303.53 KB, 465x650, 93:130, rooster.png)

Trump signs reform to counter police misconduct after weeks of protests:




>Trump’s executive order would establish a database that tracks police officers with excessive use of force complaints in their records. And it would give police departments a financial incentive to adopt best practices and encourage co-responder programs, in which social workers join police when they respond to nonviolent calls involving mental health, addiction and homeless issues.

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4ee663  No.126047

File: ded5b6a34b4bdeb⋯.jpg (80.34 KB, 800x538, 400:269, 20ae95673b00ab5e1ce8d12303….jpg)

File: d04f7499dcb1cb2⋯.jpg (417.55 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, EPA_14959825_1024x683.jpg)


>[poland] is maybe where the US were in mid 60's.

Absolute bullshit demotivational crap. Whilst there is western influence, the east has fundamentally different values. I don't live in Poland, but live in a neighboring country. Literally never met an out homosexual that wasn't a foreigner. People openly decry immigration and foreigners. Tradidional values and practices are still strong.

There are some people who still glorify communism - THEY ARE CALLED RUSSIANS. What would you rather have a problem with in your society, some grumbly old Ivans nostalgic for the old days, or a plague of nigs torching your cities.

It is possible that western influence continues in the East, but I am confident that the west will collapse as the dominant cultural influence well before they overturn the native cultures in Poland and east of Poland.

I am more afraid of the collapse of NATO and Russian aggression.

60s USA my fucking arse. I'm sick of sadcases pretending that "it's fucked everywhere", There are many different nations in the world and they have very different characters and some are demonstrably better for whites and white values.

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d7d5cb  No.126049


I still cannot comprehend why would anyone think that attacking an armed man won't lead to swift death.

Is this a sub-90 IQ issue?

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e384b4  No.126050


>Trump’s executive order would establish a database that tracks police officers with excessive use of force complaints in their records

I told you fucks that Sex Offense Registries were prototypes for future freedom infringements.

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4ee663  No.126052


>I still cannot comprehend why would anyone think that attacking an armed man won't lead to swift death.

Remember anon that many men these days have been in fewer fights than my six year old son. They don't have any respect for other men, and the damage they can do to you. We all live at the mercy of each other, and unless you have dealt and received violence I don't think you understand that. I bed skateboard boy has never been in a real fight in his life. Getting stomped, let alone shot, is not a thing that exists in his world.

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ea8959  No.126058


You still haven't addressed your jewish problem. Until you do, you are fucked just like the rest of White nations.

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486bff  No.126059

File: e0a4b892ce2fdfd⋯.jpeg (66.1 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 4404BC19_F914_4310_8C80_2….jpeg)



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4ee663  No.126060


How can we force libtards to see stuff like this, bait and switch them with "far-right asshole punches old black lady"?


>You still haven't addressed your jewish problem. Until you do, you are fucked just like the rest of White nations.

Gonna be a lot easier to deal with the jew when you can motivate hundreds of thousands to the street in the name of nationalism, rather than in the name of the nigger.

There are different levels of fucked.

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b2b6ce  No.126062


Privileged old white lady hits young black student.

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4ee663  No.126065


>Privileged old white lady hits young black student.

Yeah good one. Idk where best to slip this in. Plebbit maybe bretty easy to troll on plebbit

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983d31  No.126073


>There are different levels of fucked.

Nope, there is jew infestation or not. There is no 'in-between' only a delay in the inevitable.

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517353  No.126074


At this point I can't hep but wonder if Hillary would have been much worse than what we've gotten with Trump.

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b2b6ce  No.126076


Reddit sucks because everything is pulled to their groupthink. The first 5 that see it will downvote it out of view of the rest. Twitter may actually work well because you can hijack existing hashtags.

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b2b6ce  No.126077


You will never get to see mad queen Hillary ordering the troops to beat even a hint of revolution out of the recalcitrant niggers. Sad.

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4ee663  No.126079


>Nope, there is jew infestation or not. There is no 'in-between' only a delay in the inevitable.

People say this just to avoid having to do anything. It's inconvenient to have to move city, state, or country - so they pretend it's not going to be any different when they get there. Moving your family to a better place is one of the best things you can do for your race. Don't believe the (((d&c shit))) you read on here.


>Reddit sucks because everything is pulled to their groupthink.

Yeah I guess the whole point of these companies is to prevent you from penetrating the filter bubble. Attempting to do so is pretty quixotic. I'll just save these jogger videos and show them in person to anyone who kicks off about black lives blah blah.

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d7d5cb  No.126080


I think it's not only the absence of violence, but the absence of strong paternal figures.

Blacks are the perfect example, their culture is what happens when most of the youth is brought up by single mothers. No concept of honor, heroism, bravery or emotional control.

Just male posturing for sex, since that's the type of man that mommy brings home every weekend.

I think most of the leftists are brought up the same, basically. Single mother households, or homes where parents don't give a shit about educating their children and let the TV and school teach their children what life's all about.

Of course you'll get an army of angry soyboys and nigs.

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517353  No.126093


>Blacks are the perfect example, their culture is what happens when most of the youth is brought up by single mothers.

It's not that simple. Blacks have a very different brain. You can't put a black boy into a white box and expect the same results. It doesn't work. It's been tried over and over and failed every time. Blacks are different than whites. Haiti is the prime example of this reality.

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d7d5cb  No.126118


That's not my argument.

If you train a labrador to be aggessive and violent, it will be to a certain point.

If you train a pitbull to be aggressive and violent, it will excel at it, since aggressiveness is its natural tendency.

If you train a labrador correctly, it will be just like a normal labrador.

If you train a pitbull correctly, it will be a less aggressive pitbull. It will still have violent tendencies, but it will be a lot better than an aggressive pitbull.

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517353  No.126124


So then we both agree that niggers are dogs.

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d7d5cb  No.126139

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