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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 78a31736cea5aec⋯.jpeg (137.89 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, 20F023CC_1981_462F_BF14_F….jpeg)

990f2a  No.124060


So apparently some black guy was found hanging from a tree, and his family along with the entirety of black and liberal Twitter are now saying with absolutely zero evidence that he was lynched by white men. They’re even saying that the police are covering it up and hiding surveillance camera footage that would show what happened. Now obviously this was most likely a suicide and will be forgotten about once this is proven by the police, but I think there’s a possibility that they won’t let this go away and will continue calling it a racially motivated lynching no matter what the police say. And if, somehow, it turns out this nigger really was murdered, the ensuing chimpouts will make everything we’ve seen so far look like child’s play.

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718e28  No.124088

Tariq Nasheed tried the same shit a year or so ago, when some niglet was found hanging on a bridge. Of course, as a shock to absolutely no one, it was proven to be a suicide, and everyone stopped talking about it.

But, since there are actual protests going on, this one will definitely have longer legs. I think it'll be a situation where it will be proven to be a suicide, and forgotten to a degree, but his "lynching" will still be a peripheral incident in the BLM mythos, similarly to how the "gentle giant" Mike Brown is still said to have had his hands up.

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a92b58  No.124091

Probably done by kikes to spook the shit out of stock market recovery so they can buy up everything.

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db0e84  No.124094

File: 084aa0b91cc7ec1⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 600x600, 1:1, sun.gif)

More fire please.

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33e4ed  No.124109


>saying with absolutely zero evidence that he was lynched by white men

Sucks when your own "prove me wrong" tactics are used against you, eh? /pol/ literally invented the "believe me because I say it or prove me wrong" style of arguing. Congratulations.

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67bc74  No.124119


Ahhh someone with their eyes open.

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1d8a1c  No.124128

Every dead Kang is killed by a whitey until proven otherwise, this is the new reality

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fd9c58  No.124130


Kill nigger children and incite more niggers to kill themselves.

The protests and the chaz retardation became the laughing stock of the world. The more those soy freaks leftards and their nigger pets chimp out, the faster popular opinion will be against all of them, rendering the kikes without their bots, since all people will be against them.

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55e23f  No.124139


I support these protests because I think America should burn. It is beyond saving. If leftists are a virus and America is the host what would you rather do save the host that has a garbage immune system or help kill the host. If the host is killed people flee which saves america and makes the jew flee the nation.

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9261e6  No.124180


except america wont burn it will just turn into an even worse dystopia. those who have the power wont really give it to a pack of niggers.

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