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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: fc387a8afa537d9⋯.jpg (100.85 KB, 704x704, 1:1, usmc.jpg)

ba3350  No.123872

The Marines used to be a formidable first responder military organization that helped the British in WW2 to a mere welfare program for the super athletic.

A lot of people that join in the Army can join the Marines. The physical requirements for the Armed Forces in America favor bone-thin people. America’s Marines are letting in far fewer people and are wasting more money than ever before. There was once a situation where a Marines troop stationed in Afghanistan had to take perfectly fine weapons and burn them. For no reason they did the order and within 24 hours they were issued the exact same gun. Are the Marines the new Army, and the Army the new Coast Guard?

Zoomers joining in the Marines is a interesting topic. Here you have KIDS who were born post 9/11 and on the other side of the arena you have career Marines who are usually in their 30s. The 30 year old boomers seem to have their bearings straight compared to the scared little kids. A lot of Zoomers who join the Marines are more eager in obviating college’s financial costs than serving America. Whether or not tuition is inflated to stimulate higher recruitment rates is a debate for another day. Many of these Zoomers are bone-thin, skinny fat, or somewhat muscular. Some Zoomers simply join the Marines because ROTC rolled by their school and said, “You could go to college for some shitty office job, or you could be rolling with us”. The Army offers the same GI benefits and fights for the same ZOG so why are Zoomers so inclined to join the Marines?

If you were to ask me, I believe the best Armed Forces to join right now would be the National Guard or to become a riot police officer. Any real nationalist insurrection would seek out the knowhow or backing of the National Guard. People who believe they can assemble the next Freikorps need to turn off the damn Murdoch Murdoch cartoons playing their heads. The issue of Police killing unarmed Blacks is powerful enough to draw out crowds of thousands. It is very difficult right now for the Alt-Right to organize since no one wants to be that one white guy in a sea of yelping and screaming libshits. The National Guard and Riot Police are the people on the ground that keep armed Antifa out of the White House. The Marines and Army right now are most likely stationed thousands of miles away while what we need now is a force of people that will stand up to Antifa.

What do you folks feel about the Marines?

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92129b  No.123881

File: f2deb47dc8e90d5⋯.jpg (89.31 KB, 992x558, 16:9, a_civilized_nation_does_no….jpg)

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