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d8fa9a  No.123602


>Activists who established a commune around an abandoned police precinct in Seattle are finding out the hard way it’s not easy to run a revolution, dealing with food supply issues, internal squabbling and even a wannabe strongman.

>After Seattle PD vacated the East Precinct in the Capitol Hill neighborhood on Sunday, activists moved in and set up an “autonomous zone” spanning several city blocks, putting up barricades and “persuading” local residents and businesses to de facto separate from the city.

>Their creation has been dubbed the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” or CHAZ.

>Not satisfied with enlarging their zone, the activists took over the Seattle City Hall on Tuesday, accompanied by councilwoman Kshama Sawant, a socialist, and demanded the resignation of Mayor Jenny Durkan, a Democrat.

Meanwhile Jenny is taking shots at Trump for criticizing the state of Washington/Seattle and the fucking governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, didn't even know antifa took over some Seattle neighborhood when asked a question at a press conference! Fucking Democrats are incapable of running a city much less a nation!


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76955d  No.123604

Reported. Too many CHAZ threads already. Read catalogue.

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d8fa9a  No.123609


The (((mod))) is deleting them. Meanwhile related chimpout threads remain outside the chimpout thread. That tells me an antifa mod infiltrator doesn't want the topic of CHAZ posted in an easy to spot thread.

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782227  No.123639


What we need is a standardized thread for the chimpouts (which are dying down) and a standardized thread for CHAZ (because that’s not just part of the shitshow, but is its own shitshow entirely). The rest need to be funneled into one or the other, or just deleted. There’s also the general fear of moderation, left over from before 8chan was taken down. Any thread removal breeds screams of “censorship” and demands of mod removal by shills who explicitly posted a duplicate thread as a casus belli. Though that should be dying down here, since the site has maybe 50 posts per hour across all boards.

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76955d  No.123643


>The (((mod))) is deleting them

Deleting all the dupes probably. I don't see any reason to censor them.

I would keep it to the chimpout sticky though, board is slow as, better to keep the topics broad

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26fd1e  No.123740

File: a6bcbec2da3a0e3⋯.jpeg (229.28 KB, 770x513, 770:513, Seattle3.jpeg)

Is Jenny the new Karen? Anyways the mayor of Seattle (Jenny) is claiming that its more of a block party going on in Chaz city and there is no danger.

Pic related. Those are AR-15s carried by antifa in Seattle.

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