NatSocs should pose as BLM in order to gain black privilege.
Observations. . .
Unarrestable. . .
. Wearing disguises
. Graffiti
. Rioting
. Looting
. Stealing
. Property destruction
Maybe unarrestable. . .
. Assault
Typically arrestable. . .
. Homicide
Notes. . .
. US police trained by israeli military
. Antifa's karl marx was a racist and pro-slavery
. China are anti-black
. Justin trudeau's blackface
. Anti-gun ralph northam's blackface
. Facial-recog cannot read people wearing facemasks, so wear masks
. rich soyboys depend on modern luxuries, so accidental damage to power transformers, cell towers and phone lines from all the justice looting would be very sad
If natsocs find joining unappealing, make every effort to appear that you have, drive media nuts with rampant paranoia and suspicion.
Natsocs do not join antifa
Something something terror group