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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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755d14  No.122315

I know the Boomer object of worship was heaping up as much cash as possible and then spending it all on yourself until you died.

That ridiculous "Thin coating of varnish over Satan's best dreams" ideology is DYING.

I propose a radical NEW plan: Instill in your children the understanding that you may want a place to stay when you are older, and you are putting your all into raising them to be very stable and successful in lieu of abandoning them to go chase a buck. Make them understand that families are dynasties, where the parents don't abandon the children when they are young, and the children don't abandon the parents when they are older.

If you live modestly and help Junior start his own business, instead of blowing every cent you ever make on your "nestegg" home which you plan on selling to cash in and go spend it, then Junior can be made to understand that that pretty wife and nice life you are VERY instrumental in helping him attain come with a responsibility to make your life livable when you are older.

Don't have that need to be the biggest rooster in the barn your whole life. He will eclipse you, even as you were the biggest bird on the perch when he was younger. Put your ego aside. Raise winners, not children starving for even ONE kind word from their dad.

Treat YOUR parents nicely. Set an example. If you can't really be in their life, due to their idiotic choices, then make sure your kids know enough detail to know it was not your choice.

I know the Bible says that a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the inheritance is not just money, it's the ability to live a successful, happy life. Children need the override authority of grandparents to rein in being overly Soy'd or Karen'd.

Let us move forward from being sharply divided and atomized, even in our own families, and becoming more of a unit and less of a bunch of people who are nothing but a bunch of magnetic South poles trying to get as far away from each other as possible.

He's kind of a leftie, but BillyVSCO on TikTok really made me start to realize just how much of a pair of monsters my parents were. I don't agree with his stand on homo and quite a bit of stuff, but the whole "kids being treated like they are cherished friends and allies" instead of whatever imprisonment I faced amazed me.

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