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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

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64307f  No.122282

Since you can't just flip some giant lever to take the society to where children can roam the streets without armed guards again, what CAN you do?

I understand that your lifestyle takes a certain amount of money to support.

Have you considered spending a lot less on hypnotic STUFF and maybe actually saving some real money (silver, gold, stuff of actual steady value?)

If you can, downsize your life to make it so you don't have to have zero social life between sixteen hour shifts.

Get to actually know your neighbors. Have informal block get-togethers that ONLY people who live on your block are allowed to attend. Not their "brothers" or "sisters" or whatever guise they may try to bring others in. People actually, physically, located on your block, cul-de-sac, etc.

Form little alliances with your neighbors. Try to get an economy going where the neighborhood kids or adults are being paid to landscape the neighborhood, not some bunch of potential rape-then-hop-the-border unknown Mexicans.

Form a microeconomy. Get the local kids doing car washing and stuff that you usually pay someone across town to do. Don't lay too much responsibility on them, be forgiving if they don't do the same job or forget to show up on wash day. Be merciful. Be kind. Create willing little free entrepreneurs.

Keep the money local. Get to KNOW your neighbors. Of course, getting to know your own kids is a nice start, which is the point of downsizing your money-grubbing activities.

PS DON'T BE A CHEAP IDIOT. Why would you gleefully pay a company 20 times as much to do the same job? Why not pay some local person a similar price? Notice how the Amish just use teamwork where others throw haystacks of cash at something?

But, move forward to a post-consumerist society. Does every guy on the entire street really need a ten thousand dollar riding mower? Why not rent Bill's mower for a good price? Does every man on the street need his own entirely equipped woodworking shop? Do something relatively unheard of in our atomized societies: get to know and like your neighbors. You will find that it can make life far more pleasant.

I know we can often be VERY individualistic and VERY introverted, but pretend for a moment you are NOT. Don't require people to interact much. Just hold a free barbecue, have the kids go door to door and invite people, no pressure, but if they want to bring something, actually get together beforehand and plan it with the neighbors.

I have always hated these events because literally every male there looks like a Seth Rogen to me, demanding I schmooze and interact and whatever. You are never going to get far with your neighbors if you try to force them to be a Vaudevillian. Just let people hang out and not say much. You may find that your more introverted neighbors are that way because they regard you as a bunch of beer-slurping 0.49x=their-IQ morons who have trouble piecing together a coherent thought.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

64307f  No.122283

It may surprise you to find that some of the most noble people who live among you are just NOT going to fit into the local pack of dogs mentality, all eagerly sniffing each other's butts. Try, if you can even wrap your heads around it, try to imagine someone who IS twice as intelligent as you, has read more before he was fifteen than you will in your life, and finds the mechanical and electronic worlds to be comforting because they can be switched OFF at will.

Don't assume everyone is like you. Your neighbors don't have to be One Of You to be allies or friends. While you may take it as a mortal insult that they find social interactions very, very taxing and unpleasant, just realize that many introverts re not so due to not liking socializing, per se.

Imagine YOU. You are surrounded by a bunch of very-high-functioning Down's syndrome adults. Would you feel totally affable and sociable? While some people are mentally piecing together what they hope can be partial solutions for the challenges facing mankind, you are smelling your own farts and trying to guess which food they were from.

So, get to know your neighbors. Realize that if you are about average, a whopping 49 percent of them are likely to be just plain BETTER than you. Get comfortable with that. Put your ego aside. Don't be insulted if people aren't on your wavelength.

Neighborhoods can become places full of allies, even if you are not bosom buddies. Women can be handy for this. They tend to be more capable of making things sociable than mend are. Their entire WORLD is social. How do men get rich? knowing stuff. How do women get ahead? Socializing with men who know stuff. If YOUR survival as a gender depended on you being sociable, wouldn't you, too be more sociable?

Anyway, you can't build a body without cells, and within those cells are organelles, and they are widely divergent in their functions. The mitochondria dare not the phagocytes. The cell membrane is not the fluid. Etc.

As things progress, we are finding that we do, indeed, have to put up with some bathwater to have the baby. Start today!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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