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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 1536958eb5d7143⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1360x2160, 17:27, Angela_Rayner_kneeling.png)

8ee19c  No.122100

Anymore like this? Need them for shitposting purposes.

(pic related is the deputy leader of the UK Labour Party)

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d662e8  No.122159

File: d211e560f78d5a8⋯.jpg (110.89 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, 1591790752054m.jpg)

This one's golden.

Reminder: kneeling is a white supremacy symbol because its how George Floyd was killed.

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d662e8  No.122160

File: 05747f5da3908e1⋯.jpg (434.71 KB, 1080x1035, 24:23, Screenshot_20200609_091327….jpg)

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0ca737  No.122405

Are those lesbian boots or dominatrix boots that she's wearing?

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49ba8a  No.122422

omg this is awesome.


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ff6441  No.122487


well done, extra cumin

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3d7b02  No.122507

File: 9b65d0f8b4aae66⋯.jpg (518.32 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 9b65d0f8b4aae66147ef4db3ff….jpg)


sides obliterated

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d9fbc0  No.122512

File: a1fb1ee12f8f0e5⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 720x421, 720:421, nogunsnocops.jpg)

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9a31d1  No.122534

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49ba8a  No.122543


> You don't need guns, just call the de-escalation counselors.

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