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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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197978  No.121954

I've decided that the propaganda potential is being severely under exploited by our movement. There is much information that we are aware of that has been distilled into easily digestible meme format that much of the population has simply not been exposed to due to censorship of twitter, facebook, and the agenda of the media. I am going to use my own money to start a mass mailing campaign and i need help constructing a propaganda module. i do not believe that we can necessarily create a new legion of racial holy warriors, and i dont want to create a massive influx of new people to imageboards. rather the intent of this propaganda, and i think it is very doable, is to simply deal a massive blow to the jewish constructed narrative. there are perhaps many people who can be turned to see the truth if only they are exposed, there are perhaps many people who already know or on the fence, and they need these suspicions reinforced and that can happen easily if exposed to the right info even once.

>Why is it so important to deal a countering blow to the agenda of the jewish narrative, if it wont create fully redpilled race warriors?

because the strength of the jewish propaganda rests on mass consent and agreement to anti-white globohomo ideas. Once a critical percentage of people who fully support and believe ALL points of the anti-white globohomo narrative is acheived, bizarre things can take place similar to but worse than the BLM riots. these propaganda campaigns aimed at people who would never encounter or be exposed to this information can potentially put a huge dent in their campaign

>What else can this propaganda campaign accomplish?

We obviously want people to fully turnover to our worldview and make racially conscious decisions in their life, but the real holy grail is to turn someone over who will continue to spread the propaganda as well.

>Where do we spread this propaganda?

through the mail. it is the only medium that cannot be censored before the recipient receives the media unlike facebook and twatter, and the sender can be somewhat anonymous.

>Should we focus on things like the holocaust and hitler did nothing wrong?

No, those redpills are too hard and they dont need to be dropped to acheive our goals of setting the jewish agenda back potentially a whole decade.

>Should we only target whites?

No, we should make propaganda that can be inclusive to hispanic interests as they are going to be our allies in the race war and they are infinitely more tolerable to civilization than niggers. we should make propaganda that black people can digest, even if its inherently anti-black. we are targeting the collective belief of society.

I'm trying to make 2 different propaganda modules and i need help with them. i will mail out as many as i can afford but no address is going to receive both propaganda modules. The first one should be about black crime, and the second should be about media bias and duplicity

>Black crime module objectives

1.)the first part should be to establish the insanely high crime rate among blacks, we dont want to offend the reader, but we want to first establish that blacks do commit (an astronomically) higher amout of crime

2.)we establish that this isnt at all due to socio-economic factors and its even genetic to black people to be violent.

3.) the next module is to address black on white hatred, mind you we are trying to avoid anything "offensive" so far, just stating and displaying direct evidence from the horses mouth, examples from south africa and white victims of black crime will come in handy

4.)after all this information we create a closer that assures the reader that knowing or believing any of this doesnt make them a bad person, and that there is nothing wrong with acknowledging reality and ultimately its in their own personal safety to know and understand this situation. this last part is the most important.

>Media bias and duplicity module

this mail in module is less of a sensitive issue. we only have to show screenshots of news outlets contradicting themselves, spouting bizzare anti-white and anti-trump rhetoric that contradicts itself only a few months later, or nes articles that can be shown to be blatantly false. the prime objective doesnt have to be establishing a belief that MSM is anti-white or has an agenda, but just to destroy any and all credibility in their message.

If you niggers can dig through your meme librarys and help me out with this i will mail this shit out. We can change the world.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fa207e  No.121986

Read Mein Kampf. Adolf Hitler explains the purpose of and effective use of propaganda. You just need to make sure EVERYONE is exposed to it and has the idea in their mind. Doesn't matter whether they agree or not, it's making sure the seed has been planted, and then letting predispositions + life experience play out, and those who can be swayed will be and those that can't will at least live in fear of the fact there's dissidents in the area.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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