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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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fa81c8  No.121824

Guys today concrete cleaner and muck was poured into my rainbarrel and I had (despite working hard the last 4 days and not sleeping during the night at all due to insomnia) to go out again today to clean that fucking mess up and move a ton of water and pull up all the soaker hose. I'm really fucking tired of the city and I'm mostly just running experiments the last couple years trying to gain practical survivalist knowledge but I need to figure out what they do in South Africa because I am trying to evacuate from here as it's increasingly becoming a hopeless cause and there's so many fucking non-whites and race traitors and police haters here and the police also are useless. Also saw someone's bike being stolen today by a tattoo'd thief with a red + black bolt cutter and wanted the police called on him but nobody would assist me with that and I don't have a phone. I'm so fucking tired of this shit, all the stupid fucking morons around me just destroy everything, while the liberal cucks cheer them on. How do the South Africans deal with this? I got to move my crops and soil and get the fuck out. Right now my idea is to relocate about 200 km further up north and away from major population areas but even in that area I see so many shitskins roaming around this spring. The only way I can see to survive what is coming is to maintain a lot of mobility and keep trying to garden while mostly surviving on dryfoods. If I can find a hunting friend too in Ontario who can teach me to hunt and help me get out of the city for extended periods of time and prepare meat this will help a lot to maintain my health by keeping away from all the insanity and having lots of good quality protein to eat. Life is getting really hard between all the criminals, drug addicts, insane liberals, and shitskins and I want to dump all my money into preparing for life when we get detroitified and all the social services are gone and utilities not working anymore. I don't expect any sudden collapse just one city after another decaying into Detroit until we eventually get invaded by a foreign country.

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fa81c8  No.121826

Oh one other thing. White flight has already majorily begun in this city. I overhead a conversation between a boomer and a university student today. Most whites are just going home and cancelling university because of the coronavirus. I also know from overhearing conversations between business people a lot of people are giving up on business because of the corona virus and now the riots and the police who were already useless having their hands tied behind their backs even more. This means the economy in my city is about to nose dive.

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7b8311  No.121915

What you are seeing is the influence of the demon kali as described in bhagavata purana. kali(not the goddess, that is kaali) is a black man in the dress of a king who goes around and fucks shit up. by the decree of king parikshit, kali is only permitted to exist in certain places. by following these 5 rules you can be free from the influence of kali and even acheive a state similar to the golden age.

1.)No meat eating

2.)No prostitution/illicit sex/sex outside of marriage

3.)no intoxicants, this can include certain food as well such as garlic and onion

4.)no gambling

5.)no gold


read this whole chapter to understand, it shouldnt take long. in the last chapters of the srimad bhagavatam you can find more detailed information about kali yuga that is predicted by this ancient vedic text

Text 38: Sūta Gosvāmī said: Mahārāja Parīkṣit, thus being petitioned by the personality of Kali, gave him permission to reside in places where gambling, drinking, prostitution and animal slaughter were performed.

Text 39: The personality of Kali asked for something more, and because of his begging, the King gave him permission to live where there is gold because wherever there is gold there is also falsity, intoxication, lust, envy and enmity.

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dd7969  No.121943


None of the businesses are coming back.

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768689  No.121953


There is nowhere to run to, as long as jews and other non-whites are allowed to live.

Everyone will die a slow death if people don't unite to genocide jews and other non-whites.

Now go call everyone who points that out a glownigger.

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fa81c8  No.121968


>1.)No meat eating

Yeah no. I fell for the vegan meme when I was younger and had the worst brain fog, no muscles, and the most deep depression ever. Never going back. I'd rather eat nothing but meat but for now I consume a lot of spinach, whey protein, frozen fruits, meats, rice, and some pasta.

Worse yet your prescriptions don't sound like principles to me. Principles always trump prescriptions / laws.


I know that that's why I'm talking about mobility as opposed to hunkering down. I can't be tied to one location I have to be able to constantly move my shit around like they do in South Africa. This way I can evacuate an area when either government forces (and btw, we're not going to have NO POLICE, we're just going to have police that only target whites for "hate speech" and thought crimes and ignore the actions of the criminal scum, the enemy isn't stupid, the enemy is anti-white) or non-whites come in large numbers and keep on the good fight. How many /pol/ anons right now can easily be doxxed and found by the police because they have a fixed address? I'm talking about modifying my lifestyle so I can pack up my stuff and move around whenever necessary.

We are becoming South Africa in every single way and are experiencing the same persecutions. We'll even get invaded by a foreign government at some point like South Africa did. It's just going to be a long drawn out process of changing demographics and continued decay and ever increasing persecution and I want to try and use what opportunities and resources I have at the moment to put myself in a better situation to resist and to fight the enemy successfully than those who will sit crying in their home while the new non-white police knock on the door and come in to interrogate them about racist comments they made online and then kill them in their home.

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fa81c8  No.122606

Well made progress on my bike cart today, got all the plywood cut and screwed together, just got to paint now and fasten it to the rest of the thing.

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