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0b2b48  No.121726

Tell me, is this what is going on…?

Remember the Vietnam War? The US was bogged down in a guerilla war that could not be won in spite of all the money being spent and carnage being inflicted. The US population was radically split between those disgusted by the lack of victory, and those disgusted by the pursuit of that victory.

In the end, the US basically gave up. The deep divisions in society and in the government over this mess, meant the only solution was to pull out.

Regardless what one may think of that war, I have to wonder if, in the 'War on Crime', this has reached the same moment. The police, prosecutors, prisons and you-name-it have not apparently achieved victory in the 'War on Crime'. Society is again divided between those unhappy with the lack of victory, and those disgusted by the pursuit of that victory.

So the US polity is giving up. It is abandoning the war on crime. It is apparently no longer seeking to enforce social order. Police are being disbanded. Looters and other disorderly criminals (vandalism etc.) are not arrested. It's considered virtue signalling to not seek social order, to not call the police if you are robbed and the perpetrator is non-caucasian.

Then maybe this is it. The abandonment of the polity trying to maintain social order. The Fall of Saigon moment.

And in the same way that the polity is not seeking to maintain social order and withdrawing, law-abiding citizens and businesses are likely to pull out of participating in a 'diverse' society.

I really hope this is all incorrect.

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