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7322a6  No.121415

Why is it that when it comes to politics you have to introduce women to everything? They can't just get redpilled on thier own, they always need the warm guidance of a man.

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291730  No.121416


Probably the same reason that you will never do anything.

Waiting is good though. We should probably wait some more. If we wait indefinitely that would be the best thing. We should probably wait until we are all dead. That would be the best thing. The best wait of all. Wait wait wait…we should probably just wait some more. Things are getting better while we wait. We are winning by waiting. Lets win some more and wait some more. Wait wait wait.

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7322a6  No.121417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c1cc5a  No.121418

Because women have no autonomy. They exist only to adapt to society or a man. Their free will exists in loving or hating things, not in will toward action.

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a7cda3  No.121420


It's probably hereditary.

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d967a2  No.121423


Awww, did that grocery clerk not touch your pee-pee even though she said "hi" and smiled at you?

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a7cda3  No.121425


>Probably the same reason that you will never do anything.

Every time they take a step forward, their abusive parents push them two steps back?

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a7cda3  No.121427


Are you a woman? This is how they always argue, they never refute any points they just immediately jump to ad hominem.

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d967a2  No.121437


What's to refute? OP is an incel, probably fat and greasy, who started a thread which is literally ad hominem.

>women suck!

<no, you suck.

>bawwww y u insult me D: D: D: D: D:

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aa393c  No.121503


Back to lolcow farm with you!

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d967a2  No.121526


It's so cute when /mgtow/ faggots actually believe they have power anywhere over anything.

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465736  No.121531


This is why feminism is not the default state of a civilization.

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