Some anon on halfchan found this video ( created in 2015,the video is eerily similar to whats happening right now. The thread got derailed and was buried fast. Glowniggers don't want us to see it. Thats because they tried to pull what we're seeing now once already and this video is like a time capsule of their operations in 2015. remember 2015 with the migrant crisis, and how everything started to go down the drain?
This is proof they've been premeditating everything and George Soros is behind it having been involved in Color revolutions in the past.
In 2015 I think they failed not expecting the backlash mostly formed by discussion on the internet. So for the next 5 years they invested heavily into, psyops, censorship and shutting everything down. Now we're here today, silenced and divided. They're pulling it off again with greater success.
What we're seeing is most definitely a Color Revolution being carried out by the CIA funded by Soros, a repeat of everything that went starting in 2014/2015, except they cornered us this time, what do we do from here?