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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: ef28c0953a24a10⋯.png (20.32 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 03195ACC_5EC0_477B_84A5_B5….png)

292d7b  No.120576

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8d6efd  No.120636

File: eecb0387f336435⋯.jpg (20.69 KB, 474x266, 237:133, wer.jpg)

Had a quick read of some. They really are coordinated evil. Only the FBI and CIA could really protect them for as long as they have.

Kind of looks like they want whites getting slammed at the rallies, and catching the murder coof. Typical of jew tactics.

So, violence, violating national health protocols, extortion, intimidation and incitement, not to forget circumventing security and reporting live police matters. Yep, smells like a terrorist group, walks like a terrorist group, shits like a terrorist group. But for some amazing reason, the FBI prevents it from being called one.

Gotta ask who's incompetent or international shill in that org sticking up for them.

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ff61ed  No.120830


any lads from the operation fairytail telegram last night? i was in and made the bread .txt. trying to find the active alt threads not 4chan for the real action

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fb0b55  No.120989

>click the link goy

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e38a94  No.121198


>george soros


>other cronies like them

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eb1b9f  No.121205

Screen caps or info for those who don't want to install Telegram?

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8a40e0  No.121209


This. This now

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a99c17  No.121248


Im going to need some screenshots - im not using telegram.

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