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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 55be22b4f8cb430⋯.jpg (65.89 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 200605131608_01_alexis_oha….jpg)

bd5daa  No.120273

We should start a pressure/acceleration campaign aimed at the woke corporations who are virtue signaling so hard right now. Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of Reddit stepped down from his job to make way for a black replacement. We should find photos of the all-white executives of these companies and force them to bend the knee even further by doing likewise. White executives must step down and give up their spot to black executives. They want to be woke - are they really down with cause or not?

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0e4e09  No.120329

>We should start a pressure/acceleration campaign aimed at the woke corporations who are virtue signaling so hard right now.

For what purpose. To what end. They don't care. They do not care. THEY. DO. NOT. CARE. ABOUT. YOU. THEY LITERALLY WANT YOU EXTERMINATED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. They do not have to care about your business. It is literally meaningless to them. 99% of people support them. The entirety of the world's financial infrastructure supports them. They cannot fail. Your peaceful methods have already failed, like they failed every single time in history you ever proposed them.

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c4519e  No.120353

>>120273 (OP)

Apparently these riots have been inspiring. Glad to see so many fresh subversive ideas popping up these days. Anyone who feels isolated can create a twitter account and apply this tactic in the normie-sphere. This is how meme magic works. Of course you could just kys like the blackpilled faggot in >>120329

btw I thought this said "Alexa initiative" at first and was thinking we should meme that Alexa and all other such voices are two white and need ebonics alternatives.

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0e4e09  No.120374


>you want whites to grab guns and start actually fighting

>therefore you're [word only jew shills ever say]

lol no

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2a5201  No.120888

I doubt that a nigger in a significant position in a tech company has a room for catastrophic fuck ups, there surely will be a bunch of White and Asian cucks to do his job for him and guide his every step, a nigger was a president of US after all and that's exactly what was happening then.

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baab65  No.120896


if white lefties have no jobs, they might stop being comfortable and wake up

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9525e1  No.121479


sawf afreeka, he we coom

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30cfe6  No.121508

File: 450c0ca737c8989⋯.jpeg (63.1 KB, 636x477, 4:3, 4C24239B_7748_4436_95B8_C….jpeg)


Imagine how shitty a job an executive must have done to feel it isn’t safe to pass the torch to a black

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