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dcaf2b  No.120089

The enemies of mankind will spend a trillion dollars, if necessary, to fraudulently flip every vote in the country.

Link provided as an example. You don't have to read the article.


Plans are already in place. They are importing illegal aliens through the ports in LA and San Francisco as fast as they can.

They have teams in sweatshops working around the clock to do as much fake paperwork and research as many dead people as possible to steal the vote.

They "flipped" a conservative section of California in the House election in hte midterms.

This time, they either win illegally, or they die. What would YOU do if you knew Guantanamo Bay and a short walk with a preacher was awaiting you if Trump got re-elected?

What would you do? What would THEY do? ANYTHING.

Remember, Satan comes for three reasons, in order of priority:

1) Steal

2) Kill

3) Destroy.

"Stealing" is accreting power and value that is not yours. Sound like Democrats?

"Killing" is ending the life of living things. Sound like Bill Gates and China's One Child Policy?

"Destroying" is ruining something that is inanimate.

Do you REALLY think you're going to have an honest election this year? Can you possibly be that infinitely stupid and naive?

Is ANYONE that stupid?

Consider the stakes. They face a worldwide annihilation if they lose. So do you, but you just don't know it. You think life will be wonderful, with freedom an liberty for all if they lose? Look how much of a war they are waging already with Donald Trump in power!

They will destroy America before they will let themselves lose. The hundreds of billions of dollars they are spending to steal this upcoming election are just chump change to them. They would rather keep milking America for trillions every year, but they will destroy it rather than allow themselves to be defeated.

The Pentagon and whole US government is top-heavy with the lowest, greediest, most evil traitors to mankind. Barr has just gotten started, and it takes time to replace the incompetent traitors in the military and judiciary.

You are already in World War Three, people. Wake your neighbors up, because they are largely asleep. Trump will continue to be the leader of the USA, even if 1.3 trillion people vote for whatever walking corpse the Democrats prop up.

Then, the Democrats will call in their allies in China to HELP them to overthrow "evil dictator Trump" who refuses to step down. Traitors in the Republican party will join in to overthrow him.

November will be epic, but not in a good way. I saw picture of George Floyd at a commencement speech given by Obama on May 17th. They already have the destruction of the USA planned and ready to execute. It doesn't matter if Trump wins or loses the election, to them. It's their last chance, regardless.

They will use nukes, if necessary. They will blame it North Korea, Madagascar, Evil White Supremacist Nazi AR15-toting Heterosexual Christian enemies of MANNKKINDDDDD, whoever best advances their agenda.

They are not going to give up without a fight. Electrical grids, communications, water supplies, food, it is all on the table if you are Satan or one of his servants.

Be on guard. Go back to work, do what you believe is necessary to be ready, but two things, primarily:

A) keep your eyes open, preferably with some night vision and inexpensive long-zoom lens optics.

B) Don't assume everyone who has uniforms and weapons is legitimate military or police.

You may see some "troopers" coming your way. It may be more profitable to hunker down in your hidden spaces than to go out and ask "who are you?" Use your long-lens optics to check out closeups of their insignia and weapons. Do they check out? How about their vehicles? Average height and weight?

"We ah Peopre Riberation Ahmy, roundeye!" bang bang bang!

BTW, if you see any army marching in step across a bridge, you know they are fake. All armies know you don't do that or risk harmonic vibration destruction of the bridge.

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a24515  No.120095


give it a rest trumpnigger

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dcaf2b  No.120096

Ah, a fellow resident of


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04c9a8  No.120097


Hearing a lot of problem and no solution. What are you suggesting we do exactly?

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a24515  No.120102


it's a crypto qlarp thread.

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dcaf2b  No.120105


Just inform those you are in contact with that voter fraud is real and it may go into overtime in this coming election.

Also be vigilant daytime and look around a bit at night, and don't assume everyone who wears a uniform is there for your protection, primarily by looking for inconsistencies in their uniforms versus real uniforms.

Also, to be as prepared as you think you should be for whatever level of challenge you may face.

Keep your eyes and ears open and just don't be in a coma all the time, and seriously consider whether the Democrats will give up easily. They had ZERO expectation of Trump winning the first time, so they only used a total number of fake votes that was the entire population that voted in the last election for both candidates combined.

Having failed, much to their surprise, they will use ten times, a hundred times the effort to fake every vote they can this time around, because they figure it is much more fun to make fun of "crybaby Trump for losing" while they enjoy their fake victory and drag on for years any challenge to the 43 billion people in Rhode Island who voted Democrat, plus the 330 million in Texas who voted Democrat, plus the combined 1.2 trillion people who voted Democrat in the other states.

Seriously, what do you expect? The Democrats who are currently working with CNN to burn down every small black-owned business in America to lay down and just accept their well-deserved defeat?

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d64fa9  No.120132


>voter fraud

Literally does not matter. Both parties vote identically. You don’t have a thread.

>every single word is Q-LARP spam

YOU HAVE A CONTAINMENT BOARD. Do not post here again.


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c1be24  No.120360

Mod: Deleting my post about anti-China shilling being a psyop, while not deleting (for example) this shitty thread, only makes me believe that anti-China shilling actually is a psyop pushed by mods.

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