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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 42bb6f752f0021f⋯.jpeg (207.93 KB, 2048x688, 128:43, 750BC8B8_ACA8_4283_ACD8_D….jpeg)

f18042  No.119770

Y.our E.yes O.nly

Simple challenge, show as many white people as possible a video of the lynching* of a white by niggers. BUT! You must show it to them in MEATSPACE. My recommendation is bring up the topic, or, if it comes up on its own, guide it, then “remember” something you saw (be ready to bring it up FAST). Load it on YOUR OWN PHONE, hand your phone to them, with the video playing, sound up. A tablet is fine too.

So far, I’ve YEO’d 2 people, with numerous videos.

Relatives are fair game!

Recommendation: download the video, then you can just launch it, especially if it’s deleted, which happens often. Pic related. The niggers lynching video was unexisted.

This video is exceptional for YEO. YEO doesn’t guarantee the target will become redpilled. We can only do so much. Once you YEO, it’s up to that person to manifest evidence of deconditioning.

If they are Christians, bonus BIBLE YEO:

2 Chronicles 25:4

But he did not put their children to death, according to what is written in the Law, in the Book of Moses, where the LORD commanded, “Fathers shall not die because of their children, nor children die because of their fathers, but each one shall die for his own sin.”

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9a070e  No.119773

Theres far more efficient ways of being a propagandist.

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f18042  No.119777


This is a challenge. It is NOT an op.

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46c1d3  No.119990


To what end? Why bother?

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8fe72f  No.120182


because, if you can’t even YEO you’ll never be anything other than a larp fag

btw, IOTBW was NOT an effective op. it was wanking only, if you don’t modify the mindstores of any targets you fail. All that happened was some old people heard on the news “racist signs removed”.

but this isn’t an op. it’s a challenge. is the person you are here your actual lived social self or naw just wanking larp online?

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46c1d3  No.120189


No, you don’t understand. None of this is relevant to anyone. They don’t care about the images. They don’t care about the videos. They don’t care about the statistics. Absolutely no amount of information is sufficient. They cannot be fixed. They cannot be fixed. They cannot be fixed. That you don’t understand this, forty years after the person responsible for doing this told you it’s not possible, shows that you can’t win. Not that you won’t, but that you can’t. Most of us openly state everything we believe. It does nothing. The only solution is physical violence. Anything else ensures white genocide.

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4b8c80  No.120226



Whats up with the influx of newfags?

>because, if you can’t even YEO you’ll never be anything other than a larp fag

Fuck off and go incite the people on cuckchan. There is a rise in low effort, low IQ posts and its annoying the fuck out of me.






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e7aa8b  No.121410

someone post a video to use?

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