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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 06a93dd62e2e47b⋯.jpeg (239.15 KB, 1080x1160, 27:29, EC99C2B6_A734_47C6_988B_8….jpeg)

166ebc  No.119761

He burned the horses alive in memory of George Floyd. 😡


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8e235c  No.119771

File: 73a7045734ac90a⋯.png (653.96 KB, 853x908, 853:908, ClipboardImage.png)

The T-shirt looks like Vans T-shirt logo but with some added stuff. Not sure what style it is.

It would not be hard to track down who the purchaser was if this was a big-enough case.

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1aaba7  No.120775

He threw it over the trailer?


disinfo go home.

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d2ad17  No.121281

File: 3bac55293a11050⋯.jpeg (161.05 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, EZlyUaJXYAAjOCl.jpeg)

According to a news story in the thread the horses were not harmed but he still outed himself claiming he wasn't trying to throw it in the trailer

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0c5cb3  No.121294


People eat horses. If you think you can be cruel to food, then you're an SJW faggot and should be burned alive as well.

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008469  No.121441


>subhumans eat horses


Lack of empathy towards other living beings is the hallmark of shitskins. Why would you be okay with the act of causing suffering towards a beast that has done you no wrong?

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0c5cb3  No.121448


Actually, it's the European nations and the US that eat horses. It's actually a crime in Arab countries to eat horses and it's also against Jewish kashrut law to eat horses.

>Why would you be okay with the act of causing suffering towards a nigger that has done you no wrong?


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